Extreme Android User
Does anyone here have any basic theming skills? Maybe you BB? I have just 2 things that I wanted themed on every build. Third eye is basically it but the developer added something else I don't like and he's done with making me custom themes without it nowall I want themed is the toggles ICS blue and an ICS blue circle battery mod. That's it! Are there such things as generic themes? Maybe a one time theme someone can create with those features in it that can work on any version? I flash every nightly and the standard battery and white toggles are maddening!
Have you looked into it yourself yet? It's really pretty basic if you're a fairly proficient on the PC and you dnld 7zip. I've done it all by trial and error, but essentially you download the mod you want, then open her up using 7zip, find the images you want changed, change them in GIMP (what I use as it is free), then close. For the battery you'd just dnld any battery mod zip for M3, find the battery images, and replace them with the battery you want (either through UOT kitchen or images you get elsewhere). Once you do it once it is very simple. I'm no pro (far from it), but certainly feel free to ask any questions. I could point you in the right direction.