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Accessories Sprint carrying extended battery

It's like buying tires, I can go buy a Mich Pilot 235/75R16 98Y and buy the same tire but the only difference is Mich Pilot OEM 235/75R16 98Y and the tire IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. That's why you have Dealerships selling tires at a higher cost. It's an OEM tire not the Keystone version of it.

1)A dealership tire is the same as any other tire with the same name sold by any reputable tire dealer.
2)Dealerships charge more for tires, because people who take their cars to dealerships for anything but warranty work, are generally clueless.
3)Keystone is a company, not a version of a part.. and they don't make tires..
4)235/75/16 is a truck tire, pilots are a car tire, so you can't go buy one.
5)OEM means "original equipment manufacturer" and just lets you know who makes a part.

Let me guess, some service manager at a dealership gave you all this information, right?

I do thank you though. Not only was that my best laugh all day, but you helped me understand why people bring their cars to dealerships.. I just thought they were all masochistic.

edit: holy crap I just actually read your name for the first time and almost pissed myself...
Lol, Sprint is so nice. It was on LATE Tuesday evening that I decided to bring up my battery life issue and they offered me an extended battery for free. It came TODAY (Thursday) around noon via Next-Day Air Saver. Lol, such friendly service! Charging the battery now and I will also report back. I HOPE I don't have to do any special charging tricks to FULLY charge the battery. I hear lots of talk about not getting a full charge on the 3500 mAh models...

As for the back cover, I do have complaints. It truly does NOT fit as neatly. It's not too bad, and I'm sure most people wouldn't REALLY care but I'm a neat freak so it's annoying. I have the WHITE special edition Evo and I am now using the black cover for two reasons:

1. The black fit a little better (though it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to remove, lol.)

2. The black actually LOOKS better on the phone. The white back I think looks SO much better than the black back when FLAT, but with the hump (which by the way is not as drastic as I had expected) the reflections make the hump obvious on the white and it actually looks uglier. So now I just have white trim, lol, kind of classy I guess.

Now I'm on the hunt for some cases. I cut two vertical slits down the back of my gel case about 1/4" in from the edge to allow the bit that goes over the hump to stretch up and over without bowing in the sides of the case (like you see in one of the earlier posts on this forum.) But I need to find a solution as I can no longer use the mount I had created in my car. Guess it gives me something to do these last few days of break!
Lol, Sprint is so nice. It was on LATE Tuesday evening that I decided to bring up my battery life issue and they offered me an extended battery for free. It came TODAY (Thursday) around noon via Next-Day Air Saver. Lol, such friendly service! Charging the battery now and I will also report back. I HOPE I don't have to do any special charging tricks to FULLY charge the battery. I hear lots of talk about not getting a full charge on the 3500 mAh models...

As for the back cover, I do have complaints. It truly does NOT fit as neatly. It's not too bad, and I'm sure most people wouldn't REALLY care but I'm a neat freak so it's annoying. I have the WHITE special edition Evo and I am now using the black cover for two reasons:

1. The black fit a little better (though it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to remove, lol.)

2. The black actually LOOKS better on the phone. The white back I think looks SO much better than the black back when FLAT, but with the hump (which by the way is not as drastic as I had expected) the reflections make the hump obvious on the white and it actually looks uglier. So now I just have white trim, lol, kind of classy I guess.

Now I'm on the hunt for some cases. I cut two vertical slits down the back of my gel case about 1/4" in from the edge to allow the bit that goes over the hump to stretch up and over without bowing in the sides of the case (like you see in one of the earlier posts on this forum.) But I need to find a solution as I can no longer use the mount I had created in my car. Guess it gives me something to do these last few days of break!

congrats on the battery!!! And from what i know you dont have to do anything special to this battery to get the full out of it. only seems like those ebay battery you have to. seems like they come with a list of things to do to it to get it to work right.
People are requesting free batteries and we wonder why Sprint is forced to do thing like add an "EVO tax", referring to the $10/mo data package (and no this data package isn't because people use more data on their EVO than on their 3G only phones, because this is just not true). Just remember, the more things "free" you get, the more everyone else, including you, will have to pay for it in the end.

FWIW a stock EVO is about on par with any other comparable stock android phone in battery life comparisons.
FWIW a stock EVO is about on par with any other comparable stock android phone in battery life comparisons.

