...but instead of snubbing it out, why aren't copyright holders/businesses/whatever attempting to adjust their business methods and mediums rather than snuff it out because someone downloaded their music?
What do you suggest we do?
I write a book, you post it on some web site, I discover it and I come after you. This is the best way to do it. If you steal from me, I have a right--an absolute right--to come after you.
What do you suggest we do?
What many people fail to grasp is the simple idea that violating copyright is a federal crime and I, the creator, have the absolute right to protect what is absolutely mine. This is not just a law like speeding laws or jay-walking, it is an absolute right guaranteed by Article I, Section 8, Clause 8.
How do you suggest I "adjust my business model?" Theft is just that, theft.
Should I be required to take extraordinary measures--with software, for example--to use these "business methods and mediums" you speak of--or can't I simply ask you to remove my property from your site and cease and desist, with stronger measures to follow if you blow me off? Of if you still blow me off, I ask your ISP/Web Host to deal with you. Guaranteed, when the DMCA Takedown Order arrives, you might not have a chance to remove my book.
What's next, triple locks on my garage because thieves find a way to open all three locks and it is my fault for not using another lock? Then I add another and the same thing happens again.
Or can't I simply take you to court and seek redress? If it means you pay me for the next twenty years, am I the bad guy or would it be easier for you to simply avoid violating federal laws and the constitution and behave yourself?
I HATE SOPA! I see lots of damage. We are just beginning to realize what SOPA can mean in the real world. Yes, some innocents will be harmed. It is a flawed bill and it sucks. But dammit, something must be done and clearly, we do not seem to be able to understand what is fair and what is theft.
SOPA ticks me off but so do infringers. Parse it any way you want, but my crap is my crap and only I have the right to say what is to be done with it. Anyone that disagrees with that is a fool. It does not matter one GD bit if my crappy little books sell or not. That is not part of the law. Nothing in the constitution says my book must be sold before I can protect it; even the crappy books no fool would ever purchase are protected by the Constitution / Federal Copyright Laws.
I am sick and tired of people justifying their action by saying "what's the harm... most downloaders would never buy the book, so Bob, you did not lose a thing." GD it!
But so very many people have gotten away with behaving badly for so many years, perhaps SOPA is a step in the right direction. We had a good run and apparently we do not seem to be able to follow the law and police ourselves. Perhaps these new laws are scary enough to help get a handle on illegal activity on the World Wide Web.
We brought it on ourselves and now we must scramble to find a way to protect our freedoms and protect the content creators. For me, it is simple: I own the content and if you abuse it, I have the right to come after you. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and all that. Sadly, some relatively innocent people will pay for not knowing the difference between right and wrong. But so what? Violate my rights and we have a problem.
I do not care one whit if you do not know the law. Before you post, before you create a web site, bloody well better know the law, because I no longer care about your ignorance and the aftermath when big brother comes after you. the fact people are clueless does not matter.
So I have changed my mind. We do not police ourselves so yes, we need the government to start house cleaning. Perhaps we will change and then again, perhaps some will do time and pay huge fines.