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[Verizon] [ROM][4.0.4] AOKP ICS B40/M6/Mods (7/8)

OP updated with Zaphods Monster Mod.

Picture from Zaphod-Beeblebrox:

Hey guys, I know it's a bit off topic, but I've been having trouble flashing any of the soft-key add-ons from Altimax98. It's likely a CWM issue though.
For each one, I keep getting the error:
"E:Can't open /sdcard/Download/BlueVSWhite13.zip
(No such file or directory)"
I'll give it one more shot by moving the file to the root. Perhaps this is just a newb error :o
Anyway, ROM is running super smooth with the newest build of Nova Launcher. :)
Hey guys, I know it's a bit off topic, but I've been having trouble flashing any of the soft-key add-ons from Altimax98. It's likely a CWM issue though.
For each one, I keep getting the error:
"E:Can't open /sdcard/Download/BlueVSWhite13.zip
(No such file or directory)"
I'll give it one more shot by moving the file to the root. Perhaps this is just a newb error :o
Anyway, ROM is running super smooth with the newest build of Nova Launcher. :)

Are you using Rom Manager to flash or flashing right from CWM??
I ran into a similar issue when trying to flash the Atticus mods. I had downloaded using Dolphin Browser which saves to sdcard/downloads (lowercase "d"), used ROM Manager to flash, but CWM didn't differentiate the lower case "d" and went to the Download folder (uppercase "D") that the regular browser uses. There must be some bug in ROM manager that doesn't properly convey cases to CWM.

Long story short, I think using CWM to choose the ZIP is a lot more reliable then using ROM manager to do so.
Really want to update to 13 (from M1) but broken NFC is a no go for me, I'm having too much fun with it. Will keep checking back...
Wow, just wow... So many awesome ROMs already. Moved onto this one from Axi0m and I'm loving it. Man this takes me back to the OG Droid days, so many great devs and ROMs to choose from. I used to bounce all over the place back then, of course I would always come back to CM since that was my comfort spot. When I moved on to the TBolt it didn't seem as fresh dev wise, we had a few good ROMs but no where near what we had on the Droid. It is so awesome to see again.

Ok now on to my one issue. When I try to run NFL Mobile I get the prompt to sign into my VZW account, I put in the info (correctly) and it just hangs there for a while and then gives an error that the service isn't available right now and to try logging in later. Anyone else seeing this? I know that on Axi0m there is an error that DT is fixing, however the error message you get is completely different and you don't even get to attempt to log into a VZW account. This really is the only thing I can find bug wise, and if I can get it taken care of the ROM will be perfect.
Not a big fan of the notification toggles, to be honest. The icons above the buttons just take up more space.
Wow, just wow... So many awesome ROMs already. Moved onto this one from Axi0m and I'm loving it. Man this takes me back to the OG Droid days, so many great devs and ROMs to choose from. I used to bounce all over the place back then, of course I would always come back to CM since that was my comfort spot. When I moved on to the TBolt it didn't seem as fresh dev wise, we had a few good ROMs but no where near what we had on the Droid. It is so awesome to see again.

Ok now on to my one issue. When I try to run NFL Mobile I get the prompt to sign into my VZW account, I put in the info (correctly) and it just hangs there for a while and then gives an error that the service isn't available right now and to try logging in later. Anyone else seeing this? I know that on Axi0m there is an error that DT is fixing, however the error message you get is completely different and you don't even get to attempt to log into a VZW account. This really is the only thing I can find bug wise, and if I can get it taken care of the ROM will be perfect.

Very interesting. It doesn't sound like a ROM issue, but I assumed you tried other ROMs and it works? If you think you've confirmed it is this ROM's issue definitely post it in the rootz forum as Roman is fairly swift and responsive :)
Really want to update to 13 (from M1) but broken NFC is a no go for me, I'm having too much fun with it. Will keep checking back...

M1 NFC works fine for you? Stock kernel? Are your tags pre-formatted NDEF or are you able to format them? Are you using NFC task launcher?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, but trying to be as accurate as possible with bug reports for dev so they can be worked on ;)
Wow, just wow... So many awesome ROMs already. Moved onto this one from Axi0m and I'm loving it. Man this takes me back to the OG Droid days, so many great devs and ROMs to choose from. I used to bounce all over the place back then, of course I would always come back to CM since that was my comfort spot. When I moved on to the TBolt it didn't seem as fresh dev wise, we had a few good ROMs but no where near what we had on the Droid. It is so awesome to see again.

Ok now on to my one issue. When I try to run NFL Mobile I get the prompt to sign into my VZW account, I put in the info (correctly) and it just hangs there for a while and then gives an error that the service isn't available right now and to try logging in later. Anyone else seeing this? I know that on Axi0m there is an error that DT is fixing, however the error message you get is completely different and you don't even get to attempt to log into a VZW account. This really is the only thing I can find bug wise, and if I can get it taken care of the ROM will be perfect.

