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Verizons offer to switch from eris

Well guys, after reading this post Friday, I called Verizon. I'm on my first replacement and it has a terrible lag when dialing a number and trying to answer a call. It was becoming frustrating...of course it all happened after I upgraded to 2.1. Anyway I told the rep everything that was going on with the phone and that I did a factory reset on the phone. I told him that I did not want to keep getting the same phone over and over again if the same problem was going to keep occurring, so I asked what my options were. He told me that I could basically "buy" a refurbished phone for half of the retail price (i.e. the Moto Droid for about $230 or something like that). I was like for that I should just keep my phone, then I was like, well you need to keep my happy, so what else can you do? He said let me transfer you to a Tier 2 to see if they can do anymore troubleshooting because we've exhausted the troubleshooting I can do and they can probably do more...I was like OK fine. So the Tier 2 got on the phone...very nice guy and I explained to him everything that I've done to the phone and that I was not happy and he needed to do something for me. So again he was telling me they could send me another Eris...and I was like, what if I get 5 Eris' and keep coming back to replace them, then what? He was like they will still give me another one. I'm like so you guys would never replace it with a different model. He told me that they used to do that a few years ago, but it was getting abused so they stopped it. I said I see...then he was like let me look at your account...he looked at it and was like, I can do something for you. You always pay your bill on time and you have been with us for many years. What phone were you looking into getting. I said I wouldn't mind the Moto Droid. He was like that's do-able. He explained that it would be a refurb and that I will have a year warranty on it. I said that's fine...so now I'm' getting a Moto Droid. Should have it on Tuesday. Where there is a will there is a way. If your account is in good standing and you're never late, they can switch your phone with no problem. Just letting you all know what I did. As much as I loved my Eris, it became worthless after the upgrade. Hopefully HTC will learn from this.......
I just started getting the silent bug about a week ago and its starting to get really annoying. I have to go to a store sometime soon to upgrade my minutes since I will be leaving for college soon, so I was going to complain to them there, but I think I might just call them. My account is in perfect standing, so hopefully everything works out. I would not mind at all getting a Moto Droid as a replacement device.

Also I have been noticing this since December and I will add it to my complaint list, but I think at times the phone does not vibrate at all, cause if its in my pocket and I get a txt/call I end up missing it half the time.
Well guys, after reading this post Friday, I called Verizon. I'm on my first replacement and it has a terrible lag when dialing a number and trying to answer a call. It was becoming frustrating...of course it all happened after I upgraded to 2.1. Anyway I told the rep everything that was going on with the phone and that I did a factory reset on the phone. I told him that I did not want to keep getting the same phone over and over again if the same problem was going to keep occurring, so I asked what my options were. He told me that I could basically "buy" a refurbished phone for half of the retail price (i.e. the Moto Droid for about $230 or something like that). I was like for that I should just keep my phone, then I was like, well you need to keep my happy, so what else can you do? He said let me transfer you to a Tier 2 to see if they can do anymore troubleshooting because we've exhausted the troubleshooting I can do and they can probably do more...I was like OK fine. So the Tier 2 got on the phone...very nice guy and I explained to him everything that I've done to the phone and that I was not happy and he needed to do something for me. So again he was telling me they could send me another Eris...and I was like, what if I get 5 Eris' and keep coming back to replace them, then what? He was like they will still give me another one. I'm like so you guys would never replace it with a different model. He told me that they used to do that a few years ago, but it was getting abused so they stopped it. I said I see...then he was like let me look at your account...he looked at it and was like, I can do something for you. You always pay your bill on time and you have been with us for many years. What phone were you looking into getting. I said I wouldn't mind the Moto Droid. He was like that's do-able. He explained that it would be a refurb and that I will have a year warranty on it. I said that's fine...so now I'm' getting a Moto Droid. Should have it on Tuesday. Where there is a will there is a way. If your account is in good standing and you're never late, they can switch your phone with no problem. Just letting you all know what I did. As much as I loved my Eris, it became worthless after the upgrade. Hopefully HTC will learn from this.......

I like how they try to charge $230 for a refurbished phone when you could buy out your contract for a fraction of that and switch to another carrier. I'm sure they hope people fall for that.

Not that I would, but I could buy out my contract and buy a refurbished iPhone for less than $230.
I just got off the phone and the tech support guy said that he could not offer me any "special" prices on phones as he does not have the authority to do so. He said that I should talk to a store manager. So I am going to go to the Verizon Store tomorrow to complain.
Verizon offered me a Motorola Droid and I accepted, gladly.

They then sent me (accidentally) another Eris. I now have one non-working phone, and a replacement I do not want.

Oh, and Verizon customer support still hasn't responded to my e-mail... sent 24 hours ago. I'm about to escalate this to a higher level.

