This doesn't make any sense. Can you reword it?
How's this...
The fact that you think CEO's are paid to much, means that you don't think we have a right to take issue with public employees compensation?
That only makes sense if you have an issue with CEO's.
Yes, I know. You are the one who is confused. The entire point is that unions have been in the past and are now the ONLY entities able to effectively stand up to corporate interests in politics. As corporations are more powerful now than they have been in decades, so the need for unions is greater than it has been in decades.
Name one single issue where unions have stood up to corporations in politics.
In the last ten years.
Any contention to contrary is an admission of ignorance.
Just to clarify, you are right, and anyone who disagrees is ignorant?
If you want to talk about the solvency of social security, that's fine, but this isn't the place. This comment has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
You brought up social security as an achievement of the unions. And I mentioned how crappy of an achievement that is... and that has nothing to do with the topic at hand?
You're incoherent. I can't even tell what you're trying to say, and it's obvious you didn't read or didn't understand what I wrote, because it's absolutely correct.
This statement answers so much about why you don't get where you're mistaken.
Non-union shops have good working conditions BECAUSE unions demanded those better conditions, and then over time everyone began to take them for granted. Are you seriously suggesting that, had unions never won these reforms, that things would magically be better today? That employers would have improved conditions out the goodness of their hearts? It'll be a painful day for you when you finally wake up out of your stupor.
So, I guess you agree. Unions are no longer needed.
It's also worth noting that union shops have higher wages. You may think this is good or bad, but it directly shoots down your "unions are not doing anything good today" theory.
It only shoots down my "unions are not doing anything good today" theory, if it's good that union shops have higher wages.
Gm was brought to it's knees by these higher wages (and other issues)... yeah... let's celebrate that.
I don't know about you, but I think winning better wages for the workers it represents is pretty good. You see, there is no "trickle down" without unions. Without some organization to force them to share benefits more equitably, companies will keep as much money for themselves as they can.
Companies are evil... we get it.
Let me ask you something: how much do profits have to grow, how much money do companies have to have, before it is finally acceptable in your mind for workers to ask for a larger share of the pie?
There is no measurement. When workers provide more benefit to the company, then they get a bigger share of the pie.
When they don't. They don't.
Only what the government "can?" What does that mean? The government "can" do almost anything, not to say it should. What this boils down to is the government should do "what Libertarians think it ought to."
This is exactly why I say you should read up on what OTHERS believe.
The government should do, what only the government can... means, that the government should do, only those things that no other entity (citizens, cities, counties, or states) are capable of doing.
National Security is one of those things. A state cannot handle national security, so that is the governments responsibility.
Um, the top 1% control 50% of this country's wealth. The top 1% get paid $0.24 of every dollar that is paid out in America. How many teachers do you know that are in the top 1%? There's your proof right there.
Teachers aren't taking advantage because they aren't as rich as CEO's... well, I guess that ends the discussion right there.
I have never on this forum debated with someone so blind. I've got to bow out... there is no getting you to see reason here.