Extreme Android User
I really dig T-mobiles speeds here in Minneapolis- 20-25mb/s and I basically never leave the twin cities so coverage isn't a problem.
Just have to wait for my Sprint contract to end and I'd have to seriously consider switching
if tmobiles whole uncarrier 4 doesnt end up being amazing for etf stuff, id suggest looking into ting. they will give you a 75 dollar credit to switch and show them your etf. pair that with being referred and you have 100 bucks of credit, which will cover a few months of good usage allowing you to pay off/down the etf with sprint. from there hang out on ting for a few months or whatever the etf deal requires (if it requires any) and then hop to tmo free and clear .
or if your etf is rather large you could always enable a custom prl and use my download script and be off in under 6 months