I guess I'm just not smart enough to figure this out. I found out how to springboard and attach it to a link or whatever its called which works. Now I am messing with how to get a single clickable icon, dialer in this case, but can't figure out how to get a single icon. I tried a tray but that handles more than a single icon, I also tried widget, but dialer isn't a widget. I find myself oddly attracked to sh2, because of my IT/gadget background I guess, but I also find myself getting irritated that I can't seem to figure out how to do what seems to me to be easy simple things to do. Is this not for me? Should I move on to just useing other home replacements?
Suggestions would be most appreciated.
I noticed to that my sprinboards close when opening another springboard, they don't stay open. Another thing I'de like to learn.
If anything in all this I would like to learn how to start from scratch and learn how to makes a simple theme. Wish there was a beginners video or how-to somewhere. I am in NO way bashing the authors tutprials on youtube, but he tends to cut/copy and paste a lot, that doesn't teach a person how to do it from "scratch" ie: from a blank screen step-by-step.
If anyone does have a video or tutorial or knows of a place to start what I want to do please feel free to link me some places. From what I have searched I can't seem to find anything that will start me off from scratch.