No Stranger 2 Danger
you gotta get yourself a copy of the stock apk, then take the drawable-hdpi folders out with 7zip, put them inside the apk ou are trying to decompile BEFORE you decompile using 7zip lol then when you decompile you should no longer have image issuesHey drift! Quick question. I'm having trouble successfully decompileing some of the system apks like the contacts app and the power control widget. I am following your guide on how to properly do it but I get an error saying that it can't decompile the .9 images. (I think that's what its saying anyways) what am I doing wrong?
but remember some of the themed apk's have images added, so if you remove those you might still have issues, so the best thing to do is have both image folders (drawable-hdpi) next to each other, then just take whats in the stock one and add it to the themed one, so you'll only replace what needs to be replaced but still keep whatever has been added

perfect example would be the framework-res.apk, the stock one does NOT have the image files for reboot and screenshot options, so if you just took the whole folder from stock and placed it in the themed apk you will have issues decompiling saying it cant find certain files ie: the reboot image file.
so you only want to add stock images to the folder so it only replaces the images it has duplicates of, but will not delete the added files you need to keep!