...Everybody has differences of opinion, please learn to respect other people's opinion...
I'm happy to accept, as I've already said, a difference of opinion, but I'm not going to let somebody tell lies about what I've said.
...but you never detailed them specifically. If you mention them, maybe the android community will be able to suggest software that may exist to solve those problems...
I've already mentioned syncing easily with iTunes, and I've already said that I'm aware there are workarounds to achieve this, but you can't claim these workarounds/third party apps etc. are better than Apple's own solution; can you?
Another feature I really wanted to enjoy on my Android was the fact that the OS would be constantly kept up to date.....
Also BBC iPlayer, which I was lead to believe would be supported, isn't. meaning the media syncing support with iTunes is even more important, for me.
I'm aware that Android could possible have answers out there for some, if not all of the issues I have; but it's a phone, and I'm a consumer, I just want it to work. I know I could get it to work, just like I could work on my car, but I choose to have a mechanic work on my car, because I have better things to be doing with my time. I want a product that just works as I expect it to, everytime, while I can get on with more important things, I don't want to become a geek or programmer as a hobby.
Android's great for many people, some who are happy with what it gives them, some who actually want to play with their phones for the sake of doing so, for them it's their hobby, for me it's a tool or appliance.
Also I never said features were missing, I said there were features that, for me, in my opinion, iOS does better; and I know you'll respect my opinion on this.