I am having the exact same issue...though it's doing it with the My Verizon app too (figured I'd test it, to confirm it's the verizon login thing that's the problem)...but it wasn't a big deal to me, just uninstalled and went on.
Very interesting. It doesn't sound like a ROM issue, but I assumed you tried other ROMs and it works? If you think you've confirmed it is this ROM's issue definitely post it in the rootz forum as Roman is fairly swift and responsive :)

Haven't tried it on my stock nandroid, to tell you the truth it really isn't that important to me. I haven't used the NFL app since the beginning of last season lol. I will see about testing it tonight to see if it is a ROM issue.

I know that Axi0m does have an issue with all VZW apps, the dev says there will be a fix in the next version. However the errors are completely different.
M1 NFC works fine for you? Stock kernel? Are your tags pre-formatted NDEF or are you able to format them? Are you using NFC task launcher?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, but trying to be as accurate as possible with bug reports for dev so they can be worked on ;)

I haven't gotten my tags in the mail yet, unfortunately. I can use Android Beam, though, and that's what I was referring to having fun with.

Running M1 with imoseyen's lean kernel...come to think of it, that was yesterday on 1.2.0 and I updated to 1.3.0 earlier without considering it might affect this...and no one in the house to test it with.
FYI on the NFL App thing, it was indeed a VZW issue. Looks like the log in servers must have been down (just like the error message said lol). I just tried it again and it allowed me to log into the VZW login and launch the app. So nothing wrong with the ROM. :)
FYI on the NFL App thing, it was indeed a VZW issue. Looks like the log in servers must have been down (just like the error message said lol). I just tried it again and it allowed me to log into the VZW login and launch the app. So nothing wrong with the ROM. :)

Thanks for the follow up glad you solved it :)
I am having problem installing this rom with root manager. I do everything the same with the other roms. I clear out all the data,back up everything, I try flashing it, and no dice. I get that stupid logo.
I am having problem installing this rom with root manager. I do everything the same with the other roms. I clear out all the data,back up everything, I try flashing it, and no dice. I get that stupid logo.

Which logo the unicorn or the droid with red exclamation in chest?

Have you tried flashing it directly through CWM NOT Rom Manager?
I was able to get the unicorn on my way to work this morning. I think I did that by flashing manually. Let me try that again. I cant stand that red exlamation droid. Its weird my other roms will give me that red droid thing if I dont put a new backup on despite already having a backup via rom manager.
I was able to get the unicorn on my way to work this morning. I think I did that by flashing manually. Let me try that again. I cant stand that red exlamation droid. Its weird my other roms will give me that red droid thing if I dont put a new backup on despite already having a backup via rom manager.

Have you changed/renamed the recovery-from-boot.p file in /system?

I don't like automated flashing and backups via Rom Manager fwiw. I prefer to manually backup and flash my phone. Had too many issues although Rom Manager might not be the culprit here in your case. Just my opinion.

Taken from a guide I used rooting my GN:

If youre booting into Recovery and get the green robot laying on his back with a red exclamation point... its because you only had temp recovery from ROM Manager and when you rebooted the phone... the stock recovery flashed back over it. If this happens to you... pull the battery and restart the phone. Download Root Explorer from the market. Open the app... on the top right of the screen you will see Mount R/W in a greyed out box. Press the box to change it to Mount R/O. Scroll down to "system" and rename the file "recovery-from-boot.p" to "recovery-from-boot.p.bak" by long pressing on it. Once its renamed... Change the Mount R/O box back to Mount R/W. After go back into ROM Manager and flash Recovery again... now the next time you reboot the phone... it will not get overwritten by the stock recovery.
I tried to do it from recovery and got the unicorn. I havent tried to rename the file. I will look into this more after work. I really want this rom. You can remove the search bar with this right?
I tried to do it from recovery and got the unicorn. I havent tried to rename the file. I will look into this more after work. I really want this rom. You can remove the search bar with this right?

Ahh I see. To keep the stock recovery from re-flashing itself upon boot you need to rename that file.

You can't remove the search bar from within any settings in this ROM. You can, however, remove it by disabling the goole search bar app in apps on any rom, but you won't gain that empty space.

or you could install Nova launcher free. It gets rid of the bar and utilizes the space it occupied.
I think there might be mods for this rom that remove the search as well. I'm not entirely sure since I load Nova almost immediately. As for recovery overwriting itself you can also change r/w permissions on the recovery:

To remove excute on install-recovery.sh

1.mount -o rw,remount /system
2.chmod 444 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
3. Flash recovery, then reboot

This way if you ever want to go back you just chmod 644 to receive the OTA if you want. I believe this to be true but someone might want to fact check it.
If you're on this rom jbdan, do you factory reset for each update or simply format/system then flash?
Headed out for a while soon, might flash build 14 when i get home...would love to get some feedback on how it's running for anyone who flashes it meantime, and especially NFC. Sitting on M1 still for now.
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