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Sony Playstation 1 (PSX) on Android working and coming soon!


Heya all at androidforums!

I'm ZodTTD. I port/program most of the emulators on the iPhone.
Recently there was a petition ( here ) to have me bring PSX, N64, and the VLC media player to the Android platform. With over 1800 signatures I started work on PSX a few days ago.

With the help of the author of the Android Marketplace's GameBoid (GBA emu) and Nesoid (NES emu) I have been able to get my Sony Playstation 1 emulator up and running.

It's currently within GameBoid's framework... So things are still a bit early, but it won't be long until a PSX controller skin, some features are added, and polish is given for a release.

Note that this release will be for Android 2.x and will require a recent CPU such as the Cortex A8 or Snapdragon.

I really would like to get the news out about this, especially to communicate with the 1800 people who signed the petition. :)

With pics inside, here's the news article link to reference:
Making Android Mine Blog Archive ZodTTD is showing some love to Android!

N64 should be next btw. :)
Awesome. As long as it has the same translucent buttons that GameBoid was recently updated with it should be great.
For reference, I call the psx emulator psx4droid as a working title.
psx4droid will have the translucent fullscreen controller skin. :)
If the latest GameBoid releases support it, so will psx4droid, which I believe includes hard button/physical key mapping. So it should support the Game Gripper.
Nothing would please me more than to have FF7, 8 and 9, Super Smash Bros, and Ocarina of Time on my Droid. (EDIT: in my excitement I nearly forgot about Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, and Goldeneye!)

I'd sell my PSP and buy a 32GB microSD card tomorrow o.o;
... and all of this is not even considering how sweet it could be now that we have USB Host for the Nexus (and presumably the Desire/Incredible/other handsets too soon enough) - just think of all those sweet USB game controllers...
Wow, this is awesome. Some of my fav titles I played on playstation back in the day. Tomb raider games, ATV off road fury, etc. I would love this emulator on my Incredible.
I still have a lot of games to test but so far so good in compatibility area. I say 3 out of 4 games run but it's higher than that to some degree. With a library of 1000's of games it gets tough to tell. Especially when lots of specific games are wanted and then there's 1000 junk titles. ;)

I now have sound working as well. Needs to be tweaked for sure since it has gaps in it during MDEC (psx movies) playback. Hoping it's a buffering issue, if so it's fixed easily. In fact while typing this I might have figured out why. :P

My biggest concern is performance. I need to squeeze some more FPS still in games like Ridge Racer. Games like Buster Bros Collection and even Final Fantasy 7 are running well.

Will keep at it!

thanks zod, you've done great work and we KNOW you'll get everything working great. (and even if you dont, most of us would love it anyway :P )
wow this is some of the best news i've heard today! Thank you so much for this zodttd! I'll be happy to pay for both psx and n64 emulators!
Awesome, thanks for the updates and hardwork. You are truely an asset to this platform/community.
I'm so stoked about this, especially N64 emulation, for me that beats PSX by a long shot and is something I've never had on my phone before (had HD2, so already accustomed to fullspeed PSX emu with sound).
This is really good news, what would be ideal though is being able to map the keys.

I have a Desire and what could be more perfect than haveing the volume buttons as left and right and the search key as accelerate and the back button as brake.

That way you dont have to touch the screen and you get good physical buttons to play with.

I so hope that this will be possible!
Oh no! If my wife finds me glued to my Desire any more I'm in for it. And know you have only gone and done it with FF7....the game that I complete 7 times and it destroyed many hours of going out and being social!

Ah well!!! Hurrah!!! I can't wait!
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