inxi is a command line system information script built for for console and IRC. It is also used for forum technical
support, as a debugging tool, to quickly ascertain user system configuration and hardware. inxi shows system hard‐
ware, CPU, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, Kernel, GCC version(s), Processes, RAM usage, and a wide variety of other useful
inxi output varies between CLI and IRC, with some default filters and color options applied to IRC use. Script col‐
ors can be turned off if desired with -c 0, or changed using the -c color options listed in the OPTIONS section
In order to maintain basic privacy and security, inxi filters out automatically on IRC things like your network
card mac address, WAN and LAN IP, your /home username directory in partitions, and a few other things.
Because inxi is often used on forums for support, you can also trigger this filtering with the -z option (-Fz, for
example). To override the IRC filter, you can use the -Z option. This can be useful to debug network connection
issues online in a private chat, for example.