I didn't want an Incredible or Droid X before (I was happy with the Droid), but the incompetence and inconvenience has me reconsidering how hard I push the issue.
Im hoping that the nearby Verizon store's manager can hook me up, since the tech support guy would not budge. Starting to get really sick of all the problems with my Eris.
So after reading this thread yesterday, I decided I'm gonna try to get them to offer me an equal to/or lesser value phone to the eris. Here's where it starts: I called Verizon this morning and the first dude i talked to said i have the option to switch devices after my (current) 3rd replacement is still screwing up after dreadful troubleshooting. So i chose that option and he said only the store does it though. So i catch the bus to Verizon to get there and have the guy tell me that promo is a year old. I said "so the guy on the phone doesnt know that?" and hes all like "well hes just customer service but we're the store." .... Are you kidding me? I said "well you guys should communicate considering you work for the same company before the cs reps hype people up about the promo" he said "well anyway we can only replace your phone with the same model unless you want to call htc about it" and then hands me htc's number. I rudely walked away from his smart a** and threw the sticky in the trash before leaving the store (yea im bad a**! lol) I get home after waisting 2 tokens and started calling verizon. I told them what happened earlier and he also said thats not their policy anymore and emails the last guy i talked with to call me back. Never did. Rep #3 - she also said they wouldn't do it and was all like irritated that i asked. So while she was talking i just bung on her and went to the next rep. Rep #4 - she was nicer and tried to help me get in contact with the first guy but again, he never called. Rep #5 - He seemed nice but he wanted to check something with my phone and asked for another number to call me on. He never called. (i think i gave him the wrong no. by accident. oh well... NEXT!) Rep #6 - this rep handed me over to tech support after i told him the whole 411. (by now im pissed!) The tech was the guy thats hard to find in situations like this. He also had an eris. Told him how i did everything and this is my 3rd replacement. He still tried a little TS but finally afterwards, he was told by rep 6 that i wanted to get an alternate replacement. I also let him know that it isnt fair how the people who abused the promo messed it up for honest customers and that i needed it really bad. He checked my account and seen that i pay on time and been a longtime faithful customer like the guy did for chinoxl21. He said even though the promo is expired, i might be able to hook you up with a little something. he checked with his supervisor a couple times and finally said the words ive been waiting for all day; "Ok, buddy, i'm gonna go ahead and get you set up with a refurbed moto droid." He was really cool and ordered the needed accessories for me (since refurbs dont come with the battery or batt door) He couldnt find an available charger so he ordered a dock charger which comes with a charger anyway, so it was a +1 bonus. Cant wait til Wednesday! I like my eris but its been discontinued so it wont get any updates anymore and 2.1 (for eris) is gonna drive me crazy! Everything was smooth on 1.5. Also it seems motorola has much more faith in their devices than htc. The droid came out b4 the eris and is still around and in the spotlight even with the DX on its way and is planned to get 2.2 while the eris took a millennium to get 2.1. It's not being pushed aside like the eris was when the incredible came to play (it was pushed aside at the mentioning of the DInc! my opinion) Glad im going to have a device that will (i think) last long because it is the original... DROOIIID!

(sorry for the novel; my first reply to a post.) :)
I will see where i get with the store manager tomorrow morning, otherwise I am going to be more pissed than I am now. Which means I will probably continue to call customer service and try to get somebody willing to give me a refurb droid or something better than the same phone with the same problems.
wall of text crits for over 9000.

so...anyway... I went to the Verizon store today as I've had plenty of problems with my eris. my roommates as well. I'm on my 4th eris, he's still on his first (my was bought in nov and his was only march/april). I had been in several times to see the technicians etc....

I walked in and got the usual garbage from the sales people and immediately asked to speak to the manager. He was nice enough to listen to our problems, research the notes made on our accounts from the technicians and offer us certain crappy phones. We explained the reason we bought the eris was because of android and sense ui and we wanted nothing else other than a working phone with those 2 options. We eventually got him to move up our upgrade dates to today so we could purchase some incredibles. I haven't made the purchase yet as I'm waiting to see if the price drops next week when the Droid X is officially released.

But...It is possible to get your POS eris replaced if you take the time to explain to verizon the problems with it!!!!!

(I had been into the store roughly 5-6 times in the past 2 weeks talking to them about the problems)
well i dropped my eris in the toilet by accident (no insurance, FAIL) so i ended up buying a moto droid out of pocket...i could not be happier. i could not wait for the X since i need my phone for work, also im not a fan of sense UI, so the fact that you cant turn it off on the INC made that a deal killer for me too.

i have to be honest and say wow the droid even in stock mode is a much faster phone. no lag ever, not when making calls, not while on the web, nothing. i do miss the form factor of the eris but the pro's outweigh the con's for sure.

