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Things aren't looking great for Google (update - except for Oracle having to pay their legal fees)

The trial is pretty fascinating.

Lots of news coming out.

E.G. Number of Tablets sold, Revenues. I was totally surprise that iOS ad revenues pretty much funds Android's development. It is staggeringly off vis-a-vis the touted 850,000 daily android activations. You figure Android would bring in more money since it has an app-store and the google play (music/books/movies). Yet, iOS ad revenues in just web ads is staggering.

Kindle fire does nothing for Google since Amazon's silk browser strips and blocks google ads.

First Android revenue numbers revealed: $278.1m in 2010, iPhone more lucrative | The Verge

I'm not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that iOS ad revenue is funding Android development. From the article -

... Google expected the delta to widen; the company forecast making $840.2m from Android mobile ads in 2012 vs just $35.9m on apps sales.

Are you suggesting that it costs Google more than nearly $1 billion per year in Android development?

And for the growth years when the numbers hadn't reached this level yet, why attribute Android development funding to iOS ads? Why not ads for Ford? Car insurance? Health foods?

While the numbers are sensational, and the headline even more so, I find that it's best to question anything sensational in the blogosphere.

The authors of the article admit that the numbers comparing iOS and Android revenue are two years old and may have reversed already.

What the article does seem to confirm is that Google is in the advertising business and that they make a great deal of money in the mobile segment.
Oracle loses on patent infrigement.

Now the trial needs to continue on the copyright infringement.

Over 9 - count 'em - 9 lines of source code.


Oracle started out suing Google for US$6.1 billion (with a b - billion) while crying a river in the media.

It seems that early reports of Android's demise were greatly exaggerated.

Google is going to owe Oracle how much, exactly, for 9 lines of code?

Hey Larry (ceo of Oracle) - didja have fun? Was it all worth it?

How'd that work out for ya, huh?
Oracle loses on patent infrigement.

Now the trial needs to continue on the copyright infringement.

Over 9 - count 'em - 9 lines of source code.


Oracle started out suing Google for US$6.1 billion (with a b - billion) while crying a river in the media.

It seems that early reports of Android's demise were greatly exaggerated.

Google is going to owe Oracle how much, exactly, for 9 lines of code?

Hey Larry (ceo of Oracle) - didja have fun? Was it all worth it?

How'd that work out for ya, huh?

Here is how I see his reasoning...Java is heading out...HTML5 is coming into it's own...we need something to stay afloat...now Android exploding...we want a piece of the pie...Android is based on Java...hmm...if we can win a lawsuit...ask for a stupid amount of money...maybe Google will agree to licensing fees...if so we can pull a Microsoft and get by using the successful coat tails of others...

Or at least that is how I see it, they didn't want to end Android they just wanted to make secure a future for themselves thinking Android will remain successful. I can't say I blame them, if they really thought they had a case there is a lot of money to be had there...why not roll the dice?

I've also read that both sides may push for a mistrial which would make this far from over...but as it stands right now looks good for Google and Android :D
Let's keep the patent trolling in perspective.

Oracle was looking at buying RIM (they have a toolkit for developing BlackBerry apps) but decided it would be a non-starter. So the new plan became buy Sun and try to screw Google over Android profits.

Read all you can about Larry Ellison, Oracle ceo. He's a dangerous meglomaniac. See my earlier post on that, and search the web for the details if interested.

He didn't want licenses, he wants a piece of the market that can gather your personal information, and not for advertising.

The 9 lines in question are not in ICS.

Some say that the final settlement may be between $100-200k.

But this is going to hit Larry boy where he needs to hurt the most - right square in his irrational ego.
Whatever they get, it surely won't cover their legal fees lol. Way to stick to your guns, Google!
Tip of the topper to IOWA for passing along this news -

Ouch - Judge orders Oracle to reimburse Google's legal expensesAndroidGuys

Please let me translate into simply legal terms -

Ok, I couldn't resist. Seriously though -

Tip of the topper to IOWA for passing along this news -

Ouch - Judge orders Oracle to reimburse Google's legal expensesAndroidGuys

Please let me translate into simply legal terms -

Ok, I couldn't resist. Seriously though -


i did not read the court briefings...

but some of the comments there.. say that the article is miss-leading.
Oracle does have to pay.. but not for what the article says or that much.

for making google doing some study 3 times.. or for not doing something the court ordered them to do.. not sure.
i did not read the court briefings...

but some of the comments there.. say that the article is miss-leading.
Oracle does have to pay.. but not for what the article says or that much.

for making google doing some study 3 times.. or for not doing something the court ordered them to do.. not sure.

Yep, the comments there are why I linked to that article instead of another.

But the lousy write-up does not change the fact.

Oracle has to pay.
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