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Root uSD card help


Android Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2010
Howdy gang-

I've been running my NC off the uSD, I've got 2 cards, one with CM7 and one with Nookie Froyo "Custom" I pretty much have not used the NFC since getting CM7 running, and now I want to recycle that card back to FAT32 duty. It came from one of my Droid Phones, and I'd like to send it back to droid duty.

the Flashing of the card for NFC landed the 16mb card with a small (1gb?) fat32 partition and the rest is partitioned to ?? (Android/linux?) I have google searched, but all topics returned seem to take the card from FAT32 to Lunix/Android, not the other way.

The only option I can come up with would be using Winimage to make a copy image of a good 16gb SD (which I have), then flash that image to the NFC card... but I'm skeered 'cuz Winimage and I didn't really get along making the two cards I have... LOL I worry I will skrew the "good" card up somehow doing this... Plus that existing 16gb card has about 14 gb of stuff on it that I would have to back-up, delete, then restore after... Class 2 card is slow to transfter 14gb of stuff, twice. I'll do it if I have to, but would prefer to avoid it.

Other than this, anyone know of a semi-painless way to re-partition a uSD back to FAT32?



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