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Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?

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No matter what size I choose for my avatar, from 75x75 up to 900x900, it gets zoomed in to a center portion and looks pretty crappy.

And then the part I move to within the frame - not what gets displayed - that's completely random.

And if I've already gone to the trouble of making my rectangular avatar square in the first place, why does the tool insist that it needs to be a different square?

There. That looks real good. :p

So you have to ignore what the tool is showing.

Edit note to @Phases - I think that I'm suggesting that the improvement for the avatar page is a note to the user suggesting 250×250 square and a warning that the upload can't be over 60 kB - if it is, you can get error'ed out with an unfriendly red brick dialog.

Order on the stack - way below bugs obviously, but maybe something to think about as a friendly enhancement for newcomers.
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Still no view first unread on mobile? That proving harder than it would seem. It's a pretty important thing to have missing this long. I find myself coming here much less as of late.

Are you talking about the mobile app? You can have it show you the last unread first in settings. Since the last update, i haven't looked to see where it is, but i'm sure it's there. If you are talking about using a mobile browser, it's there too ... it's the blue dot next to the thread title. Not too obvious,but it works.

Way too hard to hit tha little dot on a phone browser. Have to zoom first and that's a pain. Why no view first unread link to click at the top of the thread after you go into it like on the desktop browser and like it used to be? Why was it removed from mobile browser view but left on desktop view? Can it be added back?

You don't have to hit the blue dot - clicking the thread title takes you to the first unread post. If you look at the screenshots I've added below, where I've hovering the mouse over thread titles to see their URL, you can see the thread I've read before ends in /unread/. Clicking it takes me to the first unread post, not the start of the thread.

I've noticed it doesn't work 100% of the time though - every now and then it will take me to the first post of a thread. You are presumably finding the same bug when using your phone.


  • first unread.jpg
    first unread.jpg
    357.4 KB · Views: 264
Oh, yeah, I forgot that it renders differently in portrait vs landscape view (which I hate, but understand that's a fundamental "feature" of the platform). It should show in landscape unless his phone is tiny.
Yeah, on my phone's display at least, the page selection tool has nothing to the left or right of it and only takes up 1/4 of the width of the screen. So it's not like there's nowhere for the button to go.
Possible notification/alert bug:

I occasionally don't receive alerts for new posts in watched threads, mostly for this thread and today for this other XenForo thread. I think it's a result of posts being deleted, but I'm not positive. My guess is that if someone replies to this thread after a post is deleted the alert is not being sent.

For example I did get an alert about the "Similar Threads" post above from Unforgiven, but (after viewing that post several hours ago) I didn't get an alert for the recent post by Unforgiven about prefixes. Were any posts from this thread deleted in between when those two posts were made?

I didn't get an alert for the next two posts either and I don't think any posts were recently deleted because this was (and still is) post #61. Something is causing me to sometimes not get notifications for this thread though.
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When adding "Mark Forums Read" to the sub nav bar, it took away the ability to see "My Forums" in landscape mode. :(

Also still no editor, and long skinny posts. :(

At least tapatalk is working good!

Edit ... "My Posts" also missing!
Thanks Unforgiven, I found the "Show people's signatures with their messages" setting as you described. Not sure if it was there all along and I missed it, or what. My aversion to signatures is in some fora (all of which are technical in nature, nothing sketchy) people will use them to advertise (or give their opinion on) all sorts of stuff unrelated to the forum. I haven't noticed whether that's the case here, and I'm not pointing any fingers.

Being able to also turn off avatars would be cool. Partly for the same reason as for signatures, but also for bandwidth (page load time) concerns.

Also going back to my comment about emails - in addition to having a relevant subject line (with the name of the forum in it) for the emails, it would be really nice if we were to get back the 'daily digest' feature - for each forum an email is sent with links and subject lines for all new threads and for all updated threads. That way I get a single email for (say) the Nexus 5, rather than multiple emails (one for each new thread).
I personally do NOT like the way the Signature issue has been addressed. Putting it on the far right is just the same and throwing it out with the dishwater, in fact the color of it is now worse than greyed out dishwater.... Also, it is limited to way too few characters. Avatars and Signatures help to identify the poster.... I also do NOT like the total lack of info beneath the avatar, no Carrier info, no Post Count
Thanks Unforgiven, for some reason I thought this thread was dead (clearly not, I must have been thinking of another thread that had been discussing the forum changes).

One more thing - can we re-add the ability to turn off display of avatars and signatures? This is especially useful when I am at work and am not quick enough on the "boss is watching" button ;-)

Turning off signatures can be found in Preferences
If your particular browser supports ad blocking extensions, you can block avatars as ads. Adblock on chrome can do this, you just need to mark the following as an ad:

class="avatarHolder" >

You still get names and badges, but no avatars.
Very nice, thanks.
I personally do NOT like the way the Signature issue has been addressed. Putting it on the far right is just the same and throwing it out with the dishwater,

Or you could change the text alignment and move it to the left or centre....

oh and clicking on the avatar gives a bunch of information about post counts etc, and a rather nifty little mapping/location feature :)
There are some leftover / misplaced forum in the thread move list. I couldn't find them on the homepage, so it's possibly just a quirk. Just bringing it up in case it has a negative manifestation in another area.

err what.png
I'm not sure if this is new or I'm just noticing it, but forum links don't render to the thread title.

I would like http://androidforums.com/threads/update-on-the-update-explanations-and-what-bugs-remain.883932/ to automagically be Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?

