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Tattoos anybody have one?


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
just curious if anybody has one here and would care to share yours?

this is of my late beloved Bailey.


i got this over last Saturday. it is my first tattoo. it is still in the healing phase. today as instructed i put on the approved lotion on it and a lot of skin sloughed off. i am told this is normal. it has not flaked off because i try to keep it moisturized applying lotion 2-3 times thru out the day. i have also stopped working out as sweat is not good for the tattoo as it heals. i'll probably resume my workouts next week.

do you have one? care to share any meaning or importance of it. and care tips i should know.
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My three daughters have matching yin yang tattoos. My youngest daughter has many tats that all hold a significance to her. I have three tattoos. They are dragons.. the sign I was born under. They are all decades old and still look decent. They all take the sunlight all summer while I mow. Here are two of my tattoos:

so i have never thought about getting one before my dog passed away. it was more of a spontaneous idea. the process was pretty painful but manageable. i kind of got a rush from it. i am thinking of getting more now. i would like to get one that is a banner of my dog's name underneath my tattoo. also my vet sent me some inked paw prints from my dog. i am thinking of putting those on my arm somewhere as well. i am going to wait until this tattoo is fully healed before doing more.
It is odd how one will get into the process and discomfort/pain. My oldest daughter that passed away had a paw print tattoo of their only child with a banner of the dogs name under the prints. I will say... it was a cool tat.
My wife is the only person I know that has just one tattoo. It wasn't the pain that stopped all future ink, her skin just didn't take the ink well at all. It was just a little mickey mouse tat on her ankle. Most of the outline stayed but her body somehow refused the colored ink. She broke out in a rash that nearly reached her knee. I and my children had zero problems with our tattoos. My tattoos healed with a few days... less than a week.
the outline stayed but her body somehow refused the colored ink. She broke out in a rash
I have a pig, don't ask, but pretty much the same story. I do have skin allergies and did break out in a horrible rash and some of the poor little fella faded. He's still super cute. I wanted to, and still may, get one of one of my snakes wrapped around my arm and his head on the back of my hand, that would be super cool.
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i was worried about getting a tattoo at first. i have eczema and was worried that i would break out in a rash over my tattoo. but so far so good....no break outs. i have been keeping it cleaned and moisturized as much as i can. after only a week, it seems to be healing nicely and seems to be fully healed. no itch or irritation. we shall see what week 2 brings.

by the way i paid $400 for the tattoo. is that too much? the small amount of research i have done seems to suggest that was an appropriate amount. but my firend said that i got ripped off. i really like my tattoo and am very happy about it. am i right to feel ok about the cost? or is my friend right that i got ripped off?
i was worried about getting a tattoo at first. i have eczema and was worried that i would break out in a rash over my tattoo. but so far so good....no break outs. i have been keeping it cleaned and moisturized as much as i can. after only a week, it seems to be healing nicely and seems to be fully healed. no itch or irritation. we shall see what week 2 brings.

by the way i paid $400 for the tattoo. is that too much? the small amount of research i have done seems to suggest that was an appropriate amount. but my firend said that i got ripped off. i really like my tattoo and am very happy about it. am i right to feel ok about the cost? or is my friend right that i got ripped off?
Your tattoo looks quality. I don't think body art is something to bargain shop for. :) I have no idea what the going prices are. Mine were done thirty years ago and seemed expensive at the time. I likely have less than $400 invested in my ink.
My skin is highly allergic to needles though, my arms still have a light gouge from my puemonia shots, as well as they have a light prick when I had my Covid immunation shots.
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