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Help TV-Out on the Droid


Well-Known Member

I am about to purchase the Motorola Droid today, and one of my big questions is about TV-Out. Some of Samsung's phones (Omnia) have TV out via the 3.5mm jack, and I wanted to know if the Droid can do it as well. I modified a Myvu Crystal display and made it monocular, wanting to make a Wearable Computer.

If its not a hardware problem, is there a software issue? Does Android support TV-out out of the box? Please any assistance would be great!

UPDATE: The website is here: http://www.eyepc.info! We have a forum and blog to keep you updated.

Hi Apeman and Welcome to the forums! :D

Currently no android phone supports this Hardware wise as it has no TV-out. Software wise shouldn't really be a problem , with Android being open source and all I'm sure a smart dev could write an app supporting TV-out. So to answer your question.... Yes it's possible for Android but it's hardware dependant {which the droid does not support}.....

I think the Archos 5 tablet {Which runs a modified android OS} already supports TV-out {in HD!}:

HD TV-Out With the Optional DVR Station or HDMI Mini Dock
Turn your TV into a real web-connected multimedia platform. Enjoy all the Archos functions on the big screen of your living room. Watch your movies in HD (720p), listen to your music, share your high resolution pictures, play games or surf the Web

Carl C
That actually seems like a really good idea. I assume whatever video signal would, by necessity, have to route through the usb port. Devs, get on it (please).
Hi, and thanks for the responses!

As I stated in my original post, I am not connecting this to a TV, but to another 3.5mm jack on the Myvu's controller

The http://www.myvu.com is a mobile headset, which was originaly ment for media veiwing from an Ipod. I have hacked it, and made it into a monocular display so I can still view the outside world, while interacting with the device.

Here is a picture of me with it.

I have a "pocket" inside my shirt, which is holding the electronics, while the screen displays a virtual ~15" display.

If you can see in this image

The thing inbetween the Ipod and the glasses, has the connector that goes to the glasses and the cord that goes to the Ipod. Going to the glasses is a properitery device, while the connector between the controller and the droid is a standard 3.5mm plug on each end.
Here is a really bad picture I made
Sorry for all the pictures and the long post, but I just wanted to get my point across.

So can I use this with the Droid, or can you recommend any other Android devices? I really like Android compaired to other mobile OS's
Bump...... so does anyone know anything about this? I did get the double male 3.5mm plug..... and the audio works but currently no video..... does anyone know any apps I can try out that support video out on other devices? I think this is a software issue and not hardware
Bumpy bump bump...... anyone interested?

Current status:
Searched threw a couple hundred video apps, trying to find one that specifically says it supports video out...... nothing yet :(

I still think this is software, and no one has put the possible android video out support to use.
Another bump...... anyone know anything? Still experimenting and have the Android SDK so if anyone can give me some pointers if I can do anything using that.
Sorry to bump again..... just hoping for someone to see this.....

Also, update: It dosn't look like Android has native support for TV out. So if any developers out there can do something.... please!
Sorry to bump again..... just hoping for someone to see this.....

Also, update: It dosn't look like Android has native support for TV out. So if any developers out there can do something.... please!

Don't see it happening. No way ur gonna push that much bandwidth through USB port and no one is going to create media for it because of the lack of DRM.

Don't expect developers to break their brains working on this so people can play pirated movies on their phone.

Maybe 2011 version.

1.This isnt using the USB port, its using the 3.5mm jack.
2.How would DRM matter?
3.I know I wouldn't be using it for it, and I don't think others will be using it to watch pirated anything.

This is both the geekyness factor and the usability. If you have all the information you need displayed right on your eye (GPS directions, calling, web) would make life much easier. I have been using it with my Ipod and its been pretty cool and I got 2 chicks #'s because of it. I think Android and the Droid is awesome, so are you saying: Droid dont want iDoes?
The iPhone/iPod outputs video and audio to the 30 pin connector, the DROID only outputs audio to the 3.5 jack. You won't be able to get any video output this way, perhaps with the micro USB port you could. Still you will most likely need some special software and with this being such a hackjob (although very creative) I highly doubt any developer will bother with it. You would most likely have better success learning to write a Android app yourself.

