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Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?

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Subscription Issue.
Not sure if this an Update glitch or something else. On my desktop, I have "gold starred" the LG-G3 forum and clicked "watch this thread." However, when viewing subscribed threads in the AF mobile app, that particular Subscription does not show up. I've waited a day to see if there is a lag in activating, then unsubscribed and resubscribed, but it's still not displaying. Or is it some setting I have missed?
The AF app is Tapatalk and Tapatalk is not picking up subscribed sub-forums from Xenforo. You have to subscribe in the app too. This is a Tapatalk problem that Android Forums has very little control over. All they can do is ask for a fix.
I just got an error posting. I thought I had a screenshot, but missed it.:(

It was a black overlay box with a red banner. I think it said Error 405, Method not Allowed.
Sig is sensitive to view on mobile.


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the sort-order for the drop-down dialog when moving thread is a "wee bit" off :p (see attached image).

I was trying to find the ZTE Grand Max area to move a thread to and found it near the top of the "Android Phones" area but before the bulk of the devices that start with "A".

Thanks (and sorry if this has already been reported).

edit/note: the image doesn't actually show where the ZTE Grand Max entry is in relation to the Android Phones section, but shows the others that are alphabetically out of order. (wondering now if maybe new devices are getting added at the top? :dunno: )


  • dropdown-sort-order.png
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I'd like to see it anywhere where we offer support on any thread. Just eliminate it in lounge and staff areas. There are dozens of threads in Android Applications where it could apply, ditto News & Talk.

Also, can the threshold be lowered enough so a staff vote credits it. IIRC that would be 3 points so three regular members votes or one staff member vote make it a best answer. I think EM has received the only best answer since it went live and I know @Mr. Lucky and @Hadron off the top of my head deserve several for their help in the Android Questions forum.

It's seven points to be marked best answer right now. Staff / VIP are worth 3 points, registered+ are worth 1 point, registered are worth 0:wtfdroid:. I've been marking anything I see, but it would take four registered+ (whatever that is) or another staff and an R+ to also mark it best answer.

And I see your point about support being everywhere. I was just shooting off the cuff there. I guess the biggest places for abuse or stat padding would be PCA & Forum Games. I included the lounges (The Lounge / VIP) and staff areas due to the off topic Watering hole type threads, but there are only a few of those. There is a lot of real questions answered there too.

Lower the bar on best answer to 3 points and make it easier.

As for abuse of stats... Have we met? Are you new here? Rotf!

Registered plus is the usergroup for members with >25 posts.

So the person in Android Questions best able to determine if a post solves their problem and most likely has less than 25 posts gets no vote on whether your post was a good answer. Brilliant.:rolleyes::p

Lol - yeah, especially as that's likely to be the new OP with the problem.

So if we can't give points to everyone - how about to the OP then? Three sounds fair to me.

And srsly - three shall be the number of the counting.

I wouldn't mind seeing who voted on the best answer either.

Any thoughts? There are a lot of folks that deserve some best answer love and a lot of threads that have been sufficiently answered. It seems one of the most sought after features we all clamored for in vB is present in XF, but is failing due to the point threshold.:(
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but the sort-order for the drop-down dialog when moving thread is a "wee bit" off :p (see attached image).

I was trying to find the ZTE Grand Max area to move a thread to and found it near the top of the "Android Phones" area but before the bulk of the devices that start with "A".

Thanks (and sorry if this has already been reported).

edit/note: the image doesn't actually show where the ZTE Grand Max entry is in relation to the Android Phones section, but shows the others that are alphabetically out of order. (wondering now if maybe new devices are getting added at the top? :dunno: )
Or make it a searchable field.
I would like to see a way to whip a PO who does not come back and acknowledge the help that fixed their problem.

We see them all the time, a lot of helpers here go to extreme lengths to detail a fix, and then nothing............ the thread is dead..... they gone
I would like to see a way to whip a PO who does not come back and acknowledge the help that fixed their problem.

