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"Topless" Womens Rights?

Thankfully I come from a place where it never occurred to anybody to make it illegal.

I'm looking forward to hearing somebody come up with a reason why there's anything wrong with toplessness.
What's gonna happen when groping and all that jazz increases? But sure, if we wanna run around like it's a rural African village, go for it. I think it'll cause more problems than it will fix and the wrong people will be running around topless and it will be hell.
So let the damage happen first and then fix it?
That's one way of putting it; another would be innocent until proven guilty.

I would hope that people would be grown-up enough to be able to control themselves when faced with a topless woman; but I guess I'm talking from a European perspective.
IIRC here in New York State being topless in public is legal. however, individual locales are also allowed to restrict that, so for example businesses, government and private institutions can have a dress code. I don't know whether localities can restrict that further or not. In a great many NY beaches topless sunbathing is a common sight, and there is quite a few others that are simply clothing optional without restricting any form of access to the beach.
I'll reiterate this: the wrong people will take advantage of this. It's like a nude beach where they're supposedly full of old people and people that probably shouldn't be naked.

For the kids' sake, everyone should be wearing something, both top and bottom.

Also, indecent exposure laws would go to shits.
I found a very interesting set of summaries of different states views on legal topless nudity:

GoTopless: 10 successful cases recognizing women's right to be topless in certain states or cities

The following information is provided by www.legalfreedom.com

In 1986 a woman represented herself in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals and won a court victory stating that the D.C. nudity law did not apply to any body part but genitals. Since then the District of Columbia has been legally female topfree.


In 1992 New York's highest state court ruled that women could be topfree in public. Since 1992 women in the highly populous State of New York have enjoyed the right to bare their chests whenever men could do so. As one New York Justice wrote in his concurring opinion, "One of the most important purposes to be served by the equal protection clause is to ensure that 'public sensibilities' grounded in prejudice and unexamined sterotypes do not become enshrined as part of the official policy of government."

In a curious loop of history, the female rights movement in the United States began in Rochester, New York, with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as a principle pioneer. In her time Elizabeth Cady Stanton was ridiculed for wearing bloomers instead of a floor-length skirt. In 1986 seven Rochester women held topfree picnics, resulting in New York's highest court ruling female topfreedom legal in 1992 (see above). Now Cathy Stanton, the 63-year old great-great-granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, is a plaintiff in the Florida suit.


In 1995, 5 women went topless in the Colombus, OH Gay Pride parade, were arrested and later released. The charges were dropped one month later. Indeed, in the Ohio Law statute, breasts are not considered "private parts". Therefore, women exposing their breasts in public is not considered indecent exposure. In 1998, 3 of the women who had been arrested 3 years earlier, sued the city of Columbus for false arrest and won their case. They were paid $15,000 in total for damages. Since then, the police force is being educated not to arrest top free women but warns that if the site of a top free woman causes disturbance, they have the right to ask the topless woman to leave. Note that not all the cities in Ohio seem to honor this statute.
Below are 2 articles. One recounts the 1995 event in Columbus, OH. The other addresses the positive outcome on top free women's rights.

Columbus Dispatch (Ohio)
June 26, 2005 Sunday, Home Final Edition

BY Alice Cervantes

Ten years ago, as the 90-degree heat hung heavy on the backs of festivalgoers in Goodale Park, a lesbian punk band took the stage and somebody whispered in Monica Carroll's ear: "Hey, let's take our shirts off."

The gay-pride parade marched past, and Carroll and her college-age friends, who called themselves the Lesbian Avengers, stood watching.

Previously, at an Ohio State University graduation, the Avengers had brandished a banner that read "Dykes with degrees are hot." At the Statehouse, they had protested a Ku Klux Klan rally. Staging "actions" was their thing. But on this day, they were just feeling hot, and not at all bothered. So they took off their tops and joined the march, keeping them off all the way Downtown to the parade's end in Bicentennial Park. "It was the perfect setting to do it because, during the march, it's a really safe feeling. You can pretty much do whatever you want and be whoever you are," Carroll said.

Spectators cheered. Police got nervous. One of the daring women started arguing with a police officer who threatened to arrest her. By then, the women had put their shirts back on. But they decided to remove them again as a show of solidarity. Five of the women were handcuffed, charged with public indecency and jailed.

A month later, charges were dropped at the request of the city prosecutor. The breast arrests were Columbus' Stonewall Riot: a moment where gays boldly challenged the cultural norm and won. It has been considered legal for women to go topless in the city ever since. "While most women I know would not like to take their tops off in public, they also prefer to have the same freedoms as men," said James McNamara, a lawyer who represented "the topless five." "At the time, there was a lot of (legal) precedent saying that, in spite of traditional modesty levels, that's just not fair to the females." Not that many exercise the right.

