Didn"t know where to post this so sorry if it's in the wrong place. So I was at the Verizon Store today to by a mobile hotspot. While the rep was handling my purchasre there ws a guy there with his Droid X trying to get some help. It was his third time in. First time in he told me it was because the battery was completely draining in only a few hours and the battery was gettinh so hot it was burning his leg while in his pocket. The tech took a look at it and said he didn't see anything wrong and just let it break in. He returned a few days later and they said the problem was the battery and they gave him a new battery. When I met him, third time in, we talked a few minutes and he let me see the phone. First he had the screen on full brightness, second he had the phone scanning for a wifi connection full time and finally he had no battery savings options setup. Now this guy has come to Verizon 3 times and the tech has yet to help him set his phone up to work more efficiency. I firmly beleive this is the best phone on the market but Verizon needs to do better with helping there customers solve these problems.