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I meant for those on middle and lower incomes
so the median income isn't somewhere near the "middle" ?
Please - inquiring minds want to know - what is the source of your information?
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I meant for those on middle and lower incomes
I'd say the rich pay more, always, not "for the most part." And why is it "obviously" not enough?
That would simplify the tax code, and it was proposed by Obama's debt commission. It would be tough getting it to pass though. The left won't like making poor and middle class people pay more, and the right won't like elimination of rich peoples tax cuts.
And thats one reason a flat tax, or consumption tax would be a good idea. Basically a national sales tax. If you buy more stuff, you pay more taxes. You can have exemptions for things like food and essentials. Then the need for tax returns is pretty much eliminated.
No but the difference between keeping $50,000 a 90% rate and $350,000 a 30% rate would make a difference.
Is all this argument over a 34% rate vs. 26% rate? What rate do you think the rich should be taxed at? Why are they "obviously" not taxed enough?
A business owner should say their taxed too high, and point to high unemployment as an example.
GDP took off in the US in the early 80's, when tax rates were lowered below 50% for the first time in decades.
Plus the population of the US was much lower back when tax rates were 70%+, if we went back to the economic activity levels of those times, we'd have millions more unemployed. When population grows, economy has to expand, to find jobs for the extra people.
Name one. Sure it's nice to be your own boss, make your own hours ect. But thats all secondary, if you can't make money and pay your bills, no one is starting a business. Try walking into a bank for a small business loan, and telling them, you don't plan on making money, but you'll have a lot of fun... even non-profits, have to make money to pay people and keep the lights on.
20th Percentile:
I agree with JimmyRayBob, do you have a source for your claims?
It depends on how you define the different classes, but sometimes rich people do pay the same or less than non-rich people. It's obviously not enough considering our deficit and the fact that in general non-rich people are paying at least close to the amount they reasonably can.
The debt skyrocketed under Reagan. That's why the GDP went up. That's not really a long-term solution. And again, the economy and GDP did very well for many years with a tax rate of over 70%.
Please re-read without the bias. I didn't say they were wrong. I said the numbers they gave didn't add up. They say you owe $2,766, and since you've paid nothing, you get $34 back. That can only happen with some other stuff going on that they didn't mention.
Right, so there are special exemptions/deductions required.
And you and the others should really stop taking guesses at things. You're doing horribly.
If you anti union morons want to work for slave labor wages-have at it. Some of us are a lot smarter than that.
Then why do you have issue with the current US Tax code?
cipher, you DO realise incomes basically haven't increased in the US since the 80s, right?
Because, even though the rich are almost the only ones paying taxes in this nation... they aren't paying enough.
It's not obvious - considering the deficit. The deficit is composed of TWO things - the second of which is SPENDING!!!!!!!. I, for one, think our government takes in plenty of money as it is - and that SPENDING is the problem.
Again - debt / deficit is a two part equation - we can't ignore government spending.
Also, when tax rates were well north of 50% for the hated rich - there were a LOT more deductions available. Sorry I don't have a written source for that - all I have to go on is what my ex-CPA says about all the tax returns he did starting in the 60's before he retired in the early 90's.
Yes, spending is part of the equation, but you can't realistically get spending down enough that we don't need more taxes.
Yes, spending is part of the equation, but you can't realistically get spending down enough that we don't need more taxes.
Ah, the old "pretend that the person who advocates higher taxes on rich people hates the rich" nonsense. I don't hate them. I just think their taxes should be higher proportionally.
And there have always been loopholes. There are now, too. It would take a whole lot of loopholes to make up the difference between 80% and 36%.
It depends on how you define the different classes, but sometimes rich people do pay the same or less than non-rich people.
It's obviously not enough considering our deficit
and the fact that in general non-rich people are paying at least close to the amount they reasonably can.
A flat tax would be one tax rate for all incomes, which would be different from a consumption tax. The main problem with a consumption tax is you're taxing people for spending money, lessening the incentive to do so.
And the main thing is we still need a certain level of revenue. Let's say our annual budget is $3 trillion. We still need to bring in that much money, however we tax people.
I'm not sure if there's a typo in there, but I don't understand this sentence. Would you mind rephrasing?
This argument is about how great the wealth disparity has become in this country
Please note that all figures are presented in 2003 dollars.
