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Verizon Pre-order, Release date, and speculation thread

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Just checked my FedEx shipping number. It shows that my package checked in and out of Memphis Tenn today and is on time to be delivered by 3PM the 6th (today). I'll keep everyone posted.
Arrived at FedEx location

Shipment Dates

Ship date

Jul 5, 2012

Estimated delivery

Jul 6, 2012 by 3:00 PM



Shipment Options

Hold at FedEx Location

Not available to receive your shipment? FedEx will hold your shipment at a nearby FedEx location at no extra cost. Some shipments may not be eligible for this service.
Read more.

Hold at FedEx Location

  • 1Recipient information
  • 2Select location
  • 3Confirm request
* Denotes required field.Please confirm the original delivery address and ZIP code.* Original delivery address * ZIP Please provide a phone number where FedEx can contact the recipient when the shipment is available for pickup.
* Telephone no.

Shipment Facts

Service type
Standard Overnight - Indirect Signature Required

2.0 lbs/.9 kg

So from what I'm seeing, most of the 7/9 preorders have been shipped. I think the rest will be shipped tomorrow, and they'll start shipping 7/10 preorders. I ordered on 6/14 (first day of the 7/10 expected ship date) so hopefully mine will ship tomorrow!

I'm a 7/9 and I got nothin'. Would have been nice to get it early, and it is a bit obnoxious that I won't have it until after it's available in stores, but unless the 9th comes and goes with no shipping notification, I have no real reason to complain.
To those that have received their Verizon S3. I know it accepts an sd card but did it come with one? If so what size?

Also Im coming from a dx so I don't currently have a sim card. Does it come with one of these also or do I have to go to verizon store to get one?
To those that have received their Verizon S3. I know it accepts an sd card but did it come with one? If so what size?

Also Im coming from a dx so I don't currently have a sim card. Does it come with one of these also or do I have to go to verizon store to get one?

Does not come w/an SD card, but does come w/ a SIM card.
Depends. If they are comparing 3g on their old phone and 4g on the G3, not a problem for us. If comparing 3g to 3g, it is a problem. Also, if comparing 4g on GB and 4G on ICS, that is not a correct comparison. I will not have the G3 until next week, since no luv from Best Buy.

Now, if the signal is truly wimpy, that will also drain the battery quicker and the combination will be a quick return to Best Buy.

Added: Most of that thread makes no sense and is not apples to apples. It gave me headache. My conditions to test above are correct. Any other is not.

Update: After reviewing some comparisons in other forums that are apples to apples, it so far is not too encouraging for signal reception. My mental positive spin is now not minding as much my wait until next week. Bummer or bogus? If reception is Gnex level, mega fail for me. If even close, it is and will wait for the Moto HD.

OK, let me get this straight. If all of the S3 radios have poor reception, and Samsung sells between 30-50,000,000 of these things, that means the majority of cellphone users won't be able to reach each other. Now how much more Apples to Apples stats can you get than that. Everyone would be on a level playing field so where's the problem?

Think about it. If you have a..... let's say for example.....a HTC OneX and you get 3-4 bars consistently in most places you go, then you'll be in the minority and considered a freak. Join the mainstream and get the S3.
OMFG, so I just checked my tracking update. My package sat in Newark all day and it shipped at 2:20am. That is the worst time you could possibly choose. Every crack dealer, heroin junkie and carjacker is now in their prime element.

Hey, FEDEX driver, I hope you locked your cab doors, trailer doors and didn't stop for any body running up to you with a gun. Oh, and I hope you didn't cop a rock or two either.

I heard that Newark is a bit cleaned up but would you still trust walking through the hood at 2:00am by yourself? I'm off to get the morning edition of the Star Ledger and read the obituaries to see if they mention anything about a FEDEX driver.

VW, why didn't you ship UPS?
Not really a good idea. Each manufacturer can have a different calculation method to present the bars. Find a way to get the actual db's.
I just watched 2:28 of a 6 minute unboxing video where the guy had gloves on!! Just kill me. Mine should come today. 32GB Blue. Ordered at 7:03 am first day online.
I hope my 2day shipping becomes overnight all of a sudden :D

Doubt it. No movement on my order that left the facility on the 4th still this morning. The only way it makes it to me today is if one of those Pegasi we talked about earlier brings it.


