Its a bit tricky depending on what tool you are using to partition. I'm afraid I would just explain things away and make them more complicated for you. If you use apps2SD to partition slide the meter up top indicating you're partition size. That's best I can explain without confusing the hell out of you. I had to play around a bit myself. If you or a friend has an android with a TWRP version that had partition feature that actually works that's the easyest route put youre SD in there phone and get er done then pop er back in you're phone. Make sure you use extention 4 on the partition not 2 or 3 or anything. I hope that helps. If not hit me back and I'll screen shot my "mimicking" the process. Oh! its gonna format you're SD card. back up what you wanna keep cuz it all going bye bye. The process/formating/ partitioning wipes entire SD card. & never mess with swop file crap. you're SD won't last very long if you mess with swop file just partition. You'll get er. Be aware it causes you're SD card to be read more which wears an SD card out faster.