I have been delving into Boot Manager Pro and would like to relay the following. :listen:
It works but is ROM dependent and lucky for AOKP users its compatible, on my device anyway. It does not play nice with All ROMs.
I installed and tried the lite version and it was discouraging not playing nice with ICS Gapps or installing Kernels either.
I read the "Whats New" in the Pro version and seen it updated it to work with ICS Gapps. I made the purchase.
Removed the Lite version and installed the Pro version diving right in.
(I read it is best to disable "logging" in super user and I did. The new BM versions may not need to but I am not concerned about SU's logger so not chancing it. Mine is disabled.)
I did the following back to back in Boot Manager starting with AOKP B31,
- Ran the Phone Setup.
- Installed the AOKP B33.zip to slot 1.
- Installed its Gapps.zip to slot 1.
- Installed the Lean Kernel 3.2.1 Exp1.zip to slot 1.
- Booted Slot 1.
- Success!
- Booted back to the Phone Rom AOKP B31.
- Success! In as little time as a reboot.
Now I can load & test run new builds on slots and check them out before committing, boot in and out of them setting them up as time allows.
Always being able to run home to the safe build I have as the Phone Rom.:thrasher:
I tried Liquid Smooth and with its built in Gapps I was hopeful. But it would not see my Sdcard. Or not all of it anyway. Because of this it could not see the phone Rom and could not boot back to safety. I had to Shut down and boot into Rom manager and restore the Nandroid. I tried it twice so........
I put BAMF into a slot with success. To bad its not my cup-o-tea.
Read carefully when to run the phone setup. Only do this when you are in the Phone ROM, not a Slot. Its easy to do if your trying to be fast.
The When you install a ROM to a slot check off all the wipe boxes. Its not the same as the wipe we all know, its just for the slot. For Gapps and Kernels its not needed, uncheck them if they remain checked.