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Update on Release Date?

I asked a local BB here in Dallas if they knew the release date I was told the 13th as well. He said they would have the phone in stock and for sale on that date. I asked about docks, I was told they would probably NOT have any docks available on release date.

Not sure if this adds much to the conversation but I figured it might be of some value.
The only other date being floated was way long ago about march 1 st. Since then it was superbowl commercial then feb 13 release. I will see my friend at the end of the week to see if I can see more

About the super bowl commercial, I get the feeling more and more that the main one will be a Xoom commercial, with maybe the two Atrix commercials that have already surfaced maybe at a minor commercial breaks. Moto has been hitting the press with the Xoom pretty hard these past couple of days, and with Google's Honeycomb announcement tomorrow, they will surely be showing the Xoom off to the tech world, then this weekend WOW the rest of the US... I'm beginning to think we (the Atrix hopeful) will be disappointed superbowl sunday...

AT&T should have played this smarter and used this phone to cut iPhone losses to Verizon...

PS I am still hearing mid-february as well, although a couple of my contacts have been modifying that with "certainly by March" kind of statements, so it is not overly confidence-inspiring...
I asked a local BB here in Dallas if they knew the release date I was told the 13th as well. He said they would have the phone in stock and for sale on that date. I asked about docks, I was told they would probably NOT have any docks available on release date.

Not sure if this adds much to the conversation but I figured it might be of some value.

I hope so much that you are right. I will cancel my t-mobile contract and returned already my MT4G (great phone btw) and have to live with a crappy Nokia prepaid phone. So each day is a pain. Can't imagine I could survive 30 days on a prepaid phone.;)
About the super bowl commercial, I get the feeling more and more that the main one will be a Xoom commercial, with maybe the two Atrix commercials that have already surfaced maybe a minor commercial breaks. Moto has been hitting the press with the Xoom pretty hard these past couple of days, and with Google's Honeycomb announcement tomorrow, they will surely be showing the Xoom off to the tech world, then this weekend WOW the rest of the US... I'm beginning to think we (the Atrix hopeful) will be disappointed superbowl sunday...

PS I am still hearing mid-february as well, although a couple of my contacts have been modifying that with "certainly by March" kind of statements, so it is not overly confidence-inspiring...

The Atrix will be probably the same commercial but with AT&T branding and a launch date. I also heard they might have one of the desk shows either pregame or halftime.
Funny our friends theories has come true on so much so far. Yet you mock. I wonder why anyone would wanna share info if all they do is get mocked? ?? You think I and the others who have shared info on this site will.continue to when ridicule is our reward???

I don't think it is mocking, it is more skepticism. Like any other device or newest gadget that is eagerly awaited, people seem to come out of the woodwork claiming some type of insider information that is usually at best an educated guess, at worst a complete falsehood.

Those that say they went to Best Buy and asked an associate about a release date have more credibility to me than those that claim some type of friend or relative who gave them some type of secret information that no one else has.

It is fun to speculate about the release date sure, but I think people who claim this type of knowledge are looking for some type of pat on the back that they got it first and "Oh wow, look what I know ".

That being said, of course there could be someone who DOES know something the rest of us don't and they really do have friends in high places that told them something and it honestly just passing on the information to the community. The stories of going to training and looking in the BB computers for release dates all seem legit and this information probably is real. That type of information is sound and believable.

Saying "I know a guy at Best Buy who says bla bla bla", just doesn't hold much water even if it turns out to be true.

Andrea and anyone else, don't take these things personally, people are skeptical by nature and I really don't believe anyone is mocking anyone.

If you find out more information from a reliable source, of course share it, we all love to hear about possible release dates.

By the way, the guy I know at Best Buy has a brother who works for AT&T as a VP of Marketing, he told me that the Atrix will be released and for sale Feb 13th at Best Buy.

Believe it? It could be true, or it could be just something I made up...;)
I don't think it is mocking, it is more skepticism. Like any other device or newest gadget that is eagerly awaited, people seem to come out of the woodwork claiming some type of insider information that is usually at best an educated guess, at worst a complete falsehood.

Those that say they went to Best Buy and asked an associate about a release date have more credibility to me than those that claim some type of friend or relative who gave them some type of secret information that no one else has.

It is fun to speculate about the release date sure, but I think people who claim this type of knowledge are looking for some type of pat on the back that they got it first and "Oh wow, look what I know ".

That being said, of course there could be someone who DOES know something the rest of us don't and they really do have friends in high places that told them something and it honestly just passing on the information to the community. The stories of going to training and looking in the BB computers for release dates all seem legit and this information probably is real. That type of information is sound and believable.

Saying "I know a guy at Best Buy who says bla bla bla", just doesn't hold much water even if it turns out to be true.

Andrea and anyone else, don't take these things personally, people are skeptical by nature and I really don't believe anyone is mocking anyone.

If you find out more information from a reliable source, of course share it, we all love to hear about possible release dates.