"It's not something we see a lot of," said Columbus police spokeswoman Sherry Mercurio. The State Highway Patrol, which monitors protests and marches at the Statehouse, also hasn't seen many topless women, said spokeswoman Sgt. Stephanie Norman.

Although the patrol wouldn't, and hasn't, cited any women for going topless since the parade arrests, Norman cautioned women to be careful if they do.

"If it causes a disturbance, if it's causing a large group to form, or if people are getting out of hand because of it, we do have the right to ask people to leave," she said. Several women marched topless during the pride parade yesterday. There were no problems.

Carroll now is a librarian, and the Lesbian Avengers have disbanded and scattered. She doesn't go topless as a practice -- she wouldn't garden topless, for example -- but has walked around without a shirt or bra at other gay-pride parades since the one a decade ago. She says going topless is freeing -- a " 'You go girl' kind of feeling."

Wednesday, July 8, 1998


Better to be safe than sorry. At least that's what Columbus police officers are being told. They've been instructed not to arrest anyone for exposing breasts in public. Hamilton County courts have ruled that ''breasts are not private parts,'' as far as the state's public-indecency laws are concerned.

Franklin County courts have yet to consider the issue. But this year, the city settled a lawsuit with three women who were arrested for doing that very thing at the 1996 Gay Pride parade. The cost - $5,000 per woman. ''So we're training officers that breasts are not private parts, and if people want to strut around with their bosoms out, so be it,'' said Kelly Castle, legal adviser to the Police Division. Apparently, the word has gotten out. There were more than 65 women last month at this year's parade who went topless - and not a single arrest.


In 1996 the Province of Ontario, Canada's most populous provice, became legally topfree due to a criminal court challenge by Gwen Jacob. Because the highest court in Ontario was interpreting a Canadian federal law, this case has set an important precedent for all of the other provinces in Canada. Attempts to change the law to re-criminalize women have not been supported by Canadian voters.

As a result of the Gwen Jacob victory, women throughout other provinces in Canada have challenged local and federal laws seeking to criminalize the female breast. A Canadian professor has organized the Topfree Equal Rights Association (T.E.R.A.) to help these cases and to educate the world about topfree rights in Canada. Tune in and see what's happening up north!


In 1998 in Moscow Idaho, charges of indecent exposure were dismissed against three women who were arrested for baring their breasts in Moscow, Idaho. On a hot summer day in 1998, 8 young adults were walking down the streets of Moscow, Idaho, without shirts. 3 of them were women. Your guess which 3 got arrested. They were charged with indecent exposure.

The judge's comments about his ruling are notable. He stated (this is not verbatim) that: (1) the existing local ordinance dealing with indecency was too vague, (2) that there was a state law banning the public exposure of genitals, but chests are not genitals, and (3) even if they were, he could not enforce such a law because it would be blatantly discriminatory.
Please refer to the court case description: Slingshot! Current Issue

Sounding a familiar theme of political challenge through civil disobedience, one of the defendants, Natalie Shapiro, stated, "We need to challenge unjust laws by peacefully breaking them. That generates attention and controversy and makes people think about why those laws exist in the first place." Although the City Council proposed a new ordinance to criminalize female breasts, the female Council members opposing the new ordinance outnumbered the male Council members in favor. Thus Moscow, Idaho remains legally topfree for women.


In 1998 a Maine woman who had been mowing her lawn without a shirt for three summers faced the threat of police action when a neighbor complained. However, Maine state law does not criminalize female breasts. When the neighbor put a law on the ballot to criminalize topfree women, town voters rejected it. Moreover, the citizens bought thousands of "Topfree Lawnmower's Assocation" t-shirts to show their support.
Toplessness is only looked at negatively now in the US because its been demonized by the media and religion. And those people your worried about going around groping people, are more than likely going to be the same people who go to a strip joint and do the same thing. Honestly I think it would be an odd adjustment for a while but sooner than later it would become the normal. just go to your local mall and see how many preteens walk around with half their ass and breasts hanging out.
BTW, also don't forget that it is illegal anywhere in this country to prevent a woman from exposing her breasts in public for the purpose of breast feeding a child.
All that's going to happen is a load of women are going to start being topless just because they can. It'll take a while before the novelty wears off.

I don't want to see an old leathery woman walking down the road topless any more than the average bloke doing it. I'm sure I'd get the same kick from seeing young topless girls as the girls do seeing a young topless man waltzing past them on a hot day.
All that's going to happen is a load of women are going to start being topless just because they can. It'll take a while before the novelty wears off.

I don't want to see an old leathery woman walking down the road topless any more than the average bloke doing it. I'm sure I'd get the same kick from seeing young topless girls as the girls do seeing a young topless man waltzing past them on a hot day.

