You know I actually lost a bit of my IQ while watching Gummi Bears on my mom's PC today because I was asked if I could look after 1 of the moms from After Care (she is such a well mannered child,she knows I dig her! And WOW are kids are SMART these days!!

They run circles around me!

) her child is all home alone and we don't need that now do we?
(And of course I am the type that struggles to say no to such an amazing little cool kid!

So ja I chose to look after her in my house my family was very cool with it (She LOVES Schnoogy! Kept grabbing the mighty fat Schnooglet's tale! And of course Schnoogy was loving it and very excited to see her!

Schnoogy did the "Schnooglet dance!")
But a long story aside... that show started to make my IQ drop when I started watching it!
Before I opened it up for her I looked like and acted like this:
But then I noticed after the 15 odd minutes or whatever of the video of "Gummi Bears" being watched... I ... later looked in the mirror and saw this...?
That Richard Gere guy FREAKS me out man!
No jokes!
That guy looks like he is the leader of some kind of wack job cult or something!
(creepy music starts playing!)