By the way, the guy I know at Best Buy has a brother who works for AT&T as a VP of Marketing, he told me that the Atrix will be released and for sale Feb 13th at Best Buy.

Believe it? It could be true, or it could be just something I made up...;)

You are correct and skepticism I get, but if the track record has been pretty good and the information pretty solid i think us guys deserve at least the benefit of the doubt no?
You are correct and skepticism I get, but if the track record has been pretty good and the information pretty solid i think us guys deserve at least the benefit of the doubt no?

What track record? You guys are specualting on a release date. The device has yet to be released so what metric determines the good track record you are talking about?

Granted I am not familiar with other bits of information you may be referring to but when referring to this, no one has a track record.
What track record? You guys are specualting on a release date. The device has yet to be released so what metric determines the good track record you are talking about?

Granted I am not familiar with other bits of information you may be referring to but when referring to this, no one has a track record.

the Inspires release date which was posted on the Phandroid main page brought to you by me and confirmed by S.M. and other sites. The Inspires Device Emulator from Radioshack, just to name a few
the Inspires release date which was posted on the Phandroid main page brought to you by me and confirmed by S.M. and other sites. The Inspires Device Emulator from Radioshack, just to name a few

Like I said, I was not aware of your other bits of information and I did not realize you were the one who sourced that information for Phandroid.
Like I said, I was not aware of your other bits of information and I did not realize you were the one who sourced that information for Phandroid.

Not a problem, no offense taken, but now you can see why some of us get a bit weary of sharing. Sure there are some who spout off at the mouth but there are others who have good info. Maybe the site should put a reliability meter of some sort under the avatar to show peoples reliability/ accuracy???
remember when we said that and everyone was like " NO WAY it wasnt even turned on at CES"

Yeah, but even I doubted my friend (I thought he was pushing that point because he wanted the Inspire not the Atrix, as he admitted that he really hadn't researched too much about the Atrix) Whoops! Guess I owe him a beer...
Funny our friends theories has come true on so much so far. Yet you mock. I wonder why anyone would wanna share info if all they do is get mocked? ?? You think I and the others who have shared info on this site will.continue to when ridicule is our reward???

I was in no way mocking anyone. Did the use of quotes upset you? What I meant was, since I didn't troll the forum all weekend, did Best Buy announce this, or is it just someone's friend that works at Best Buy saying it? If I was going to mock someone, it would probably be over their grammar or excessive use of LOL.
I was in no way mocking anyone. Did the use of quotes upset you? What I meant was, since I didn't troll the forum all weekend, did Best Buy announce this, or is it just someone's friend that works at Best Buy saying it? If I was going to mock someone, it would probably be over their grammar or excessive use of LOL.

I use excessive LOL so people know that I'm not using a sarcastic or angry tone because it is usually very difficult to tell a persons intention. So when i use LOL and the smileys it explains my intent.
It does look kinda bad for the 13th. At least as far as a at&t release. Why would they announce the Inspire and not mention anything about the atrix if it was releasing the same day? Dosent mean best buy cant get a 1 week exclusive and launch the 13th but that means I'm gonna have to pay full retail OUCH!!
It does look kinda bad for the 13th. At least as far as a at&t release. Why would they announce the Inspire and not mention anything about the atrix if it was releasing the same day? Dosent mean best buy cant get a 1 week exclusive and launch the 13th but that means I'm gonna have to pay full retail OUCH!!

Well marc just said that the 14th still looks good
Well marc just said that the 14th still looks good

I hope so. From what he says I can get it upgrade price +200 at at&t If best buy gets the one week exclusive I'll have to pony up for full retail and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to wait. Haha. :o
I hope so. From what he says I can get it upgrade price +200 at at&t If best buy gets the one week exclusive I'll have to pony up for full retail and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to wait. Haha. :o

If you can get the 200+ price at AT&T you can get that at best buy as well. My gf did it with her iphone 4
If you can get the 200+ price at AT&T you can get that at best buy as well. My gf did it with her iphone 4

But I'm only 7 months into my contract. I'm pretty sure they dont have the $200 early upgrade option in their system. I overheard a customer trying to get an early upgrade the other day at best buy and they told the customer to go to their provider. Pretty much the same thing they tell me when I'm not fully eligible. How do u suggest I go about asking? I'll probably have to call at&t customer service and have them notate my acct or something?
But I'm only 7 months into my contract. I'm pretty sure they dont have the $200 early upgrade option in their system. I overheard a customer trying to get an early upgrade the other day at best buy and they told the customer to go to their provider. Pretty much the same thing they tell me when I'm not fully eligible. How do u suggest I go about asking? I'll probably have to call at&t customer service and have them notate my acct or something?

Yes that would be the best bet put an account notation on and possibly call AT&T while at best buy so they can speak to a rep
Yes that would be the best bet put an account notation on and possibly call AT&T while at best buy so they can speak to a rep

Best Buy has no access to account notations and does not honor early upgrades as policy because they do not get credited properly for it. Some stores have been known to do it anyways even though it is against store policy.
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