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Sony Playstation 1 (PSX) on Android working and coming soon!

I am lost for words. Especially If you can get the HDMI to work with the emulator. Plus the PS1 controller all on touchscreen will be ok, any ways to get USB hack access to plug in a controller or Bluetooth access (other then Nexus one) for possible Bluetooth controllers

If none of the above go I still will buy app for a fat amount of money and be so happy. any way you could post an update on that info.
Anyone know if this will run on the ARM11 processor?

Also, I am 100% stoked about this development. I was excited about SNES games before, but now that I can play castlevania:SotN on my CELLPHONE I might just never put it down.

Here are some features that I feel would be indispensable to make this program unbeatable:

Physical keyboard support
Bluetooth Controller support
UsB support

If these things are a part of your overall plan, I will start the church of Zodttd immediately.

PS: Now that I have heard about a good GBA emulator, I will have to get a copy of FF4 Advance (the 3d version) for my viewing pleasure. God I love android.
This sounds like a great idea in theory, but given the controls for other emulators(some of which I have on this phone), I am not too sure how some of the more actiony games will work. Love my gameboid and such, but it's not too easy to play much besides rpgs, strategy, puzzle games.

Since most phones support bluetooth, I'd love to be able to connect a PS3 controller to it, since I believe they are bluetooth based for connecting.
Batman, check out games like Dungeon Hunter and Heavy Gunner 3D controls. Gunner actually has two joysticks, while Dungeon Hunter has 1 stick + buttons. This could basically be used for a PSX emulator as well.
This sounds like a great idea in theory, but given the controls for other emulators(some of which I have on this phone), I am not too sure how some of the more actiony games will work. Love my gameboid and such, but it's not too easy to play much besides rpgs, strategy, puzzle games.

Since most phones support bluetooth, I'd love to be able to connect a PS3 controller to it, since I believe they are bluetooth based for connecting.

The game gripper helps immensely for platformers and actions games. It feels like a real SNES controller.

I'm practically foaming at the mouth for these emulators to come out.
I think the idea for a ps3 controller to be able to work with this would be awesome! If they can get wii controller to work, that would be great!

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
The PS3 controller IS bluetooth, and I can get one to work with my PC via bluetooth so it should also be possible with our phones. The same goes for xbox360 and wii controllers. Would you really be carrying a joypad around with you just on the off chance that you might play a quick game though?
The PS3 controller IS bluetooth, and I can get one to work with my PC via bluetooth so it should also be possible with our phones. The same goes for xbox360 and wii controllers. Would you really be carrying a joypad around with you just on the off chance that you might play a quick game though?

I completely agree. Doesn't having the controller slightly defeat the purpose of having an emulator on your phone to play on-the-go?

I mean, it would be a great feature and all. But if you're going to use a controller, you might as well plug in your PS1 or get an emulator on your computer.
There are those compact, $20 BT controllers on ebay though that fold right up. That would be a much better solution.
Are you on about one of these?

MSI Bluetooth Game Controller Pad 4 Mobile Phone PDA PC on eBay (end time 09-Jul-10 09:48:16 BST)

I still can't see people carrying one around just in case they stop to play for five minutes though. Hardly casual gaming if you carry a controller around. As said above, if I wanted to play a game properly I'd be playing it on a console or pc instead...

That's the one. And for a 5-minute game session, yeah, the on-screen controls would work. But think about flying for 3 hours, or taking a train for 5 hours. Suddenly you are A: Grateful for power outlets, and B: Grateful you have an actual controller to play with.
Some of us don't play for just 5 minutes. I work night shift. A very dead..night shift, so having the option for a decent controller would be quite interesting. I have seen the Game Gripper, and that seems like it would work pretty awesome for the older systems, yes.

Then again, I can run an emulator on my PSP or NDS, too...sooo, I dunno. I like the idea of having it for my phone, but also like my DS for passing time at work. I've run out of books to read and have been watching Trinity Blood lately, lol.
I suppose that's fair enough for travelling or being on holiday, at work, etc. I don't go on many holidays though, and whenever I'm travelling I'm driving! And when I'm at work I'm busy working! Can't be bad sitting with nothing to do and getting paid for it though...
Sweet, looking forward to it. Just curious, are you planning to price the App like Yongzh does, where he makes the Lite version free and charges for the save state function?
I can't wait to play me some WWF Smackdown! and WWF No Mercy. Do you smell what The Zod is cooking? I sure can. Smells like an instant classic.
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