And if all auto manufacturers suddenly decide that the only way to sell electric cars is to make them thinner and thinner, shaving down the battery pack size to fit again and again in a "worlds thinnest electric car" competition to the point where none of then can go more than 15 miles before recharging would you just accept it on the grounds that your 15 mile range is no worse than the next guys? Ok, that's a really long run-on sentence, but the point is, if you are at all paying attention to the CES unveilings, you would have noticed that all the manufacturers seem to be involved in a ******ed worlds-thinnest-smartphone competition which is completely ridiculous considering the EVO is, IMO, as thin as you would ever want a cellphone to be. If they CAN make it 6mm thick, then it should be made 8mm with a battery that allows me to use it for the day. I was not trying to scam Sprint out of a free accessory, I just realized that its absurd for me to have to carry my charging cable around with me everywhere and limit my use of the phone to one hour when I'm not connected to the wall. I might as well have purchased a netbook and put Skype on it. It has a bigger screen, the battery lasts much longer and its cheaper.
People are requesting free batteries and we wonder why Sprint is forced to do thing like add an "EVO tax", referring to the $10/mo data package (and no this data package isn't because people use more data on their EVO than on their 3G only phones, because this is just not true). Just remember, the more things "free" you get, the more everyone else, including you, will have to pay for it in the end.

I was on the fence about trying my luck at getting a free battery. But now I'm going to do it just to raise YOUR bill.

1)A dealership tire is the same as any other tire with the same name sold by any reputable tire dealer.
2)Dealerships charge more for tires, because people who take their cars to dealerships for anything but warranty work, are generally clueless.
3)Keystone is a company, not a version of a part.. and they don't make tires..
4)235/75/16 is a truck tire, pilots are a car tire, so you can't go buy one.
5)OEM means "original equipment manufacturer" and just lets you know who makes a part.

Let me guess, some service manager at a dealership gave you all this information, right?

I do thank you though. Not only was that my best laugh all day, but you helped me understand why people bring their cars to dealerships.. I just thought they were all masochistic.

edit: holy crap I just actually read your name for the first time and almost pissed myself...

1. A dealership tire may be the same. I was referring to an OEM tire. They are differnt.
2. Not true at all.
3. I know exactly what Keystone is. I use Keystone with my bodyshop on a daily basis. I was just using it as a slang term that people in this industry understand.
4. I know what Mich Pilots are, I know what size tires are. I used a fictitional number because it wasn't really necessary to use a true tire size/brand
5. You can read a dictionary. Clap Clap Clap.
6. I am a Service manager.

My point is that there are noticible differences b/w a tire of the same type/size/brand if there is an OEM Stamp on it or not. If you disagree then you are royally misinformed. Almost all dealers use OEM tires. Most shops will tell you that you are getting the same tire but not tell you that it is not an OEM tire. Also, in my experience we as dealers do not get nearly as great prices on some tires because we are not big on tires. We don't sell nearly as much and do not get a significant wholesale price such as Tire Kingdom, or anybody esle. Then you consider the overhead and markup when looking at a dealership compared to a shop such as Tire Kingdom. Yes, I agree, tires at a dealership are more expensive. My point is that you need to be careful and certain that if you are trying to buy the tire that came on the car originally then you need to have a tire that Specifically says OEM.

The idea somewhat applies to batteries as I explained in my previous post. Please, keep this thread on topic. If you would like to speak about tires or the such you can feel free to contact me with the same Screenname at my blog on MustangEvolution.com
People are requesting free batteries and we wonder why Sprint is forced to do thing like add an "EVO tax", referring to the $10/mo data package (and no this data package isn't because people use more data on their EVO than on their 3G only phones, because this is just not true). Just remember, the more things "free" you get, the more everyone else, including you, will have to pay for it in the end.

FWIW a stock EVO is about on par with any other comparable stock android phone in battery life comparisons.

Well the $10 bucks extra is really to get unlimited data since the evo is a 4g phone and that it can do more and the tethering along with it so they charged ppl to get that unlimited cause if you look they have a cap on their "unlimited" plan but it is just a soft cap.... this $10 bucks gets you true inlimited....this is a quote more less from my buddy who is a district manager for sprint lol so its not cause of the free stuff cause like he says hell sprint dont make money from the accessorie nor the phones its the plans so thehy will do what they can to keep ppl on a plan to make the money
1. A dealership tire may be the same. I was referring to an OEM tire. They are differnt.
2. Not true at all.
3. I know exactly what Keystone is. I use Keystone with my bodyshop on a daily basis. I was just using it as a slang term that people in this industry understand.
4. I know what Mich Pilots are, I know what size tires are. I used a fictitional number because it wasn't really necessary to use a true tire size/brand
5. You can read a dictionary. Clap Clap Clap.
6. I am a Service manager.

