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Two-factor authentication is used on less than 10% of Google accounts

What is two factor authentication?
How's that work!
Anytime I log into my google account on a new device or a device I haven't specifically tolld google to remember me on (my home and work computers) they send me an SMS message with a 6 digit code that I have to input. The code is only good for a few minutes. So to log into my account I need to know my password, have my phone with me, and enter the code when I get it.

Now for AF I have two factor set up as well, but that uses an authenticator app to generate the pin.
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I just realized I use this on the computer I use at work. I so seldom log into Google while working I had forgotten about it. The email would come to my phone.

What I worry about is someone being "me" on say YouTube if I forget to log out. If there was a solution for that like a timer you could set to log out I wouldn't be worried about it anymore. Two-step authentication is a good first step. I think more people will use it eventually.
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