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Root [THEME]Icecream Sandwich

To make the sleek seekbars,
Use APKMANAGER or APKMultitool
first decompile the framework-res.apk
go to res/values/ folder and open styles.xml
<style name="Widget.SeekBar" parent="@style/Widget">
Under it, edit <item name="maxHeight">20.0dip</item>
<item name="minHeight">20.0dip</item>
change 20.0 to 4.0

Then Save it, recompile... when it asks for If it is a system file.. choose yes, when again choose yes when it asks to align..
Go to keep folder.. delete Resources.arsc as well as ANY OTHER FILES YOU HAVE ADDED (NOT REPLACED) .. This is very important
then press any button in apk manager to continue
after compilation is done, extract resources.arsc from the compiled framework-res.apk..
Right click on it, Select 7zip, Select Add to archive.
Next Click Browse and select the stock framework-res.apk and Select Compression Type as zip...compression level as Store
Click Ok
THEN you may do any additional theming like replacing drawables in drawable-mdpi etc etc.. but do note that if u do not follow the add to archive step, you will get bootloop 100%

I would have done all these myself, if i had the original source files that you are using..
While ur at it, can u change the seekbar color to blue so that it would match the handler..
Or even better search for a green gingerbread handler and change seekbar to green (gingerbread)..
I feel that ICS theme has way too much blue (needs some green to make it look better but thats just me hehe ;))
varun just another great work by u :D and d power menu is excellent :D
but u told u have added ICSed Music app and Download manager but i couldn't find that :(
lol....it doesn't contain themed ui it contains moded status bar notifications.
e.g: in previous versions when u download a file it shows black text in status bar but now it will be blue.

check the background
@varun hey i use sms popup app, its a very small app for pop up when i get a text, so the problem is when i have more den 1 unread text it shows a count in the notification but now its like a big blob with a number on it, if u dont understand it just download the app n use it u'll understand what im sayin..
2. When we click a button for eg. to send a text the send button, afterwards when it displays ur remaining balance the ok button it still shows yellow color shouldn't it be blue?
rest is all gud i guess..
Hey it wud be cool if u make the installation bar blue with marquee effects..
Im talking when ur apps for eg from titanium backup..
Hey make the bottom bar of the notification center more slim..and can t we have a bit of more blue lines wherever ders black, its looks kinda bland..
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