Since 1967, the median household income in the United States has risen by 31%, fluctuating several times. The rise in household income is largely the result of an increase in personal income among college graduates, a group that has doubled in size since the 1960s, and women entering the labor force. Today, 42% of all households have two income earners. Household income increased dramatically faster for affluent households with income inequality having increased steadily since the 1970s.[28][29]
While household income has increased, its growth has been slowed by a decrease in married-couple households who tend to have two earners and, therefore, higher incomes. While the proportion of wives working year-round in married couple households with children has increased from 17% in 1967 to 39% in 1996, the proportion of such households among the general population has decreased. This means that the share the most economically prosperous type of household has been dwindling in the United States.[30]
In 1969, more than 40% of all households consisted of a married couple with children. By 1996 only a rough quarter of US households consisted of married couples with children. As a result of these changing household demographics, median household income rose relatively slowly despite an ever increasing female labor force and a considerable increase in the percentage of college graduates.[30]
and what to do about our budget/deficits.
They can do that, but they shouldn't. Taxes that are too high are not the cause of our unemployment problem.
The debt skyrocketed under Reagan. That's why the GDP went up. That's not really a long-term solution. And again, the economy and GDP did very well for many years with a tax rate of over 70%.
Without any exemptions or deductions the tax brackets should look very roughly something like this for a single person:
$0-12,000 - 0%
-$25,000 - 6%
-$50,000 - 12%
-$100,000 - 18%
-$250,000 - 24%
-$500,000 - 30%
-$2 million - 36%
over $2 million - 42%
I'm not sure what this has to do with anything. The economy is bound to expand with more and more people.
It's not something you have to plan; it's something that happens because of the extra people. With more people, you have more services necessary, and so more jobs by default.
Because, even though the rich are almost the only ones paying taxes in this nation... they aren't paying enough.
I disagree .... hard choices need to be made before we bankrupt this country. Will Congress make those hard choices - probably not yet - things haven't gotten bad enough yet and i'm afraid that's what it's going to take.
At the rate we are spending, we simply won't be able to support our own debt.
i have no problem if they raise taxes for 100% of the people and for every dollar in projected income from tax increase they need to cut $2 from the budget
i bet you would see less income then prior to the increase
None of that disagrees with what I've said. The hard choices that have to be made are to raise taxes and cut some spending. It's not going to happen any time soon, as you say.
I'm glad you don't have a problem with them raising taxes on everyone, but I do. Until the rates are proportionally what they should be, taxes shouldn't be raised on everyone. But yes, obviously, spending is at least as big an issue, if not more.
Can you site specific examples or data?
I could easily say taxes are fine, but "obviously" spending it too high.
So, the middle class being taxed at a "reasonable" level is evidence the rich aren't being taxed enough? I don't follow that one.
So, instead of spending more might save and invest, which opens more capital for business and job creation.
Or we cut spending.
The amount of people willing to risk their capital, and devote their time to start a business would greatly decrease if you had something like a 90% tax rate.
And if the only way you calculate tax rates is look at what your spending, then go tax everyone until you have it all, you'll get a high tax rate fast, decreasing start ups and job creation, and lowering overall GDP and economic growth.
Ok, first, what are some causes of "wealth disparity?"
Is tax code going to fix demographic issues?
Why is the only answer to deficits higher taxation? Spending less money also helps keep budgets in line.
I'd say there are many causes for current unemployment levels. But the point is, you can say higher taxes is the solution to everything all day long, but believe it or not, the are people, experts even, that acknowledge more factors... Like spending, and that setting taxes too high hurts economic activity. You seem to ignore everything in economic theory except raising taxes.
Can you explain how government dept influences GDP?
Can you define "very well" in economic terms?
Why did dept skyrocket? Could it have been a recession? Is it possible lowering taxes during that rescission lead to increased GDP, which in turn allowed dept to fall to its lowest levels in years?
Economics is very complicated with countless variables and factors at play, you simplify it to almost comic proportions with your hyper focus on raising taxes on the rich.
You realize you've just hit the poor and middle class with a huge effective tax rate hike?
You also realize, those people in the 2 million range, are mostly business owners, the 42% you tax away from them is 42% that they then won't use to expand their business, buy new equipment and hire more people?
No, its not. Look around the world, many nations have exploding populations, but no jobs for them. Why is the economy "bound to expand?" Just because there are more people, more jobs don't magically create themselves.
There are a lot of third world countries, especially in the middle east, with exploding populations and rising unemployment that would like to hear from you. Where do these jobs magically come from? From more people buying more stuff? But where do these people get the money to spend on stuff? You really need to take some economic classes.
Here we're lucky, over our economic history, it kinda seems, for the most part, the jobs magically appear as more people do. But its not magic, its individuals taking risks with their money. If you set up an environment that limits that risk and makes it easier, more jobs will be created. If on the other hand, you have an environment that stifles creation, like high taxes, jobs will be slower to form, if at all.
Just out of curiosity - here's a hypothetical question.
If you could balance the budget by ONLY cutting spending, would you then say that we don't need to raise taxes? Yes, it's a stretch![]()
and why shouldnt taxes be raised on everyone?