My local verizon store just switched my Eris for the Motorola Droid (they also offered me the LG ALLY) and I LOVE the phone! I agree with everything you said. I just wish I would have chosen this phone in the first place and saved myself all the headaches with the Eris.
Hello everyone.

This is my first posting and I was intrigued to register and tell you my journey.

Unlike others, my HTC Eris was not giving me as hard of a time that many have speculated. Although there was lag occasionally, occasional missed calls, no ring tone for calls and alarm, as well as the silent bug which was about once every other day, I had no other complaints (and my phone was capable of rooting but I don't know how to do it). I would turn the phone off and back on and that was the end of it for the day.

I loved the HTC Eris. Despite this, I wanted to switch phones; hopefully the HTC Incredible or the Moto Droid. I contacted Verizon and acknowledged the issues that I was having with the phone for some time. I was transferred to a tech and they persuaded me to do a factory reset. I was told then that I was ineligible for another HTC Eris as well as any other phone since my phone voided warranty the day I purchased the phone from a private seller. They indicated that I was eligible for a certified phone so I'm thinking great! After about 10 minutes talking about the choice of phones and my eligibility, they indicated the price was about $280 for a Moto Droid. So I asked her: If I were to crack my phone or even lose it or have it stolen, would I receive a replacement through Asurion Insurance and have some sort of warranty on that phone and they said yes. That ticked me off a little since it made little to no sense in my opinion. So I solved nothing and went about my merry way.

The following week, I was still experiencing the same problems. Therefore, I contacted Verizon again and was transferred to a tech and the person was so nice and pleasant. They indicated that I was eligible for a replacement Eris but I acknowledged that I was very unhappy with HTC and that I have been a long customer and that I am now unhappy with Verizon. They proceeded to ask which phone I was interested in. I said I would be happy to get the Inc. but I know that's stretching it in which they said there was no way that could happen. I finally said that I would even go so far as to getting a Moto Droid. They then spoke to their manager and indicated that they were unable to do it but they can give me a replacement but I would have to purchase the battery and back cover and every other accessory on my own.

I said that's fine since I receive 25% on all Verizon merchandise and that was the end of that.

I will receive my Moto Droid today. I purchased two batteries for it for $29.99 each and a battery mount charger for $14.99 at Verizon. Also, I had to order the back cover for $9.49 with free shipping straight from Motorola. Additionally, I went ahead and purchased a USB cord and soft cover case from Ebay for about $5.99 total with free shipping.

All in all, I had a great experience with Verizon. I never got a replacement; only a Moto Droid!
Hello everyone.

This is my first posting and I was intrigued to register and tell you my journey.

Unlike others, my HTC Eris was not giving me as hard of a time that many have speculated. Although there was lag occasionally, occasional missed calls, no ring tone for calls and alarm, as well as the silent bug which was about once every other day, I had no other complaints (and my phone was capable of rooting but I don't know how to do it). I would turn the phone off and back on and that was the end of it for the day.

I loved the HTC Eris. Despite this, I wanted to switch phones; hopefully the HTC Incredible or the Moto Droid. I contacted Verizon and acknowledged the issues that I was having with the phone for some time. I was transferred to a tech and they persuaded me to do a factory reset. I was told then that I was ineligible for another HTC Eris as well as any other phone since my phone voided warranty the day I purchased the phone from a private seller. They indicated that I was eligible for a certified phone so I'm thinking great! After about 10 minutes talking about the choice of phones and my eligibility, they indicated the price was about $280 for a Moto Droid. So I asked her: If I were to crack my phone or even lose it or have it stolen, would I receive a replacement through Asurion Insurance and have some sort of warranty on that phone and they said yes. That ticked me off a little since it made little to no sense in my opinion. So I solved nothing and went about my merry way.

The following week, I was still experiencing the same problems. Therefore, I contacted Verizon again and was transferred to a tech and the person was so nice and pleasant. They indicated that I was eligible for a replacement Eris but I acknowledged that I was very unhappy with HTC and that I have been a long customer and that I am now unhappy with Verizon. They proceeded to ask which phone I was interested in. I said I would be happy to get the Inc. but I know that's stretching it in which they said there was no way that could happen. I finally said that I would even go so far as to getting a Moto Droid. They then spoke to their manager and indicated that they were unable to do it but they can give me a replacement but I would have to purchase the battery and back cover and every other accessory on my own.

I said that's fine since I receive 25% on all Verizon merchandise and that was the end of that.

I will receive my Moto Droid today. I purchased two batteries for it for $29.99 each and a battery mount charger for $14.99 at Verizon. Also, I had to order the back cover for $9.49 with free shipping straight from Motorola. Additionally, I went ahead and purchased a USB cord and soft cover case from Ebay for about $5.99 total with free shipping.

All in all, I had a great experience with Verizon. I never got a replacement; only a Moto Droid!