I'm not gonna clutter up the thread after this, you are beyond wrong.

1) no... they are not - link anything that says this from any dealership, tire manufacturer, or car manufacturer, or stop spreading info that is 100% false.
2)we'll agree to disagree ;)
3)no, its not. You are the only person that supposedly works with cars that would say "keystone version of a TIRE"
4) w/e
5) you obviously can't
6) w/e

If I tell you how wrong you are about the medicine stuff too, are you gonna tell me you're a manage a pharmacy at night?
Alright. I've had the extended battery for two days now and for those of you who are too lazy to read the rest of the post, THIS BATTERY ROCKS.

The battery itself is not quite twice as thick as the stock battery, which makes sense because it's rated for not quite twice the mAh. Then you think about it: 2600 mAh is a lot, but it's only 1100 mAh more than the stock battery - an increase for sure, but only by like 75%. Some people might say, "well what's wrong with that?" Nothing. But considering the stock battery doesn't even last me half a day sometimes, I was skeptical that even with this extended battery, I'd even be able to make it through a day with moderate usage.

Well, after two days all I can say is, either the stock battery was CRAP, or the extended battery is magical, because I seem to be getting much more than twice the battery life out of the device. It's odd. Here's a not-very-scientific comparison:

Stock battery: Screen at 30%. Bluetooth, WiFi, 4G OFF. Heavy use (playing a 3D game) could drop the battery bar by half in like an hour. That's not really an exaggeration. I used to use my phone for 20 minutes, only to look at the battery in the notifications bar and notice a drop.

Extended battery: Screen upped to 50%. Bluetooth, WiFi, 4G OFF. Heavy use doesn't seem to have any effect. The device will EASILY last an entire day WITH moderate use and still have power to spare. It's absolutely incredible how much more battery life I am getting out of a battery that's not even rated for twice the capacity. I don't understand why, but that's just how it is.

The end result is that this battery has transformed how I use this device. It used to be that WHENEVER I used the phone, I was ALWAYS using it in a way to conserve battery life. I would avoid playing games or surfing the web early in the day, or when I knew I wouldn't be able to charge it for a while, and at ALL times I was always worried about my battery. I don't want to say that I spent each and every day constantly worrying about my cellphone, but it was more than just a nuisance. Now? I just use the phone. I use it a lot more in fact, because I can. It's such a JOY to use the phone now as I can just do the things that were advertised to me without killing it. It is ABSOLUTELY worth the $60 if you are considering it. It's just sad because this is the battery the phone SHOULD have come with.

The stock battery is like selling a sleek, high performance exotic car that does all kinds of awesome and rapes any other car on the road, but with a 4 gallon tank to feed that monstrous V12. With the extended battery, it's like having a normal sized tank. You can actually take the car on a road trip to where you want to go, rather than having to add 15 gas station way-points on the way... if that makes sense.
I'm not gonna clutter up the thread after this, you are beyond wrong.

1) no... they are not - link anything that says this from any dealership, tire manufacturer, or car manufacturer, or stop spreading info that is 100% false.
2)we'll agree to disagree ;)
3)no, its not. You are the only person that supposedly works with cars that would say "keystone version of a TIRE"
4) w/e
5) you obviously can't
6) w/e

If I tell you how wrong you are about the medicine stuff too, are you gonna tell me you're a manage a pharmacy at night?

Let me google that for you

Do some research wise guy.

Actually, I am still pursuing my MS of Biological Sciences @ LSU.
For those of you that have stayed on topic...thank you.
( since we are so far off subject: for the record...SOMEdealerships do carry keystone OEM tires that only the vehicle manufacturer purchases, that are not typically available elsewhere. [i.e. potenza re-92 previously used on Subarus]
Though yes, you can find them online and order them...it isn't like you are going to walk into any tire shop like Firestone or Discount tire and find them in stock. You will however find the equivalent retail version, identical in every form except for the name. Not all vehicle/tire manufacturers do this)

I would suggest that anyone seeking further information on tires or bread check with tire and bread forums or local retailers...not the Evo accessory forum lol.