Jul 5, 2012 3:22 AM
Shipment information sent to FedEx

Jul 4, 2012 2:15 PM
Left FedEx origin facility

Jul 4, 2012 8:43 AM
Picked up
OMFG, so I just checked my tracking update. My package sat in Newark all day and it shipped at 2:20am. That is the worst time you could possibly choose. Every crack dealer, heroin junkie and carjacker is now in their prime element.

Hey, FEDEX driver, I hope you locked your cab doors, trailer doors and didn't stop for any body running up to you with a gun. Oh, and I hope you didn't cop a rock or two either.

I heard that Newark is a bit cleaned up but would you still trust walking through the hood at 2:00am by yourself? I'm off to get the morning edition of the Star Ledger and read the obituaries to see if they mention anything about a FEDEX driver.

VW, why didn't you ship UPS?

UPS also ships heavily through Newark. A lot of my packages come from Newark, even in the early morning (like 1AM to 3AM). Including my (Sprint) GS3.

Your phone is safe. I bet the FedEx depot is right there by the highway and no one is going to try to jack a semi-trailer.
(Sorry if this is in the wrong thread)

I have the Galaxy Nexus and we have an open phone line that is eligible for an upgrade. My sibling prefers to have the Nexus and I was wondering if it was worth just giving him my Galaxy Nexus and upgrading to the sIII?

So I guess the question is... is the S3 better than the GN? :) Thank you!
That's exactly what my status looks like. Seems strange that if FedEx had the package on 7/4 at 8:43am, there would have been some movement of it yesterday. ?? I'll just keep playing with my accessories in the interim...


  • uploadfromtaptalk1341575007057.jpg
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FEDEX tracking sucks compared to UPS! UPS shows play by play every step of the way. The GEICO Caveman could probably do a better job of reporting.
Sorry Doit2it! Using Parcel App - works great - if only the FEDEX site could too.
I took a look at this phone as Costco yesterday while I was getting paper towels and toilet paper. They only had the blue but after looking at it I'm really glad I got the white. Yes these were dummy phones but I'd have to agree with others that have said the home button looks purple. It absolutely has a purple hue to it, no doubt about it. And it absolutely reminds me of my GNexus without a doubt. I just hope I enjoy it more then the GN. If not and it runs pretty much the same as the GN then I may just root the GN and sell the SIII. Guess I'll see after I get it. I really hope I like this damn phone. This thread is burning me out though. I'm done with phones for a while after this one as many of you will be too.
Doubt it. No movement on my order that left the facility on the 4th still this morning. The only way it makes it to me today is if one of those Pegasi we talked about earlier brings it.


Jul 5, 2012 3:22 AM
Shipment information sent to FedEx

Jul 4, 2012 2:15 PM
Left FedEx origin facility

Jul 4, 2012 8:43 AM
Picked up

Same boat as you Eryl... that is a exact match of my shipping updates. Was really hoping to wake up this morning and at least see another scan of the phone.
I have been with Verizon well before it was a Verizon here in southern mass (I think it was bell Atlantic) the bag phone type and boy did that have great reception cause that had 3 watt not the under 1 we get now.

I have tried AT&T (it was called cellular One in my area before the merger to AT&T) for 1 or 2 months before they let me out of my contract, being calls would not get to me and I got busy signals making calls, plenty of signal just overloaded for me here.

It's funny on thru the years Verizon kept saying to me I'm grandfather in, like new every 2, where I would get $100 off a phone every 2 years, then changed it to $50, now NOTHING. Same is happening to the unlimited data!

Oh yeah one more thing to the people that are thinking or going to think
"you can switch to the others" knowing that their reception sucks or dropped calls
FU! And don't say it! (sorry mods I had to say it) and please no offense to anyone.

My first data phone was a windows mobile cause Verizon had crap data phones back then. But now here is another kicker thing, I didn't have to get any data plan and I just had them block it so I never used data. Now they won't even activate a data phone unless you pay a data plan! Thanks Verizon for screwing us again!

