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Update on the update, explanations, and - what bugs remain?

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I don't know what changed, but my desktop Windows 7 pro with Firefox 34.0.5 is now showing the new tag on the pages after selecting the next button like it should! :D:D
Apologies if this has already been reported, but here are a couple what I believe to be bugs:
  1. When moving threads, the Destination Forum drop-down selector is a jumbled mess. Specifically, the section headers are dark gray on dark blue, and thus almost impossible to read (tested with IE10 and latest Chrome). Also, within a section the forum names are not in any discernible order (e.g., Nexus One, Nexus 4, Nexus 6, Nexus 5).
  2. Replying to a thread inherits the formatting from the previous reply (or maybe it inherits the formatting of the OP). See http://androidforums.com/threads/font-on-poweramp-not-large-enough.892353/ for an example. When I replied, everything was centered, until I went back and edited it to left-justify. I think the default for replying to a thread should be the same as for starting a thread - left-justified, serif font, non-bold/italic.
Apologies if this has already been reported, but here are a couple what I believe to be bugs:
  1. When moving threads, the Destination Forum drop-down selector is a jumbled mess. Specifically, the section headers are dark gray on dark blue, and thus almost impossible to read (tested with IE10 and latest Chrome). Also, within a section the forum names are not in any discernible order (e.g., Nexus One, Nexus 4, Nexus 6, Nexus 5).
  2. Replying to a thread inherits the formatting from the previous reply (or maybe it inherits the formatting of the OP). See http://androidforums.com/threads/font-on-poweramp-not-large-enough.892353/ for an example. When I replied, everything was centered, until I went back and edited it to left-justify. I think the default for replying to a thread should be the same as for starting a thread - left-justified, serif font, non-bold/italic.
I'm not seeing the color issues you mention in #1, but the jumbled order is known about. I'm not seeing #2 at all.
Here's an example of the color issue (see thumbnail):
Can you reads what's above Android Questions and Android Applications? I'm seeing this on two different devices with four different browsers. This may not be the best example, since what's at the top of the list is self-evident. However, it's really difficult when scrolling through that gigantic list and missing the fact you just left the Phones section and entered the Tablets or Wearable Devices section. Just changing that gray to something like cyan or yellow would be immensely helpful. Or maybe it's just my old eyes… :p
Oh, section headers. Yeah, I sort of ignore those.;) I have a feel for where things are on the home page and scroll to the general area in the list and fine tune from there.
Looks like when a member uses Gravatar and their avatar doesn't show up it messes up the Popular Topics formatting by removing the avatar placeholder:


User and thread.
Yeah, not quite sure how that works :dontknow:
fwiw, I'm not seeing the issue that Kate posted, I'm seeing the same as what Pup posted afa the gravitar/avatar thingamajiggy :)
We may as well leave them in case Phases wants to look into the variances in the popular threads list depending on where in the forum you are seeing it.
Can best answer be expanded beyond just support threads? Seems like it can be especially useful in tips and root threads for example.

I'd like to see it anywhere where we offer support on any thread. Just eliminate it in lounge and staff areas. There are dozens of threads in Android Applications where it could apply, ditto News & Talk.

Also, can the threshold be lowered enough so a staff vote credits it. IIRC that would be 3 points so three regular members votes or one staff member vote make it a best answer. I think EM has received the only best answer since it went live and I know @Mr. Lucky and @Hadron off the top of my head deserve several for their help in the Android Questions forum.
Nope, I've voted up Hadron earlier this morning.

And why not Lounge and staff threads? Questions get answered everywhere.

It's seven points to be marked best answer right now. Staff / VIP are worth 3 points, registered+ are worth 1 point, registered are worth 0:wtfdroid:. I've been marking anything I see, but it would take four registered+ (whatever that is) or another staff and an R+ to also mark it best answer.

And I see your point about support being everywhere. I was just shooting off the cuff there. I guess the biggest places for abuse or stat padding would be PCA & Forum Games. I included the lounges (The Lounge / VIP) and staff areas due to the off topic Watering hole type threads, but there are only a few of those. There is a lot of real questions answered there too.
It's seven points to be marked best answer right now. Staff / VIP are worth 3 points, registered+ are worth 1 point, registered are worth 0:wtfdroid:. I've been marking anything I see, but it would take four registered+ (whatever that is) or another staff and an R+ to also mark it best answer.

Registered plus is the usergroup for members with >25 posts.
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