I intend to be nominated as Federal Boob Inspector, to set standards and determine which ones meet them.
Come to think of it, why is public nudity in general illegal?

The idea of banning nudity (full or partial) to protect men from the temptation and women from groping is the same argument used by Muslim fundamentalists to justify the hijab or the veil. I'm sure if exposing women's hair were to become legal in Saudi Arabia, many there would argue that men aren't used to it and it would threaten the social peace and balance.
Come to think of it, why is public nudity in general illegal?

The idea of banning nudity (full or partial) to protect men from the temptation and women from groping is the same argument used by Muslim fundamentalists to justify the hijab or the veil. I'm sure if exposing women's hair were to become legal in Saudi Arabia, many there would argue that men aren't used to it and it would threaten the social peace and balance.

Sure, it's all socially constructed, but then why do we have to wear clothes at all? When you go see your doctor, you'll see him naked. When you get your food from McDonald's, "oops, my dick may have dipped into your BBQ sauce and I may have rubbed your burger against my scrotum and/or breasts."

At what point is toplessness NOT ok? That's what we need to figure out.

Someone said to incriminate those that grope the women? Right. It curtails the chances, but it doesn't eliminate it.

Sure, let women go topless. I'm sure after a few cases, women will go ahead and leave their clothes on and the law will really just apply to the group that no one really cares for and is not interested in.

I wanna bring rape into this, how it could increase the chances, but I think just saying it is enough to get you guys to think about it. There are repercussions for rape. It still happens. Is it really fair to let some women experience groping/rape as a result of this law?

And as a guy, yes, it would be a distraction if everyone walked around butt-naked as if we were in Ethiopia. I think nakedness in public is a display of poverty. I think it adds a sense of civility.

And again, I'm saying this for both male and female. And those weirdos in between.
I wanna bring rape into this, how it could increase the chances, but I think just saying it is enough to get you guys to think about it. There are repercussions for rape. It still happens. Is it really fair to let some women experience groping/rape as a result of this law?

it would be their decision to go topless, so they would be taking that risk. I think if someone would rape a woman, they would do it regardless of if she happened to be topless at the time. Are you suggesting "impulse-raping"? haha it's kind of like how in ohio we have a law allowing concealed carry, but most businesses and all banks don't allow guns inside. It's only keeping out the good guys with guns. A bank robber isnt going to walk up and say "oh shit guys they have a sign up that says we can't bring our guns in! damn, guess the heist is off, we could get in trouble!" :D
it would be their decision to go topless, so they would be taking that risk. I think if someone would rape a woman, they would do it regardless of if she happened to be topless at the time. Are you suggesting "impulse-raping"? haha it's kind of like how in ohio we have a law allowing concealed carry, but most businesses and all banks don't allow guns inside. It's only keeping out the good guys with guns. A bank robber isnt going to walk up and say "oh shit guys they have a sign up that says we can't bring our guns in! damn, guess the heist is off, we could get in trouble!" :D

I dunno. I just think a lot more people would get in trouble for groping than if they had clothes on. I think it's human nature to wanna hump something naked that they like. Do you not think there would be a slippery slope? Now no pants? Everytime a girl I like walks by I'll just whip it out and let her know I like it.

It goes both ways. Girls aren't as amused by male nudity, or it certainly doesn't seem so. They wouldn't like to see that.

I'm thinking for both sides here. For it causing a problem for both sides. To tell men to "control" themselves is unfair and seems almost like a "one step forward, one step backward" situation. We're allowing women to be more "natural" in dressing, but we're suppressing the "natural" instinct of men for when they see a naked woman. Not rape. No. But don't you think women would be creeped out by the stares they get by SOME of the people? Then they'll complain that people staring are stifling their freedom to be naked.

It seems like a slippery slope and I think it could end up being one of two things. A slippery slope or it'll eventually lose its novelty and equilibriate over time. Slippery slope is what I mentioned above and the latter would be women will realize guys don't do it flaunt the fact they can do it. It's hot? Is that the reason? If it prevents the aforementioned problems, just make it so you have to be clothed when in public, save for the beach, pools, etc. The way it is now.
...To tell men to "control" themselves is unfair... ...We're allowing women to be more "natural" in dressing, but we're suppressing the "natural" instinct of men for when they see a naked woman...

Everybody should be allowed the freedom of nudity, not just women. And likewise everybody will be allowed the freedom to observe said nakedness.

It boils done to being reasonable. In some food preparation areas people have to wear hairnets for hygiene, we don't make everybody wear hairnets everywhere; so any concern about a breast touching your burger is moot.

I was in Barcelona not that long ago, and there was a naked guy walking matter-of-factly down the main street, and not an eyebrow was raised.
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