Well-Known Member
just got through to Best Buy. They said the BB preorder is through BB only. Verizon will show no record of me upgrading until the phone arrives. He also said that the vzw rep (standing next to him) said they will not be getting rid of unlimited before the S3 comes out. Said probably in Sept
My only reason to stay with BB is that I get an extra 50$ off. What does everyone think? Should I cancel my BB preorder and just go through VZW?
I just put in my PO at BB since I have a gift card for them and the way I see it is until VZW announces an actual date when unlimited data will end, your good. If they make an announcement about it before this phone is released, I will just quickly go on over to VZW and PO from them. They most likely will make the date announcement and give us some kind of time before it takes affect. The only thing I lose is having to pay for a $50 GC as my deposit which I will probably still use at their store in the future. I will check to see that they put in all my information correctly (family plan, text plan, and my unlimited data) before I buy the phone. I also want my phone sealed in box when I get it and I will activate it myself.