1.This isnt using the USB port, its using the 3.5mm jack.
2.How would DRM matter?
3.I know I wouldn't be using it for it, and I don't think others will be using it to watch pirated anything.

This is both the geekyness factor and the usability. If you have all the information you need displayed right on your eye (GPS directions, calling, web) would make life much easier. I have been using it with my Ipod and its been pretty cool and I got 2 chicks #'s because of it. I think Android and the Droid is awesome, so are you saying: Droid dont want iDoes?

The point about DRM is money. Without DRM why would any developers want to add video out? I mean maybe that jack does have 3 connectors on it but I haven't seen that documented but it nearly takes a rocket scientist to just copy vids over to begin with.

So, if the jack doesn't support it that leaves USB or God forbid BlueTooth and that just isn't going to work either.

And I apologize about the pirated movie comment. I forgot it could be used for porn too :D
The point about DRM is money. Without DRM why would any developers want to add video out? I mean maybe that jack does have 3 connectors on it but I haven't seen that documented but it nearly takes a rocket scientist to just copy vids over to begin with.

So, if the jack doesn't support it that leaves USB or God forbid BlueTooth and that just isn't going to work either.

And I apologize about the pirated movie comment. I forgot it could be used for porn too :D

I still don't see your point..... but whatever. I just took a video of the device (From my droid) and I am uploading it to Youtube now.

Please explain what you mean by DRM and all of this, because that is not the point of this. My original plan was to use my device with the BeagleBoard, but I instead decided to purchase the Droid. Hey, maybe after the holidays I will get the money to buy the BeagleBoard, but until then I want to see if this will work on the Droid because I see great potential.

Also take a look at Sixth Sense by MIT Media Lab
s i x t h s e n s e - a wearable gestural interface (MIT Media Lab)
Click on "videos" on the side and look at the one that is Youtube embedded.
I still don't see your point..... but whatever. I just took a video of the device (From my droid) and I am uploading it to Youtube now.

Please explain what you mean by DRM and all of this, because that is not the point of this. My original plan was to use my device with the BeagleBoard, but I instead decided to purchase the Droid. Hey, maybe after the holidays I will get the money to buy the BeagleBoard, but until then I want to see if this will work on the Droid because I see great potential.

Also take a look at Sixth Sense by MIT Media Lab
s i x t h s e n s e - a wearable gestural interface (MIT Media Lab)
Click on "videos" on the side and look at the one that is Youtube embedded.

I understand the need to do nerdy things. But, open source or not, stuff doesn't develop itself for free. At some point capitalism has to step in.

Let's face it, multimedia controls suck on this device out of the box and it won't play a lot of formats.

DRM comes in because Apple wants you to use iTunes to buy videos, and Zune wants you to do the same. Sure they both have cool ways to do stuff for free too but you are using their OS and therefore area already their customer.

DRM means sales of protective content. Android is an orphan unless/until Google gets into the DRM game with their own store or connection to someone elses like Amazon.

But no offense, we better have Audible support before we get video out on a future device.
I know all about the sixth sense, my cousin goes to MIT and was telling me about it, pretty amazing stuff. But that has nothing to do with the fact that the DROID's 3.5 jack is designed for audio and I am pretty sure they didn't put any extra connectors to it for video output. The micro USB might have some hope but you still need to design the software because no developer would do it seeing as how you can't just buy a MyVu that is compatible with the DROID.
Who ever said this was just for video and music? I personally want to be able to browse the web with this. The Myvu simulates a larger screen than the phone, and would give you the same flexibility. If you looked at the Sixth Sense video, you can see how this can be used in the real world..... and by that I don't mean watching pirated movies or porn.

Well heres the video, sorry for the bad quality and my suckish voice.
YouTube - Head Mounted Display system
Also, when I said chicks I meant I got two girls phone numbers..... Im 14.......
This is all great but the thing with the DROID that I keep trying to tell you is it doesn't output video, or screen emulation, through the 3.5. Maybe the micro USB but that is anyone's guess right now.
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