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SweeterHome2 Beta

Lol, sorry punyweakling, it wasn't meant as a jab or put down in any way, I'm horrible with accents, I hope I didn't offend ya at all, that wasn't my intention.
I was jus joking bro!! :D Every NZer that live in Australia is terrified of sounding like one!

Now for my question, how do you save what you have done to the sd card? In case my phone decides to spazz out and I lose what I've done. I am in total heaven right now I have been tinkering and modifying for 6 hrs straight now and I have a ways to go still.
Edit mode > menu > upload/export > dropdown on internet and select SD

Forgot to ask my second question. How do you use an icon for a custom box? I have a program called speed dial and would like to put an icon wiith it but it's a shortcut that adds icons for calls, it's called speed dial on the market if you need more info on the app.

You will need to use a Custom Tray.
SweeterHome - Custom Tray - sweeterhome.com
So I recently rooted my Droid and now am running on Pete's Bugless Beast 0.7.1. I decided to make a sorta-new SH2 theme that meshes better with the smoked glass notification bar. Also, I really loved the glass launcher that came with BB but didn't want to use the "stock" home, so I incorporated the smoked glass launcher as best I could into my new SH2 theme. It doesn't slide up (obviously) but I did make it so the all the buttons work. Set "phone" as "favorites" instead though since I rarely use the dialer.

The widgets on the main screen (battery, silent and vibrate toggles) are still hide-able. If you tap the battery (as in OrganizedMess_v2), all 3 will show/hide. They also hide when you activate any of the springboards.

I guess you could call it "OrganizedMess_v3." I haven't uploaded it yet, but I will consider it once I make some further refinements. Was getting tons of crashes while trying to make a landscape version, so I decided to just lock it in portrait orientation for the time being.

Click to see a larger photo:

You will need to use a Custom Tray.
SweeterHome - Custom Tray - sweeterhome.com[/QUOTE]

Well for the life of me I can't figure out how to add an icon to a springboard still. I see the option in normal mode to add a springboard/app/shortcut to the box.
What I want to do is make a box of a springboard (the one at the bottom you press to bring up the other box) and make the background clear, like I did dialer that way. I know how to make the icon without haveing the box around it show via a cutom tray, but not sure how to do that with a springboard.

While I'm asking, how do you reload a theme from the sd card, couldn't find a way to do it. I see export/upload but can't find a way to reload. As I thought would happen, all my messing around I goofed so need to reload my last save
you dont add icons to springboards...

look here's mine...the 5 icons at the bottom are a custom TRAY. they open up phone, sms, browser, email, market.

the second picture is my all apps SPRINGBOARD...



if you want to open an app or shortcut with an icon you use a TRAY, if you want to open up a tray with certain icons, widgets, etc. you use a SPRINGBOARD.

and there is no reload, just go to themes and load the one you want off your sdcard. if you have a version saved you want just load it up.
Ok thanks. I just wanted to add an icon to a springboard buttom, the example above with the speed dial app, I can't use that as a single app, because it's a shortcut rather than an app, that let's you create speed dial shortcut icons. I was wanting to make a springbox that scrolled but instead of haveing the box with letters, assign an icon like with the trays. I assume this can't be done though except only with trays.
The rest of the stuff I am picking up on rather quickly. Thanks for all the help and assistance.

What about restoreing a saved backed up theme from the sd card......how do you restore it?

I recently wiped my theme and was gonna restore from the sd card the one I had saved my progress of, but am not sure how to restore it.
Ok thanks. I just wanted to add an icon to a springboard buttom, the example above with the speed dial app, I can't use that as a single app, because it's a shortcut rather than an app, that let's you create speed dial shortcut icons. I was wanting to make a springbox that scrolled but instead of haveing the box with letters, assign an icon like with the trays. I assume this can't be done though except only with trays.
The rest of the stuff I am picking up on rather quickly. Thanks for all the help and assistance.

What about restoreing a saved backed up theme from the sd card......how do you restore it?

I recently wiped my theme and was gonna restore from the sd card the one I had saved my progress of, but am not sure how to restore it.

I might be mistaken, as I haven't done this personally, but I think the way other users were able to have an icon represent a springboard was to do as you just said - put a tray with a picture file (the one you want to use as an icon) in it at a lower layer. Then, put a transparent springboard at a layer above that.

Also, to restore a theme, when you click on the "Menu" button, there's a selection called "Themes." Click on that. That then downloads and shows you all the online themes. When you click on "Menu" button again, there's an option called "SD Card" and then you can download any you have from your card.
Ok thanks.

Alpha2k : With springboard you can add only applications.. meaning once you are on live meaning not in edit mode if you hold down the springboard you can add applications..

If you want to use custom icons you would need to use custom tray.. and make sure you select receive shortcuts as yes..

To load a them from your SD card.. choose menu > Themes > menu > SDCard....
you will find your theme/s on their that you saved..
Woohoo, I got it. I put the icon tray on layer 9 and made the springboard clear, works like a dream and with an icon.
I'm full of questions, hope I don't irritate you all with the questions.