Man that sucks!:confused::eek: they made you pay for the battery and everything? I didn't pay anything and I even got a dock charger from them. They paid for all the accessories and stuff. Also at that, a battery was already in the moto droid when it got here and he said one wouldn't come with it. So that's a droid, two free batteries and the multi-media station charger all for free. Though it didnt come with a usb, but my bb storm usb fits it perfect.
I guess the deal can't be sweetened for all. Atleast you got the droid for free, that would've cost the most.
Hope you enjoy your new Droid! :)
Okay, just an update.
So after talking to Verizon for a couple days they offered me the Droid X BUT I would have to use my upgrade and I would have to pay the upgrade price of $199. I declined. Id rather wait till my upgrade comes in when its supposed to (aug 2011) and see whats available at that time. So she then said well we have offered you the devour (shit box) or the Curve (hate it) or the Motorola Droid at no charge and w/o using your upgrade. I decided to go with the Droid. Then I explained to her that I felt Verizon should replace all the accesories I had purchased for the Eris. She said she couldnt do that. And Then I said well go ahead and cancel my contract. Then she asked what accessories I had. Screen protector pack, car charger, and case for the phone. About $45 worth of stuff. She said okay, I'll replace it and I'll ship it out NEXT DAY. Got it the next afternoon with all the mentioned accesories. By the way, dont bother with customer service. This was all done thru a tech support supervisor
You saying they will exchange your Eris for a Moto Droid for free?
Why wont my store do that for me? The will only give me another Eris.
I went in to verizon today after reading a few of these threads saying that you exchanged phones. All the sales guy told me was I could call customer service and get a new eris because mine was still under warranty. Any help on get rid of this POS?
I am going thru the same thing as you. I talked to rep after rep after rep and finally got what I wanted. I was offered any phone I wanted that Verizon offered except the INC and said NO absolutely not. If you say the words "I threaten to leave you and take my service somewhere else" you will open up a few more doors. The CSR I talked to yesterday said each rep has a "Safe List" that comes into to play when the customer is upset and threatens to cancel service. I got my contract renewed and got my Droid X pre-ordered right then and there. Give it a shot!

Thats awesome. how did u convince the rep? and also did u call in or go to a store?
I dont post on here...like ever...but I figured my experience would help out anyone who is wanting to switch phones. I am now on my 3rd Eris and still having issues so I called last night and Customer Service would only offer me an old flip phone (yeah RIGHT). I gave it about 10 minutes and called back, this time to Tech Support. They were awesome and after I explained the issues I was having and that I didnt feel like another refurb would work she offered me the Droid. I explained that I liked the Sense on HTC and the droid was too clunky for me. She then offered me a refurb Incredible. I told her to note my account and I was going to try to go to the store to pick it up (since the store near me does refurbished phones). She told me just to call back if there were any issues. Well, I called back because they didnt have the back cover in the store and the person I spoke with would not honor that offer. After 30 minutes I asked for a manager and explained that I dont care if its policy or an error this was what I was offered and would immediately cancel my service if the offer wasnt honored. Needless to say, I have an Incredible coming and it should be here on Thursday! :) It can be done!!!
I to have gone through rep after rep, and gotten alot of the same stories, and I have gone in store and called even talked to htc, who I'm still waiting on htc to call me back. still only getting another eris(#4) they keep telling me that they cant do anything except let me buy a refurb outright and for 298. I said heck no. I am honest with them every time of the issues, I have tried the upset customer for 8 years with a family plan of 5 phones. I've tried being polite. I would take any phone that just works. I pay alot of money for the phone and I dont believe it should be work to get it to work properly. Where is everyone located that r getting swapped out. and is it in store or over the phone. I'm in Central NY and I just cant get a break. So any suggestions would be great. Thanks to everyone in advance.
i would of been give me the darn droid...i'm getting more and more frustratingly ticked off with the eris...i text people jibberish and numerous messages cause it lags and loads so slowly...
I am in Florida. Have you had this conversation with tech support (*611, option 3)? I couldn't get anywhere at all until I called them. I never got upset or said anything impolite bc I work in customer service and I know it would get me no where. I was very firm with them though and asked for a manager. I would get on the phone with one person and keep asking for a manager until you get to someone that will do it for you. Keep going up the chain.
I work in customer service too. And I have not asked to talk to a manager yet, but I think I Have talked to Everyone else. My only question is I know they keep a log. And I Keep saying the same things. And i have talked to them about 5 times just this week. And about 6 times last week. and the tech today mentioned that I called alot. So calling tech support and speaking to a manager would be the best option? Cause waiting for eris 5 to get here on thursday. They wouldnt even overnight the replacement, like they did the last 2.
Also the tech proceeded to tell me his wife has an Eris and has had not a single problem with it and upgraded to 2.1 and still not a single issue. Not sure if that was BS or what.
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