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Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?

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So the person in Android Questions best able to determine if a post solves their problem and most likely has less than 25 posts gets no vote on whether your post was a good answer. Brilliant.:rolleyes::p
Lol - yeah, especially as that's likely to be the new OP with the problem.

So if we can't give points to everyone - how about to the OP then? Three sounds fair to me.

And srsly - three shall be the number of the counting.

I wouldn't mind seeing who voted on the best answer either.
Okay, i found this thread
It shows the " best answer " but i see no where to vote?
Right next to the report button on the bottom left of the post should be a button that says "Best Answer."
Doh, I just realized your screenshot was a mobile view. On the bottom left of the post in mobile is a Tools button that will expand a menu. The Best Answer option is under there for the Mobile View.
Right next to the report button on the bottom left of the post should be a button that says "Best Answer."

Thanks, but i don't see it.
It has to be my small screen phone, i still have no options in editor and still have long skinny posts since the change over to xenforo.
My phone is pretty much useless since the change, but tapatalk works well, looks like i'll have to stick with tapatalk. :(
On small screens you might see a single button called "tools" in the bottom left. That should have the "best answer" in there as the last item.
Doh, I just realized your screenshot was a mobile view. On the bottom left of the post in mobile is a Tools button that will expand a menu. The Best Answer option is under there for the Mobile View.

Okay, your right, i found it ;)
Thank you, i should have thought to look there :rolleyes:
But like i said, i have been using tapatalk most of the time.
I did notice that EM's name turned green on the post marked best answer. I like how it's quoted in the OP too.
Lower the bar on best answer to 3 points and make it easier.

As for abuse of stats... Have we met? Are you new here? Rotf!
I know we have drifted a bit from where we started this discussion on "Best Answers" but I want to reemphasize this. I think having post marked best answer is one of the most useful new tools that came with the XF transition but between having the 7 point threshold and only available for support threads it going nearly unused. :(
A lot of those are fake though, scroll down to fossil1990 on the list and go to his profile. No best answers on the best answers tab and his only post is in a non support thread.o_O Same for ReeceasaurusRex just below him. It's like the initial population of the list can from the dev site.
I can't seem to find how to vote for best answer on Tapatalk...

Is this something that will be addressed, or are us Tapatalk user just SOL?
I can't seem to find how to vote for best answer on Tapatalk...

Is this something that will be addressed, or are us Tapatalk user just SOL?
From my outside understanding, it would need to be supported in both the tapatalk forum plugin, which lets TT talk to the forum database, and in the tapatalk app. My guess is it's probably something to be dealt with between the Xenforo folks and the Qooord folks.
From my outside understanding, it would need to be supported in both the tapatalk forum plugin, which lets TT talk to the forum database, and in the tapatalk app. My guess is it's probably something to be dealt with between the Xenforo folks and the Qooord folks.
Hopefully they fix this because I find it pointless to have features that only some can access.........
VIP members votes count more than regular members? I guess even on forums money buys influence lol.
VIP members votes count more than regular members? I guess even on forums money buys influence lol.
I find it ridiculous.
Just because you pay money, suddenly you are smarter than someone who doesn't.

I think that should be changed NOW.
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