For the poster that complained about the back door fitment ...the battery and cover do not appear to be made by htc. they have sprint all over them but nowhere is the htc logo (someone pointed this out to me in an earlier thread lol)

I had the same issue with my first purchase. Went back and they exchanged doors with doors that fit better. All door covers, on all of my Evo's have had to be pried off with force....so I am uncertain of what issue you are having there. Be glad the evo isn't like the aria...that back cover is extremely odd. Everytime I remove it from my fiancee's phone I am terrified I am going to break it or the phone lol

and for the record...i'm not in any way associated with a dealership, I have bought cars from them every two years or so though...and I buy at least one set of street tires a year, 2-3 sets of racing tires a year. I am not a pharmacist either, though I do take meds when I get sick. I have never been to college...but I have read a book or two

If it matters at all...I am however a retail sales manager...I sell pool supplies and teach people to troubleshoot and maintain their swimming pools.

all that being said


I am so confrused :P
My sprint extended battery will arrive today. Just in time really. This morning after taking my phone off the charger and some minor usage the entire battery had drained after 2 hours.

Has anyone found a silicone case that will fit over the sprint battery and cover? I usually get my cases from accessorygeeks.com
Got a replacement sprint extended battery and cover and have been using it for the last few days. The cover fits better than the first but still not well enough for me... but no other options at this time. Stang70Fastback is right, the black fits better for some reason.

I'm still experimenting with settings to see how much I can squeeze out of it but the life is so much better. I tend to keep 4G on but I'll keep it off to see how much difference it makes. It's really a point of principal since I'm paying for the service... dadgummit.


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Hate to see cheap people cheating the system and crying just to get free stuff. If you can't afford the phone, don't buy one. Read up on products before you buy them and you will know the problems that arise with different users and then be able to make a decision on purchasing. Battery life sucks on any android phone, nature of the beast. Buy the upgraded battery and move on or go back to your flip phone in my opinion. Very true how all of us will pay higher prices for those who can't afford it manipulate the system for free stuff.
Hate to see cheap people cheating the system and crying just to get free stuff. If you can't afford the phone, don't buy one. Read up on products before you buy them and you will know the problems that arise with different users and then be able to make a decision on purchasing. Battery life sucks on any android phone, nature of the beast. Buy the upgraded battery and move on or go back to your flip phone in my opinion. Very true how all of us will pay higher prices for those who can't afford it manipulate the system for free stuff.

the battery probably cost Sprint <$5. The way I see it, they're keeping a customer.
Now I'm on the hunt for some cases. I cut two vertical slits down the back of my gel case about 1/4" in from the edge to allow the bit that goes over the hump to stretch up and over without bowing in the sides of the case (like you see in one of the earlier posts on this forum.) But I need to find a solution as I can no longer use the mount I had created in my car. Guess it gives me something to do these last few days of break!

Do you have any pics of your modified gel case? I have the HTC silicone gel case and want to get it so it doesn't bow out so badly, I'm a bit too cautious to just chop into it though. Pics or tips would be great help.
I'm so tempted to get this battery. I just hate the fact that it adds more bulk to the phone. I know theres a 1750 mah battery but I heard its not that much of a difference from the stock one.
Do you have any pics of your modified gel case? I have the HTC silicone gel case and want to get it so it doesn't bow out so badly, I'm a bit too cautious to just chop into it though. Pics or tips would be great help.

I wish I did but I don't have it anymore. I am sans-case now. It came out rather well, but I'm a neat freak and since it didn't fit perfectly it annoyed me to no end, lol.

I'm so tempted to get this battery. I just hate the fact that it adds more bulk to the phone. I know theres a 1750 mah battery but I heard its not that much of a difference from the stock one.

Three reasons why you should get it:


2. The added bulk gives the phone a nice feel, gives you a better hold on the phone, and overall isn't that big of a deal.

3. It's like adding a roof rack to a Lamborghini. If you value style above ALL ELSE, you'd probably leave it off. However, if you actually DRIVE your Lamborghini on long cross-country trips and actually go all over the place, you will definitely want a roof rack, since the car manages to look stylish at the expense of no room to carry stuff...
...plus a lot of people would say the "bulky" roof pack just looks badass.


more than double here....but that is really jaded...I went from hardly using the phone at all to constantly messing with it because I know I have the battery to do it.

I think my "make it last" test resulted in 33 hours
more than double here....but that is really jaded...I went from hardly using the phone at all to constantly messing with it because I know I have the battery to do it.

I think my "make it last" test resulted in 33 hours

That's awesome... I'm getting about 14-15hours of battery life on a stocker (which brings me to below 10%) with solid use on Myn's TwoPointTwo RLS5 & SBC Kernel with appropriate SETCPU profiles. I probably use the phone for about 4 hours of data a day and normal incoming and outgoing phone calls & text. I can't imagine what I'll do with an extended battery.
that's about right. I got my stock battery to last about 12-13 hours now have this one. Heck last night when I finally made it to sleep at about 3 am...I was still at 42%
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