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Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?

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I hit the post-rate flood control threshold while I was spamming replying rapidly on a thread, but instead of the "hey, you're posting too quickly, cool your jets!" message I got a 404:

Did something happen to the forum in the last 3 hours?

Now every thread I click on presents me with the 1st post instead of the "new posts"....

if it is a matter of the forum being worked on, I can deal with it.
Just curious.
Did something happen to the forum in the last 3 hours?

Now every thread I click on presents me with the 1st post instead of the "new posts"....

if it is a matter of the forum being worked on, I can deal with it.
Just curious.

+1 I noticed that earlier on my desktop with Firefox.
@AZgl1500 , I guess I've never noticed. I always had clicked on the date underneath the username on the right side, and it took me to the last post:

Are you clicking on the Thread Title?

Edit: sorry if I assumed you were using a computer vs your device :(
I'm on Windows 7/Chrome fwiw.
and I should have mentioned I use Win7 on a Desktop PC running Firefox.... the "only browser in existence" :D

and yes, I nearly always click on the thread title.

I wish the last poster's name showed up instead of just the date.

I see in your image that the last poster's name does show. For some reason it don't for me, and never has.
I use Internet Explorer on a Windows 7 workstation. The name is displayed for me.

... Thom
IE is a no no for me, the bookmarking system is atrocious as I am a keyboard macro type guy.

I much prefer the Firefox system where it is easy to edit the bookmarks, ALT-B + (keystroke) immediately takes me to the next bookmark index.
I also prefer the Mozilla Addons system, No-Script, etc...

As some things are explicitly programmed for IE, I just ignore the differences and move on.
IE is a no no for me, the bookmarking system is atrocious as I am a keyboard macro type guy.

I much prefer the Firefox system where it is easy to edit the bookmarks, ALT-B + (keystroke) immediately takes me to the next bookmark index.
I also prefer the Mozilla Addons system, No-Script, etc...

As some things are explicitly programmed for IE, I just ignore the differences and move on.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this but Firefox does show the user's name (Windows 7 Pro - Firefox 36.0.4).

probably because I have too many advert filters installed, NoScript, Disconnect, AdBlock Plus, AdFender, Google no tracking url, etc... plus, I got so tired of Firefox updating daily and Flash being a month behind and breaking, that I stopped the updates on both of them. at least flash works for me that way.
  • When moving threads, the Destination Forum drop-down selector is a jumbled mess. Specifically, the section headers are dark gray on dark blue, and thus almost impossible to read (tested with IE10 and latest Chrome). Also, within a section the forum names are not in any discernible order (e.g., Nexus One, Nexus 4, Nexus 6, Nexus 5).
Section headers have been fixed, but the ordering has actually gotten worse. As new devices have been added, they get inserted seemingly at random. I found Sony Xperia variants in no less than FOUR different places (and I'm not confident I found them all). This needs to be an orderable or searchable field.
Everytime I try to upload a picture I get a message that the file extension doesn't match or something. I don't have any problems sharing on other sights with any of my devices. I thought it might be a Tapatalk issue but I'm able to upload pictures on xda and other forums using Tapatalk.
The ads on this site are getting so intrusive I'm seriously considering deleting my account.
The ads on this site are getting so intrusive I'm seriously considering deleting my account.
Even when I'm not using Ad Block in Firefox, I don't see more than one or two reasonable static banner ads, usually for menswear at the moment. Nothing animated, video, sound, dating, pr0n, etc.
Even when I'm not using Ad Block in Firefox, I don't see more than one or two reasonable static banner ads, usually for menswear at the moment. Nothing animated, video, sound, dating, pr0n, etc.

The ads you see differ by country. US members get hit by ads much worse than the rest of the world iirc.

@Gmash , what is it you're seeing exactly? I know we've had issues with the ad provider in the past and it normally needs Rob/Phases to talk to them.
In the US on Internet Explorer on Windows 7 I am getting no ads. I was afraid to jinx this wonderful condition by pointing it out.

I do not have an ad blocker. For a few days the constant video ads had a bug that prevented use of the Back button over half the time. The videos seemed to be in two locations ... one where intended and also at window location 0,0. That has stopped in the absence of the ads.

Thank you.

... Thom
I was having a full page overlay or a full page overlay with video player where the X was so far in the corner I couldn't click on it. (This is landscape on my phone, Opera browser.) I could switch to portrait view once the page was completely loaded, then scroll over to click the X, but then when I would go to New Posts, the ad would pop up again, and I would have to do the whole procedure again. Very annoying.
Well the ads are back on AF, now that Honor are no longer doing all the sponsoring.

