Bob Maxey
Android Expert
I urge everyone who is against "Piracy" to go read that article in its entirety. Very telling about how the business model is changing... instead of fighting file sharing, people should be embracing it, and using the exposure to SELL STUFF.
I would like to read your links that apparently support piracy, but I am reading the Bloods and Cripts' web sites to gather solid evidence to support drug dealing and drive-by shootings. Soon I'll be ready for some bling. I am thinking a large platinum letter "B" encrusted with opal and red diamonds.
Gangs support the Bling industry. Without illegal activity, how could manufacturers ever hope to sell all of those thirty pound, solid gold, diamond encrusted necklaces? Gangs shoot people in a drive-by and the family collects death insurance. Besides, these gangs reduce the carbon footprint, so drive by shootings make the planet a bit safer for the next generation.
You are right . . . I have changed my mind. When my books are stolen and made available for free, I am actually making money. I was blind and now I can see.