We see them all the time, a lot of helpers here go to extreme lengths to detail a fix, and then nothing............ the thread is dead..... they gone
The problem is not the OP. If you look at the quotes in my post above, thier "Best Answer" vote doesn't count unless they have 25 posts which few folks asking questions in there have. They may as well be beating their heads on a wall clicking the best answer button.:(

Also, a post needs 7 points to actually be marked best answer. That seems to be proving a high bar to reach. I've been clicking that best answer button like a madman and I think I have seen one, one thread actually get a post marked best answer. And in that one I had to quote the post and ask more people to mark it as best answer.
I would like to see a way to whip a PO who does not come back and acknowledge the help that fixed their problem.

We see them all the time, a lot of helpers here go to extreme lengths to detail a fix, and then nothing............ the thread is dead..... they gone
Ya gotta help to help, not help to get thanks.

It's great when you get feedback that it works.

But - if you know it works, then remember - for every poster in a thread, 10 lurkers saw that, said nothing, enjoyed the help, and will come join us eventually, often to help.

It's all about paying it forward. ;) :)
Oh I agree, the Pay it Forward is the way it has to be.

The problem is, the "Best Answer" feature is simply not working. The user post required count needs to be totally done away with.

ie, newuser 123455 shows up with a valid problem, posts his "unique" situation and gets 3 or 5 replies. so now, he has 1 post to his name and wants to let us know which one fixed it for him. He clicks on Best Answer and nothing happens.... it is ignored. that is just simply wrong...

Forum Etiquette requires that a OP comes back and post a "Results post" so that when other readers come along, they know what fixed xyz problem... but, newuser123455 is brand new to forums in general and has no clue how to get around on a forum, much less come back and thank the helpers.

Shucks, I know I'm good,:p
I don't need the ego trip ( oh yes I do ) :rolleyes:

Compared to some of you guys, I am still a newbie.
Here is a comment on the AF app. I notice that some of these sponsored ads are looking very much like spam or phishing, indicating "you have a virus, click here."

So here's my question. While I understand that the app is really operated by tapatalk, why cant AF insist that spam like or phishing ads not be used in the AF app? In the work that I have done with other developers, I know that they can, to a certain extent, control the type of ads used. That's my two cents.

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Could we have posts on @Rob profile be made into threads in Android Questions automatically. A bunch of new members are signing up (good) and immediately posting on his profile page and if they receive a response at all it is hours or days later from another member, likely after they have given up on the site.

At least if they were made into threads in the Android Questions a lot more people would see it. The member may be confused initially, but they won't be lost and / or disillusioned.
Paging Phases, Paging Phases...
Phases, please pick up the white courtesy android phone.

Something seems weird with the best answer function. I am using a desktop PC with Windows 7 Pro. My browser is Firefox 34.0.5. When i access unread posts under My Forums, A list of the threads sometimes has a green 'Best Answer' button. Hovering over the button shows it is a link Clicking the button takes me to the same page, but the location bar adds a /?answered=1.

Is this all it is supposed to do? It would be nice if it took me to the best answer post itself.
Paging Phases, Paging Phases...
Phases, please pick up the white courtesy android phone.

Something seems weird with the best answer function. I am using a desktop PC with Windows 7 Pro. My browser is Firefox 34.0.5. When i access unread posts under My Forums, A list of the threads sometimes has a green 'Best Answer' button. Hovering over the button shows it is a link Clicking the button takes me to the same page, but the location bar adds a /?answered=1.

Is this all it is supposed to do? It would be nice if it took me to the best answer post itself.
It doesn't load exactly the same page in most instances. Try it in a forum (rather than in My Forums) and it displays only answered threads in that section. There's one at the top of android questions right now which you can test with, for example.

I would've expected it to behave as you describe when clicked - taking you to the best answer. Although to be fair, the best answer is always displayed as the #2 post in the thread so it's not a desperately needed feature.
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