I rendered the one with thread title manually.

Here it is using plain tags to show the difference in BBCode
I would like http://androidforums.com/threads/update-on-the-update-explanations-and-what-bugs-remain.883932/ to automagically be [URL='http://androidforums.com/threads/update-on-the-update-explanations-and-what-bugs-remain.883932/']Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?[/URL]

Thanks! Added to to-do list, will edit OP of this thread soon..

Whatever the algorithm used for the "Similar Threads" results could use some, let's say, fine tuning. This 4 1/2 year old gem is supposed to be similar to this update thread. It is causing a lot of oooold, no longer relevant threads to be resurrected.

Thanks! Added to to-do list, will edit OP of this thread soon..

Another minor aesthetic one. When you bring up an overlay on a thread with a "General" prefix it is quite unreadable.

View attachment 78631

Thanks! Added to to-do list, will edit OP of this thread soon..

Would it be possible to include the name of the forum in the subject line of emails that notify us of new topics? I know this forum used to do that before the revamp.

I subscribe to several different fora here, and the emails give no clue (even in the body) which forum it is for.

One day I might be wanting to read all my subscriptions for (say) the iPhone 27, and the current setup doesn't allow for that.

Here's an example in case you don't get what I'm saying:

Subject line:
"G3 terminating apps which are supposed to be running in the background - New thread in watched forum"

wenglish, <redacted> posted a new thread to a forum you are watching at Android Forums.

I have to click the "View This Thread" button to even see what forum it was posted in (in this case I can intuit it from the "G3" in the title, but generally that's not the case.

Thanks (again) for listening.

Thanks! Added to to-do list, will edit OP of this thread soon..

My recaller is getting hazy about the old forums so I'm calling this a 'Request for Enhancement (RfE).
How about adding a count to the unread posts link in the My Forums drop down list? Something like 'unread posts (123/45)' meaning that there are 123 new (unread) posts in 45 threads. I think there was something like this in the old forums.

Keep on making the Android Forums a better place than it used to be.!

We may or may not do this. I miss it too, but.. discussion phase. We had some issues with it earlier..

I personally do NOT like the way the Signature issue has been addressed. Putting it on the far right is just the same and throwing it out with the dishwater, in fact the color of it is now worse than greyed out dishwater.... Also, it is limited to way too few characters. Avatars and Signatures help to identify the poster.... I also do NOT like the total lack of info beneath the avatar, no Carrier info, no Post Count

Thanks! Not a priority, Rob didn't add to to-do list but I will look for a plugin for this or just write something up myself perhaps.

There are some leftover / misplaced forum in the thread move list. I couldn't find them on the homepage, so it's possibly just a quirk. Just bringing it up in case it has a negative manifestation in another area.

View attachment 78842

I've found more misplaced forums in the move list.

At the top it's not ordered correctly - for example Device Comparisons, a subforum of Android News & Talk, is under Guide Log:
View attachment 78851

The top of the Android Phones section is not alphabetical:
View attachment 78852

Thanks! Added to to-do list, will edit OP of this thread soon.. These are a decent priority. I know it's staff that sees it (except that last one ,that stuff shows in the forum jump menu too) but this bug also manifests itself in several places, admin backend, forum jump menu, etc. So, we need to fix.
There is apparently no way to remove Current Status entirely after it has once been used.

It would be great if it was permitted.

... Thom

We can't seem to recreate this. Can you explain in more detail? Where all does this status show up?

I personally do NOT like the way the Signature issue has been addressed. Putting it on the far right is just the same and throwing it out with the dishwater, in fact the color of it is now worse than greyed out dishwater.... Also, it is limited to way too few characters. Avatars and Signatures help to identify the poster.... I also do NOT like the total lack of info beneath the avatar, no Carrier info, no Post Count

You can align center or left now. At first you could not, a week or so ago I fixed that.
There is apparently no way to remove Current Status entirely after it has once been used.

It would be great if it was permitted.

... Thom

We can't seem to recreate this. Can you explain in more detail? Where all does this status show up?.

I think he is referring to having the byline under your name show up as what you last posted on your profile page (educated guess after looking at Thom's profile). I looked and regular members can delete them, thus restoring it to the stock New Member, Well Known Member, etc. that was there before.
We can't seem to recreate this. Can you explain in more detail?

In your account in Personal Details the Status Message is empty and if your avatar is clicked there is nothing show and there is no line there.

Enter something in Status Message and save changes.

Now try to return to the original state. It insists that something be entered. I want to go back to the original state where there is nothing ... not even a blank line.

... Thom
Enhancement requests -

Convenient way to view and respond to profile discussions. VB had it. Stinky posts on my page, one click and either of us could view our conversation and respond.

Bug -

Mobile browser, go to my Contact Details.

While loading, it shows my email address - when the page load completes it shows something else.
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Updated tapatalk back end, and app update available. With both things seem better. Takes about 10 seconds to load forum list the first time but I'll take it!
Please test.
Keeping an eye out for the update,rebooting periodically to check/prompt.
On a somewhat related note,the PHANDROID NEWS app has been f/c when selecting comments/replies,for about a week now.
Tried all the usual remedies/clear cache/force stop sign-out/sign-in,uninstall/re-install,still the same.
I just go to the browser view if I want to view the comments,or reply,no biggie,just thought I'd mention it while I'm here.
My apologies for going off-topic & if this has already been mentioned elsewhere.
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