On layers, does it matter if it's layer 9 vs layer 1? To my understanding it's a layer level and won't matter, it just gives you the option to have say a 10 layer icon/box, in lamens terms you can stack 10 types of things on a single box. If I am wrong on this please let me know.

Again I want to thankyou all for your patience and help, I would have given up long ago if not for the help, and been frustrated as well.
Layers is basically like layer of cake make sense??

if you do layer 10, it is going to be on top of something else that is on layer 9
Layers is basically like layer of cake make sense??

if you do layer 10, it is going to be on top of something else that is on layer 9

A cool trick with layers is, you can put things over top other things, BUT because of transparency settings, still see what is underneath. So you can create a trigger that is sitting on top of a pic, or an icon, or whatever ... but make the trigger transparent. It's there and has priority, you just can't see it. ;) WAY cool. :cool: (Checkout my theme above, especially the landscape pics for examples of this.)

This won't help most, but think of layers in Sweeter Home just like layers in Photoshop. Once I made that connection, I was golden!
OK I need some help :)

I am working on my theme... Is there anyway to minimize widgets and trays when a springboard is activated?

I have my custom tray with all my icons in it with springboards over certain icons. when those springboards are activated I want my custom tray to minimize. is there a way to do that?

A cool trick with layers is, you can put things over top other things, BUT because of transparency settings, still see what is underneath. So you can create a trigger that is sitting on top of a pic, or an icon, or whatever ... but make the trigger transparent. It's there and has priority, you just can't see it. ;) WAY cool. :cool: (Checkout my theme above, especially the landscape pics for examples of this.)

This won't help most, but think of layers in Sweeter Home just like layers in Photoshop. Once I made that connection, I was golden!

It would be great if you could post your theme. You do such a good job with these and will give us the ability to play around with it.
Here's my RemixedStuff theme. This came about after I threw some stuff together and it worked:) In landscape the center screen becomes a toggles screen with a Car Home shortcut and springboard to a custom Car Mode. Unfortunately I couldn't get usable screen shots in landscape. My Car Mode is just very large icons for Google Maps, Music, Nav Launcher (excellent app), Pandora and Voice Dialer. The theme works very well for me and I've already uploaded it to the server so hopefully someone else will get something useful from it.

And I can't thank the developer enough, this really gives everyone the ability to customize to such an extent, where the only limit seems to be skill and how much work/time you can devout (or that my wife will let me devout). Since I haven't seen any donation link I surmise when SH leaves beta is when we can really show our appreciation$$:)


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you dont add icons to springboards...

look here's mine...the 5 icons at the bottom are a custom TRAY. they open up phone, sms, browser, email, market.

the second picture is my all apps SPRINGBOARD...



if you want to open an app or shortcut with an icon you use a TRAY, if you want to open up a tray with certain icons, widgets, etc. you use a SPRINGBOARD.

and there is no reload, just go to themes and load the one you want off your sdcard. if you have a version saved you want just load it up.

How'd you get those icons at the bottom?
How'd you get those icons at the bottom?

There's probably 2 different options here:

1) They all belong to a custom tray in which Better Cut was used to create shortcuts to apps that are allowed to have custom icons,


2) They are inserted into the theme as "pictures" and then custom trays are placed over them with icons that point to their respective apps. These custom trays are then set to be completely transparent so you cannot tell there is anything over them.
Because of my eyesight, I cannot work with SH on my droid. I'm hoping that at some point, we will be able to edit on the computer and download the theme to the phone.

Until then, I'm interested in hiring someone to create the theme I'd like to run on my phone.

Please pm me if you are interested in discussing this!
OK, here is my latest SH2 theme, it got stable enough to finish

It lags on the switching between screens, but I think that it's an SH2 issue and not my design, well, at least I hope not :o

Anyway, this is the main screen


It has five springboards

Phone, SMS, Nav, Web and Favorites, which is right next to Handcent in the form of an "*"

The Phone has two app trays, on for a locked link to the Phone App, and another tray to include direct dials


The SMS has the latest SMS messages as well and an application tray for direct message


The Nav has only one application tray to include directions and a couple of apps


And the Web has the Browser and some bookmarks


My favorites, and the reason I left it as an asterisk, is because it's close to my left hand thumb, and it's easy to access.It just has an application tray


The main screen also has a landscape mode for when I put it in the car dock, has big buttons for maps and a widget to turn on the bluetooth, although the screen capture only took half of it


The right screen only has a couple of springboards, for settings and an ALL Apps tray



The left screen only has shortcuts to the Apps Organizer folders and a couple of widgets


The top is my calendar


And the bottom is my twindroid


I made this theme with bigger icons, as my eyesight is not what it used to be :o
@jfe good job on your theme. On this last SH build I've noticed pretty significant lag at times switching between screens, so it's not just you. For me it's the most stable though, with the fewest FCs.
Thanks! Just another question If I wanted to have a custom tray that didn't move at all, how do I make it so, I have multiple small one Icon custom trays but I want them to not scroll at all, I have the lock feature on as well.
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