And that is something I did actually buy a couple of weeks previously....
New: Added several things to this post and deleted their posts.

Alright guys, I wanted to post and give some thoughts and explanations on a few things I've seen no the various threads out there and try to consolidate bugs into one list for my own sanity. Honestly, it is just non-stop right now and everything is muddied with the original 2000 posts worth of day one bugs. SO. Here is how I would like this to work.

1. I will list bugs here that I am aware of with notes on whether or not we're going to get to them sooner, or later.
2. I will close the other two threads with notes to post here instead.
3. I will keep this thread cleaned up - removing posts once I've read them if they don't need to stay, with whatever notes are necessary edited here into this OP. I will edit out, spoiler, or strike through things listed here if I feel they aren't needed anymore.

So, off we go.
No Action / Notes / FYIs

Original Phandroid App: This app is broken, and will not be updated. We apologize for the inconvenience :(

No "desktop view":
The old site used two different styles (themes, whatever you want to call it) and they each stayed true to one look no matter what size screen you tried them with. So, when we detected smaller screens we sent you to one, larger we sent you to another. This is why a "use desktop view" worked - because your client could bypass (or simply be redirected with an appropriate link, depends) and go straight to the main style.

This one reacts to screen size accordingly and is the only theme. It just reacts differently based on your screen size. It scales itself, this is why you can take your desktop browser window and make it thinner to see how it would work with different screen sizes. We COULD create a second non responsive style and call it 'desktop', or force your viewport with a "desktop view" link, and maybe one day we will - but the beauty of responsive is to only need to maintain one style and to make it look good across all devices. This is where the web is headed.

The problem is.. trying to please everyone and put what they consider important first.. that's hard to do.

Attachments seem weird? The very first day of launch we had to reimport attachments toward hour 20 or so, and we lost all NEW attachments from that day. So, ALL old are good, All new from the second import are good, but the 20 hour in between - you will find the attachments misdirecting and confusing. A re-upload would fix.

Signatures: Signatures did not come with the import and new much stricter guidelines have been put in place in an effort to keep the site looking clean. Once you reach 25 posts, you may have a very limited signature. No URLS/Links, no images - simply one line of text is permitted. Currently it is set at 50 characters, however I intend on convincing Rob to let that go the length of one line, whatever that character count may be.

Premium and staff have a couple more rights, but not much.

No new post indicator inside threads: Indeed there are, a green "new" banner on the right.

Tapatalk Bugs: There are a few of these. Outside of our control.

Mark Post as "Best Answer": This is only enabled for threads with the "Support" prefix.

Dark Theme: This is not currently on our to-do list. We may look at this in the future.

Small screen bug on mobile: If your screen is really small, the menu button in the header drops down and covers the subnav. This will be corrected. Side note, your phone is too small! :p

Bugs with IE8 and below: These will not be addressed unless we find ourselves with nothing to do. I hate to say that but I just want to be up front. It is generally not worth the effort and time.

Delete own post: We do not plan to enable this. If you would like a post or thread deleted please report it and staff will look into it.

Android Lounge: This was merged with Android News and Talk. Sorry for failing to mention that!

Subnav missing on search and help pages: This is by design. We may look into it and "fix" it ourselves in the future, but not a priority.

Sub-forums: sub-forums are located at the bottom of thread lists in each forum that has them. We agree the font is a little smaller than we'd like, and we may increase that or move the links altogether. However at the moment, you do have the option to move them to the top of the thread list. This can be found in your Preferences. (Click our name, top right)

Phandroid Phone Guide: Needs lots of updating, is on the list, but not a part of this migration.

Broken redirects: Lack of trailing slash on old forum URLs sometimes does not redirect properly. This is mostly a problem on Phandroid and will be addressed outside of this.

Weird quirks: First thing to try is clearing your cache! Many have found this useful. Especially once @jaymzway pointed it out. Thanks!

Bugs / Action Pending
(This is meant for people to reference, to know we already know about something, and to keep me sane while I try to help the team orchestrate things. Being here does not guarantee it will be done)

Seems a post or two has been eaten by the system:
Need to look into this please let me know of any you see. (Morgan I've added you to a conversation that talks about it and links to one or two.)

Replies/views out of whack:

Account upgrade links missing:
Indeed! On list.

Thanks / Likes system:
We are aware that only one of the two old systems came in during the import. This was originally by design due to the complexity of our highly custom import script was it was, but we have agreed to revisit and attempt to import what didn't come.

Trophy Points: This system will be overhauled shortly.

