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Update on Release Date?

Is it safe to say the Atrix isn't coming out on the 13th since it was not announced along with the Inspire?

Also, I have not seen any commercials recently. And they usually give a release date a few weeks before the phone is released.

Im thinking this phone really wont be released until late Feb or Mar 1...

Maybe we will find out tomorrow when the Atrix training takes place?

I have a friend who just got hired by Best Buy mobile dept, she's not a tech junkie so wasn't aware really but I asked her to find out something if she could last week. Yesterday, 31st, she text me this:

"I just had some vendor training and the Motorola guy was there with the Atrix! It will be out first quarter and best buy will have it first! I'll let you know when I get a release date! That thing is so sweet"

So the 13th isn't looking very likely IMO
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I have a friend who just got hired by Best Buy mobile dept, she's not a tech junkie so wasn't aware really but I asked her to find out something if she could last week. Yesterday, 31st, she text me this:

"I just had some vendor training and the Motorola guy was there with the Atrix! It will be out first quarter and best buy will have it first! I'll let you know when I get a release date! That thing is so sweet"

So the 13th isn't looking very likely IMO

To me the 13th is definitely ruled out as AT&T would have announced it along with the Inspire today. But it should be earlier than March 1 as the CEO said it would be late Feb. That to me means late Feb at the latest... :)
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Have you heard of any other possible dates? Maybe since Best Buy will be selling it exclusively at first that's why AT&T hasn't announced it yet? :thinking:

That's possible, but wouldn't Best Buy have made an announcement? And Best Buy employees not being told anything yet gives me little confidence in the 13th. Still possible I guess, and I hope so...but not looking like it.
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I went into a Best Buy yesterday to check and see what they would say. I told them I'd seen the the 13th as the day BB would have the Atrix, but "have" was kind of unclear. Would they "have" sell it or "have" stock it in the warehouse on the 13th?
One person was telling me the usual "we're not sure" when another employee interrupted her and pointed at the computer screen. They both looked at the person with the manager badge on and gave her the "raised eyebrow, shrugged shoulder, what should we say look" and with a very slight nod from that person they told me it would be for sale in the store on the 13th. I know they could have the wrong info in the computer, I sure hope they weren't confusing it with the Inspire, which hadn't been announced yesterday, but I am hoping they are right.
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"The HTC Inspire™ 4G will be the first 4G smartphone in AT&T stores and will have the largest screen of any AT&T smartphone, with a 4.3-inch super LCD display, and will offer an 8-megapixel camera with HD video recording."

Oh, I forgot this part, I know I'm just really wanting to read it this way, but this part of today's announcment does say first "IN AT&T STORES" so this doesn't rule out Best Buy having the Atrix in their stores on the 13th, does it? Just still hoping!
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Have you heard of any other possible dates? Maybe since Best Buy will be selling it exclusively at first that's why AT&T hasn't announced it yet? :thinking:

The only other date being floated was way long ago about march 1 st. Since then it was superbowl commercial then feb 13 release. I will see my friend at the end of the week to see if I can see more
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