How much, exactly, is enough?
Don't you think maybe SPENDING is the problem? (oops - that should probably be a new thread)
I was presenting someone else's opinion... not my own.
Yes, spending is part of the equation, but you can't realistically get spending down enough that we don't need more taxes.
The sad thing is that you honestly believe this... we need to seriously revamp the way we spend money in the government.
Really? Assuming we're only talking about federal income tax here, when did 53% of the country become rich?
You can ignore the word almost all you want, but that doesn't remove it from my statement.
The top 10% of income earners in this country pay 70% of the income taxes...
The other 90% pay 30% of the income taxes in this country...
Heck, the bottom 50% only pay 2.7% of the income tax collected in this country.
The bottom 75% only pay 16.7% of the income tax collected in this country.
It's not a matter of how the income tax is distributed across incomes... it's a matter of you want to spend more money than you've got, and the only people you feel comfortable taking that money from are the rich...
None of that disagrees with what I've said. The hard choices that have to be made are to raise taxes and cut some spending. It's not going to happen any time soon, as you say.
Cut some serious spending. I'd like to cut the budget by a quarter. That's my personal opinion. And I think we can keep our current level of services and cut about a quarter of the budget.
I'm glad you don't have a problem with them raising taxes on everyone, but I do. Until the rates are proportionally what they should be, taxes shouldn't be raised on everyone. But yes, obviously, spending is at least as big an issue, if not more.
Proportionally what they should be?
Up until over $50,000 a family of four not only doesn't pay a dime in income taxes, but they get free money (wealth redistribution) from the federal government.
If you want income taxes proportionally where they should be, then the lower middle class, and upper lower class need to start paying SOME taxes.