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SweeterHome2 Beta

Been kicking around in SH for a few days now and have finally come up with the type of minimalist layout I've wanted since day one of owning the phone.
May not suit other users, but it does me ok.

The other panes left/right/up/down are all empty and unused. Everything I need is contained on the main screen. I'm sure I'll always be toying around with it, tweaking here and there, plus I still need to find a good, small music widget that will blend in, but for now I thought I'd just post some screens.

Though the master screen looks empty, there are nine hotspots with shortcuts to my most used apps. The other screens speak for themselves as to their purpose.


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Just a quick question for Messenger13...where did you get those neat icons? I have bettercut but have had no practice using it yet because I have found no icon sets that I like. Until now!
Quick question to those using SH2... How large is your SH2 app (total... app + data)? I'm using b712 and I swear my SH2 just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm currently at like 9mb (7mb of it being data) and I have NO idea where this is coming from. I don't have anything in my sweeterhome folder except for my 3 theme backups... and it's been this way since b558 or something. I swear every time I check, SH2 gets bigger. Anyone else having this problem? :confused:
Quick question to those using SH2... How large is your SH2 app (total... app + data)? I'm using b712 and I swear my SH2 just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm currently at like 9mb (7mb of it being data) and I have NO idea where this is coming from. I don't have anything in my sweeterhome folder except for my 3 theme backups... and it's been this way since b558 or something. I swear every time I check, SH2 gets bigger. Anyone else having this problem? :confused:

mine is 4.2 mb 2 themes on sd

app 1.9mb
data 2.32mb
Thanks! Just another question If I wanted to have a custom tray that didn't move at all, how do I make it so, I have multiple small one Icon custom trays but I want them to not scroll at all, I have the lock feature on as well.

If I understand you correctly you just need to make the tray big enough that whatever you have in it can't scroll around...
So the main thing I want in the next update is more ability to interact with widgets WITHOUT going through the edit screens...
IT CRASHES ALL THE TIME I can't waite until it runs great but right now it crashes all the time but I do love the concept:mad:

You seem to really despise Sweeter home, I've seen this comment in several different threads about it. It doesn't crash "all the time" for everyone. If it is something specific that is crashing, you could ask about it and maybe someone can tell you why it is doing that.
You seem to really despise Sweeter home, I've seen this comment in several different threads about it. It doesn't crash "all the time" for everyone. If it is something specific that is crashing, you could ask about it and maybe someone can tell you why it is doing that.

It crashes for me 2-5 times a day, mostly while editing I think after I root and bump the processor up it might help a little.
Mine was crashing so much it was causing my phone to reboot even when I was using the regular home screen. It would reboot just sitting there not being used.

I uninstalled it yesterday but decided to install again and today I haven't had too many problems. Still getting that bitmap error and some other stuff but nothing as bad as yesterday.
My worst experiences with SH2 and when I get constant crashes is after a new build has come out. It's critical to update as soon as possible or it really gets unbearable and useless otherwise. I always try to stay up-to-date with all my apps, but with SH2 it's required. My 2 centavos.

Uploaded to the server for those who are interested.

This theme is basically a revamped version of OrganizedMess_v2 that was optimized for use with the smoked glass theme (by AdamZ) made for rooted users (present in Pete's Bugless Beauty/Beast). It's currently on version 3.1 and includes some pretty big changes from OrganizedMess_v2:

- Inclusion of 2.1 modified smoked glass launcher with functional shortcuts (favorites, all apps, browser)
- Removed landscape (makes the theme larger and probably buggier due to having more elements)
- Separated "Social & Media" trays and replaced with tagged trays for ease of setup
- Moved springboards to the top (to not interfere with 2.1 launcher)
- Made vibrate/silent widgets hide-able via the battery visibility toggle that was in v2
- Invisible springboard triggers for "favorites" (left of battery widget) and "bookmarks" (right of battery widget) custom trays
- Moved calendar/task screen to bottom (from left)
- Used left/right screens for media widgets (youtube/music on left, news & weather genie on right) and included modified 2.1 launcher on both screens

Anyways, enough with the talking. Here are some screenshots (click to enlarge):

Main screen with widgets, favorites, and bookmarks:

Tagged trays:

Apps tray and other screens:

Hope you guys like it! I appreciate any feedback and will try my best to answer any questions, so feel free to ask if you have any.

Please rate my theme :)
I installed SH program and it make my phone do weird things. I could not get incoming phone calls and the browser would not work...so beware of something that looks and sounds to good! I ended up deleting it after hours of working on it. Now my Moment runs great again...just a heads up!
KitC - It sure would be nice if you could include your device, what ROM version your running, and which version of SH you were using. Maybe, even report some of your bugs to the dev so he can work on them by using the report bug feature in SH so he gets the logcat output files.

For those of you complaining about SH slowing your phones down - please include the following:

Your device
The Android version or custom ROM on your phone.
The version of SH you are using (hopefully, the latest version)

And, please report your bugs to the dev so he can work on them.

Most of the issues with SH causing phones to have issues are memory related. Any widgets cause an increase in memory usage.

Advice - uninstall ANY widget that you are not currently using. Many widgets run processes in the background even if they aren't added to a home screen. I had about five widgets installed on my phone that I wasn't currently using. Uninstalling them sped up my phone considerably.

Most of our devices are SEVERELY memory deficient!!! I just don't thing the hardware manufacturers realized how quickly software would progress beyond the capability of what they made. I still can't believe we are seeing phones with the 528 Mhz processors and low memory being produced!!!
Okay, so I've been noticing that my sweeterhome2 keeps growing in filesize and I can't figure out why. Mine is currently at 17.25MB total size (2.04MB app, 15.21MB data). Where is all this data coming from?? I only have two themes saved to my SD card and NOTHING else in the /sweeterhome folder.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem? This is getting out of hand. This app used to only be 4MB but it just keeps getting bigger and I don't know where all this crap is getting stored.
mine's up to 5.5 mb, and the themes shouldn't count because they're on SD, I hope someone can tell us what happens if they delete data, it may be where the cache is...
Yeah I guess you're right about the themes. But I don't think all this data is being stored in the cache because I have a cache cleaner, and after using it I still don't see any change in the size of SH2
Okay, so I've been noticing that my sweeterhome2 keeps growing in filesize and I can't figure out why. Mine is currently at 17.25MB total size (2.04MB app, 15.21MB data). Where is all this data coming from?? I only have two themes saved to my SD card and NOTHING else in the /sweeterhome folder.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem? This is getting out of hand. This app used to only be 4MB but it just keeps getting bigger and I don't know where all this crap is getting stored.

Mine has grown from 5.5 Mb's to 8.6 MB's in the last few weeks.
Maybe the data is the 'current' theme with all of the edits and if you switch themes they get overlayed upon eachother?
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