Now the next big release from that crap Microsoft suck data phone (I would have to reboot it a few times a day even flashing it with the most stable rom out for it, but it had great reception(signal) compared to any non data phone hands down) was the (I hate to say it) the blackberry storm.
Verizon advertised the crap out of it and it was the biggest piece of junk phone to date (hands down) reception (signal)of the just sucked for starters and truncated emails and html emails were like jigsaw puzzles (if it worked for you then you never got the html emails like me, then again it was all of the blackberry Phones that truncated emails and poor html emails. Anyway I wanted that phone bad (though I did not know what I was in for) and Verizon phone people assured to me that they would have plenty of stock in stores. So release day I go to a Verizon store and guess what (at the time It just opened and I took the day out of work) the place was packed about 50 plus people and the guy said there is no way you will get one we only had 20 on hand, so I went to Bjs where there is Verizon in store and they had none 0, so I went to circuit city and I was #2 in line that wanted one so when the doors open we both went to the cell division and they told us they had 2 (now circuit city is never ever supposed to hold phones, against their policy) and they were being held. Boy we were both mad!

So I called Verizon and they tried locating one for me but could not after promising the the night before to me that there would be plenty, so they ordered one for me and it was suppose to come in before thanksgiving, and then the ship date changed to 2 weeks after and I called and the lady said let's find out what's going on so she connected me with someone in ordering or something while listening in and the man she connected me with was rude as he!! After he left she came back on and apologized for like 5 minutes and put me on hold a manager came on and apologized and said we are giving you the phone due to the way you were treated. When I received the phone the day after Thanksgiving (that was a surprise), it was my blackberry nightmare that taught me one lesson, when you really want something and it is very hard to get it usually turns out bad once it's in your hands and it's just not meant to be.

So I pre ordered the siii, my order Page said next day not 2 day and guess what I got.................. 2 day!!! And it's just sitting in NJ right now taking a sun tan or something. I really do want to call but like others have said they will just tell me "your getting it on the 9th when we said we would ship" and we know they don't care that much anymore anyway so I'm just sitting here reading about all the others that got my 1 day shipping and I got stuck with their suck a!! 2day shipping! :mad:

So here we are now (I have a great iPhone 4s mint condition with great reception) and am now hearing that this siii might have poor reception (now the meter is most likely useless) one having -100 and a different phone having -80 means shi!
They very well could be calibrated different, ect...

The way to test is where your other phone dropped calls due to no signal and we're it was weak cutting in and out. If the siii does worse in the same locations (more dropped or better no signal were your older one had cutting in and out and more than one day of testing also, cause it could be poor tower or weather or???) then we can say the siii sucks at reception at least on Verizon. But we could also say the opposite, Please do this test not signal meter (samsung can change this in their firmware / software to make it say -50 even but it won't change what we have in weak areas) .

Now please let's hear about the poor reception areas (basement maybe, ect...)
Thank you all

And let's hope the reception (signal) is at the very least tolerable.

Thank you and best of luck
you seriously took a day off work? in this economy? for a phone? brother... get some priorities

Some people like myself have over a 100 days of leave accrued and need to use it or loose it by 31 OCT. Government rules.
2nd day of having the phone and I absolutely love it. I figured out why there is no wifi toggle on the notification bar. If you drop the bar it automatically picks up if wifi is available and then asks if you want to connect. Pretty clever. I have no complaints. Got to try the camera last night and it was incredible. Quick and sharp. Took a picture in complete darkness and it turned out wonderful. S-voice is meh...I like it for setting alarms. But it isn't something I will use too often. I really have no complaints. People were upset about the camera shutter sound option. To disable it simply turn down the volume. Big hassle? Not really.

Anyway I will enjoy day 2 and am looking forward to hearing what more people think about it. Good luck to anybody getting the phone today. I saw many people are scheduled to get it. Enjoy!!!
Same boat as you Eryl... that is a exact match of my shipping updates. Was really hoping to wake up this morning and at least see another scan of the phone.

Same here. Apparently my phone is vacationing in West Chester, PA. Heres to hoping Fedex forgot to update while changing my 2day to overnight...:rolleyes:
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