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Accessories Sprint carrying extended battery

Let me rephrase that... Is there a tactful way to bring this issue up with customer service without it looking like you're fishing for a free battery? I get the monthly premier client customer service calls, but honestly I can't get off the phone fast enough with these people. They barely speak english and they always try pushing that free 3rd line and any phone I want crap. I always complain about paying $10 for the 4g/"evo service" when I don't get 4g and probably won't. I'm usually so pissed at this point I forget how crappy my battery is...
So, is there a method or a series of steps to be followed to hopefully get A sprint rep to credit me an extended battery?
Honestly, look around... How many iPhone users almost always have a charger handy? They all do. They are constantly charging their phones and you don't hear most of them complaining. Their phones are always hooked up in the car, at work, or whereever. I hear more people on a daily basis ask to borrow someones iPhone charger then I ever thought.

lol, wrong. My mom and sister both have the iPhone 4 and they rarely ever charge them. They're always on them playing Angry Birds or some other game, yet they still don't carry chargers and/or cables around with them. My mom doesn't even charge the phone over the weekend and it somehow lasts until Monday.

The fact that HTC even released the phone with such a shitty battery is kind of a kick in the teeth. Like "hey, here's this phone that can do damn near anything you want!....oh, but we gave it a battery the size of a grain of rice...have fun using it for 5 minutes!"
Let me rephrase that... Is there a tactful way to bring this issue up with customer service without it looking like you're fishing for a free battery? I get the monthly premier client customer service calls, but honestly I can't get off the phone fast enough with these people. They barely speak english and they always try pushing that free 3rd line and any phone I want crap. I always complain about paying $10 for the 4g/"evo service" when I don't get 4g and probably won't. I'm usually so pissed at this point I forget how crappy my battery is...
So, is there a method or a series of steps to be followed to hopefully get A sprint rep to credit me an extended battery?
3G pays premium data charges, too. Don't waste your time with that. It will never happen
3G pays premium data charges, too. Don't waste your time with that. It will never happen

I know, but they always ask if there is anything I have an issue with. I just pissed I don't get 4g service and they promised it nation wide by nov. 2010.

I'm more interested on how to go about getting a free battery. I've never used sprint chat and I wouldn't know hoe to bring this issue up on the phone. I was wondering what others experience was and how they resolved it.
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