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Root The Froyo Incompatibility and Complaints List

I haven't had any issues with Better Cut - I'm currently running BBv0.1 (Froyo), and I didn't have any problems with Birdman's Froyo either. Better Cut works just as it did on 2.1 for me...

The issue with Better Cut is with the edit shortcut option.
New shortcut still works from the screen you want to add from, which is a pain, and direct dials can't be edited. I don't think the dev has worked on updating in awhile
The issue with Better Cut is with the edit shortcut option.
New shortcut still works from the screen you want to add from, which is a pain, and direct dials can't be edited. I don't think the dev has worked on updating in awhile

Thanks for the clarification! I didn't realize that piece wasn't working... Just tried it and confirmed. :( Bummer...
My Huffington Post app won't let me scroll down anymore, otherwise everything is working great.
Advanced task killer will not kill itself and generally does not work right.

I've read that this isn't so much a "flaw" with Froyo, but an intended design. I used to be a task killing machine, but I stopped with Froyo and my phone actually runs smoother and with no ill effects on my battery.
Google Maps will not update for me at all. I have tried 3 different versions of froyo, and all of them give me the same error.:mad:
Frobeast, bugless beast, and the stock froyo that 1st came out. Any idea whats up with that?

You can use root explorer to nav to /system/app and install the maps.apk that way... or you can use adb to pull the packages.xml file and remove a string thats keeping it from installing. thats what I had to do check out this page, scroll down and the info is posted by macdaddybuff

I doubt this is a "incompatibility" issue, but there is no "Silent" feature when you press the down on the volume rocker...the lowest it goes is vibrate...wtf?

edit: I found "Silent Mode" in the settings menu but you can't get to it with using the volume rocker...ugh...good thing I have beautiful widgets and it has a button lol!
Umm, bettercut should work, assuming you have the latest version. I assume those who got the app by *ahem* less than legitimate methods don't have the latest update which works for Froyo.
Umm, bettercut should work, assuming you have the latest version. I assume those who got the app by *ahem* less than legitimate methods don't have the latest update which works for Froyo.

I have the latest version and I purchased the app, but *ahem* edit shortcut doesn't work. And it only worked on some 2.1 roms previously after an uninstall. Don't assume that if sw doesn't work it is a pirated copy.
I haven't been able to get Touchdown to work since i went to 2.2
I'm running the latest beta version of Touchdown with zero problems on BB v0.1 with the stock kernel. I trust you wiped your data & cache before installing 2.2?

TD also worked fine on Birdman's FLY 0.5, again using the stock kernel. HOWEVER, when I installed P3Droid's 1.0GHz v.32 kernel (designed for Froyo), Activesync stopped working. Going back to the stock kernel made it work again. I haven't tried a P3 kernel with BB v0.1 yet.
Umm, bettercut should work, assuming you have the latest version. I assume those who got the app by *ahem* less than legitimate methods don't have the

I have the latest version and I purchased the app, but *ahem* edit shortcut doesn't work. And it only worked on some 2.1 roms previously after an uninstall. Don't assume that if sw doesn't work it is a pirated copy.
my bad o.O
i have an idiot friend who pirated his copy complaining it wasnt working at all. my updated version worked fine, but i never tried to edit shortcut.

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My Froyo issue may be a bug in Bugless Beast 0.1 though. I populated a folder on the home screen with apps and when I go back into it there is only 1 app in it. They keep disappearing! :confused:

Not a show-stopper, just a nuisance but I thought I'd bring it up.

As far as the wifi-tether post up above: I uninstalled it and re-installed the pre-8 apk. Works like a charm now.
I have released an update for MotoTorch LED to fix the FC issue on Android 2.2. Let me know if it works correctly.

No more force closing issues, but it's still not working. When I click "Turn LED On" nothing happens.

EDIT: Should have probably mentioned this: Running NexBeast FRF57 V0.1
No more force closing issues, but it's still not working. When I click "Turn LED On" nothing happens.

EDIT: Should have probably mentioned this: Running NexBeast FRF57 V0.1

Having the same problem running Onix 1.2...opens now but still doesn't turn on flash...I did hear what sounded like the camera turning on but that was it...Phil
Likely not too common an issue, but my biggest problem is rebooting...every time I reboot I run the risk of getting stuck in a series of reboots where the sync icon appears in the notification bar and my phone will lock up or spontaneously reboot. Sometimes I can go through a few reboots and things settle down, other times it never clears up and I have to reflash to another ROM.
Likely not too common an issue, but my biggest problem is rebooting...every time I reboot I run the risk of getting stuck in a series of reboots where the sync icon appears in the notification bar and my phone will lock up or spontaneously reboot. Sometimes I can go through a few reboots and things settle down, other times it never clears up and I have to reflash to another ROM.

Redflea...I've come across many of your posts over the past week since the initial 2.2 leak. You can't seem to catch a break with Froyo. Have you considered that your issue could be phone-specific? Perhaps you could look into a replacement from Verizon. Froyo, once the kinks are ironed out, is quite nice.
Redflea...I've come across many of your posts over the past week since the initial 2.2 leak. You can't seem to catch a break with Froyo. Have you considered that your issue could be phone-specific? Perhaps you could look into a replacement from Verizon. Froyo, once the kinks are ironed out, is quite nice.

Yeah, good point, and I have had a suspicion for a while that may be true, but since these are early leaks of RCs, it's hard to be sure what might be going on. I do know that a few others are having similar issues.

I'd love to replace my Droid, but I can't take it in and complain about it not running 2.0 yet. ;)

I am looking forward to the official release, so I can confirm once and for all if my phone is just not up to snuff...in the meantime I finally have what appears to be as stable a Froyo setup as I've ever had - BB w/Fabs NexTheme applied, P3Droid 1GHz kernel. I've gotten through about three reboots (and resulting boot loop sessions) since last night, so I'm more confident that if I have to reboot for some reason that the phone will come back to working order.

I should just give in for now and run 2.1, but I really want the new exchange support and BT voice dialing, both of which I use on a daily basis.

Froyo doesn't seem to be able to play any MP4 video files. I just tried to play one an hour ago and realized this. These are videos that were previously working and played on BB 1.1 (or whatever the latest v of BB on 2.1 was). I don't know if this is a Froyo error or just some weird problem im having in my Froyo rom. Can anyone test MP4 vid files if you get a chance?

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