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The best camera in the world...

Hey guys I took a photo of my best childhood friend - my Teddy bear "Spinach - The Sailor Bear". :):):):):)

He loves the ocean and all living things! :)

But over the years I have finally decided he needs to move on because it is waaaaay more fun to BURN things!

My goal is to make him into a Pyromaniac in less than 1 month!

Wish me luck! :)

My cheap minus 4 megapixel camera is all I had on me but better than using my hands, dodgy memory and cheap dirt pencil to try and copy it all perfectly like Leonardo De Vinci did! :)


He will learn my ways!
Wow, Google+ is at fauilt this time...let me try again.

I put a link from Blip Foto....sorry. Somehow it got deleted from G+.
Maybe they took the design off an outhouse? They used to have moons on the doors.

For the ladies, stars for the gentlemen -


Those doorbells were popular for the earlier times in that area, I know of quite a few houses that had them - long ago.

This reproduction company pegs them around 1930.


They were originally made by Wm. J. Murdock Co. of Chelsea, Massachusetts, according to Mr. Google and http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-murdock-bakelite-doorbell-138087011

Evidently, Murdock made a number of items in Bakelite.

Interesting material, but that's likely another discussion.
Spotted a few fungi growing in a small (about an inch and a half across) hollow in a dead stump when on a bushwalk a couple of years ago. The point and shoot Olympus I was using then took a half decent pic of it in super macro mode:


I always carry my Nikon DSLR with me wherever I go these days, but for the selfie I took this morning I used the HTC Desire S, as when I tried to get the butterfly to crawl off my thumb and onto a leaf he flew away...
I thought it was just a way of heads up.. I'm sneaking in the back door!!! :)

Plan B

Wait!!!!!:/ omg
We walked around in our village for some errands, with the autumn sun gently on our faces. Every Saturday there is a fish stall. See the kitty also waiting for its turn?
At the bakery on the waterfront we met a father who came for fresh bread, with his three children. The girl at the front was waiting in the bike to read Donald Duck, while her dad was inside.
The bridge is closed for maintenance. A pain in the butt cos the temporarily pontoon bridge alongside is not for cars. We need to drive approx 15 extra miles to get on the other side. And it cannot open for boats to pass. This one had to turn around.
breadnatty08, you're going to have to start sharing the bread. It always make me hungry. :D

It started off a nice, sunny day but now it's raining!


  • 2013-10-05 13.31.47.jpg
    2013-10-05 13.31.47.jpg
    635.5 KB · Views: 120
Wow you guys have got pretty cool lives and environments! :)


I am just totally blown away actually! :)

Here are some photos of my boring life! :D

This is my ritual and the sacrifice I made to the evil "God of Pork Chops" the other day! :D:D:D

(Don't shoot! heh! xD)

I was about to sacrifice a pork chop!!! :D:D:D

heheheheheheee!! xD



And talking about those that love pork chops - here is my pork chop lover Schnoogy and her side kick "Horlicks" licking her.... ummm .... err.... ja.

I will just leave it at that! :(

shaw yuk man!

Sometimes dogs are just extremely disgusting!

I was trying to get her waggy tail with this photo after a walk but then ..... ja.



THIS is the photo I really wanted before that creepy Einstein ruined it:


Awwwww!! :)

She was very happy and tired after the walk! :)

She didn't want to go home because she was TIRED and you can see her wagging her little tail but then I told "Miss Schnoogums" -

There is no way I am picking you up and holding you in my arms all the way home with my crazy hernia! Sorry Miss Schnoogy! :D"

She wasn't impressed! :D

"Collapse a Staffy!" :D

She likes to collapse after a long walkies! :D

That is my daughter. :)

Isn't she the best in the whole world? :)

And this is a photo of what i think is a Gannet bird?

You can also see Robben Island in the background.

In English "Seal Island".

A "rob" is a seal in Afrikaans (Dutch too I... think..?)


This last photo was also the same day as the 1 above.

I was miserable because I was with my ass hole family.

I hate them.

You can see I was not at all my happy bubbly self... I was miserable and just wanted to get away from them.

Always yelling at me and make me feel like a loser when i am not,.

I am trying to smile but I am not because I don't want to be around them but I know I am very sad in that photo.

Family day @ the beach today. Check the lower left corner in the first pic..
Hubby Dear did a bungy jump from the pier and our nephew was completely awed by it. He loved his new shirt too :D
And we did glow in the dark midget golf :p:cool:
Oliver needs to learn how to chillax!:)

My Tortoiseshell used to sit that way. I used her for the opening pix on a w98 computer. You could change those screens. Her right name was :Skateaway, that's all"

When my avatar sits like that, she's doing "stickshift kitty plus 4wd high" and washing her butt. She has to wait until she has an audience to groom.
Took this shot this morning in my yard with my Galaxy S4 (HDR mode). It's a difficult shot as it's into the sun (which is behind the Evergreen on the left). That tree is in deep shadow which the HDR mode handled fairly well while still retaining some detail in the sky. But it's really pushing the limits of a camera phone.


I ran in to get my Nikon D700 with 35/2 Zeiss lens to make a comparison shot. I underexposed by 1.7 stops but was still able to pull the tree out of the shadows while retaining good sky detail. Also, much better color rendition and detail.


Even the though the D700 has less megapixels than the S4, the megapixels that it does have capture more dynamic range, more detail (thanks to an excellent lens), more accurate colors and better saturation. The point isn't to beat up on camera phones...on the contrary...it shows how much capability these phones have (in addition to shooting video, making calls, surfing the Internet, navigating, storing/viewing files, listening to music, watching videos, organizing my life, serving as a Kindle reader)...all while fitting in my pocket. It really is the culmination of useful technology. Of course, it doesn't excel at any of those functions...dedicated DSLRs, Kindles, music players, TVs, computers do their individual functions at a much higher level. But these little smartphones do all that stuff at serviceable levels and...as this thread title implies...it's the best camera (or device) in the world if it's with you and in your pocket and getting used. My DSLR is useless if I'm not carrying it. Sorry for the smartphone dissertation...I was feeling a bit verbose.
Even so, viewing on just my phone (full frame) *both* shots are good enough for me to travel there from my armchair and really feel like I experienced a piece of the actual place.

And the lighting and detail differences just makes it feel like visits on different days.

In fact, before looking closely, the distortion on the background trees look like floating smoke in the field between, and adds to the eerie blues in the large evergreen, left of center, in the first shot.

But that's just me.

Thanks for the comparison!

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