Threads not bolding for unread threads / Blue "new posts/latest post" button too small: Agreed, and we will fix one or both. (username on column on right does though)

Staff page not differentiating groups: The staff page (which is hard to find) does not distinguish who does what. We will fix this in the moderate future.

Posts, join date, carrier, devices, etc in posts by avatars: We wanted clean. We went too clean. We will add some information back.

Unable to remove alert preferences: Please note, there are alert preferences found in the dropdown when you click your name top right, and there are also preferences for the My Forums dropdown, click edit, highlight the forums, and use the dropdown at the bottom to change alert preferences for these. Plan to add some verbiage to explain in the "Alerts preferences" section.

Gallery / Albums didn't make import: This is true. Xen Media Gallery wasn't a part of Xenforo when our importer was finalized. But, it is now so we will go back and import them in.

Header / Navbar: This can optionally be made sticky in your preferences. However this will cause a line or two to be covered up when you jump to a new post in a thread. Added to bug list.

Search this thread: We too miss this option, and intend on bringing it back.

Unanswered threads: We may bring this back.

Menu dropdown on mobile too huge and overbearing: We agree. Will fix.

Fonts: We agree some fonts don't match as nicely as they should. Will adjust.

"See All" on main page device headers not enough: We are going to put a link bottom right of device lists as well.

No editor buttons for a couple of you, or signatures (badblue1, Gmash ): Need to investigate.

Sidebar drops down too early: Will look into.

Standard sig/banner for staff linking to rules etc: Maybe, will think about.

Carrier images not clickable: On list.

Forum links don't render a friendly title in posts, stay raw: On list to fix.

Similar threads feature needs date/time cutoff: On list.

Thread overlay prefix unreadable: On list to fix.

Add more info to notification emails: On list, thanks!

Unread posts counter (red alert box): Discussing.

Misaligned forums in overlays / forum jump / etc: On list.

Java syntax highlighter for code bbcode: We would like to see this as well. If we can find a (working) plugin for it we will look at that.

Where is the Mark Forums Read link? Currently this link is only found in a couple tricky places. For example click "new posts", and on the result page you should see it. This is not idea, and we plan to add a link in the subnav somewhere. It would also be nice to be able to mark particular forums read individually..

Need more visible separation between posts: Going to add 5px in between posts to help.

Double Posting bug: We are working on this issue.

System not redirecting after successful post (different from above) or churning away, stopping, but not having posted: Seems to be separate problem from the "double posting bug" listed above.

Device listings on "See All" pages are alpha right -> down, instead of down -> right: We agree, will fix.

Quote arrow to chase back to original too small: Will put in for name to be linked, too.

Header of similar threads unreadable: True.

Prefixes are not applied correctly (forced) to device forums: Gar. This is going to be a pain!

Images breaking template: http://androidforums.com/threads/up...d-what-bugs-remain.883932/page-2#post-6806021

Again, please bear with us while we work though this too. We've been all over it for a while..... in a testing environment. Many things come to light when you go live on a site this size so, thank you for patience.

Please post any new bugs or workflow enhancement suggestions here, but try to keep regular banter down! Remember, it is the plan to remove unneeded posts once I've read them if needed so, don't take it personal.

Thanks all,
Im highly upset this bug just keeps haunting Android Forums and its getting me pisst off everytime i want to placea link where i want it to be it set it all the way to top of the thread it bothers me so much that i literally do every in HTML Code form witch i shouldnt have to do as i am not a website designer im a developer im not in the field of HTML coding but im sorry for ranting and cursing but its something thats needs to be fixed asap its frustrating enough that when i even change the fonts it blods the top of the thread but not where i want it to be placed i literally had to reply to my own thread to place link and change fonts to a word seems this is being ignored and no one seems to care to report it so im reporting that this bug is fustrating and making me want to actually quit AF and find another forum to give my valuable time with please fix when u can thank you
Im highly upset this bug just keeps haunting Android Forums and its getting me pisst off everytime i want to placea link where i want it to be it set it all the way to top of the thread it bothers me so much that i literally do every in HTML Code form witch i shouldnt have to do as i am not a website designer im a developer im not in the field of HTML coding but im sorry for ranting and cursing but its something thats needs to be fixed asap its frustrating enough that when i even change the fonts it blods the top of the thread but not where i want it to be placed i literally had to reply to my own thread to place link and change fonts to a word seems this is being ignored and no one seems to care to report it so im reporting that this bug is fustrating and making me want to actually quit AF and find another forum to give my valuable time with please fix when u can thank you

Sorry, I'm really not sure what you mean. Are you having issues with linking to specific posts in threads?
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