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VM doesn't list MT on their website.


Nov 3, 2012
So I emailed them for an replacement for another phone. They sent me the same defective phone....but they don't sell them anymore on the website. How shameful on them? Ha. Well....I guess its time to upgrade to Galaxy S2...I wish it was S3 though but I am okay with S2.

What are your suggestions boys and girlsss......prefer girls ;)
So I emailed them for an replacement for another phone. They sent me the same defective phone....but they don't sell them anymore on the website. How shameful on them? Ha. Well....I guess its time to upgrade to Galaxy S2...I wish it was S3 though but I am okay with S2.

What are your suggestions boys and girlsss......prefer girls ;)

And yet the Optimus V is still there.
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So I emailed them for an replacement for another phone. They sent me the same defective phone....but they don't sell them anymore on the website. How shameful on them? Ha. Well....I guess its time to upgrade to Galaxy S2...I wish it was S3 though but I am okay with S2.

What are your suggestions boys and girlsss......prefer girls ;)

They discontinued the MT. I would get an sII if youre looking for another phone.
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After VM's phones I cannot live without CyanogenMod anymore. I need root, or I won't purchase the phone. I'm so afraid that any phone could essentially become the next Triumph. Sad. :(

^This. I feel the exact same way. When they first got the triumph, everybody was happy that vm had a "high-end" phone. Now that we all know the dirty secrets of the phone, we cant live without CM, PA, or any of the other roms. If Motorola or VM dont want to fix the problems that this phone has, then we will fix them ourselves. Just my opinion on it.
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So the SG2 works same as SG3? I am a little confused lol

Don't know, never had one! ;) I was just commenting on the fact that phones that have decent hardware/software from the get-go tend to provide less of an incentive for users to look around for alternative ROMs.

My experience with my stock MT was pretty abysmal- a hum-drum UI with lots of lag, quickly disappearing internal storage (log files), etc- & then I discovered CM7 and the clouds opened and angels sang.

My experience with the GS3 has been the complete opposite- a fast phone with ICS that quickly got bumped to JB- I did install a different launcher because I'm not a huge fan of the look of TouchWiz, but there hasn't been any pressing need to find a different ROM like there was on the MT.

Just making a point (or trying to...) :)
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Well, you could do what I did. Buy a Nexus 4 for that same $299 and switch to T-Mo's $30 plan. Way better phone, JB 4.2.2, and (for me) much better network and speeds. (No WiMAX or LTE in Phoenix from Sprint/VM.) My son's Triumph is still chugging along, but we'll have to decide what to do with that one soon, too.

I tend to agree, but I'd do your homework first & check T-Mo's coverage in your area very carefully. I do get a good 4G (HSDPA) most places around town, but along a major interstate between here & DC (I-95) I can only get 2G/1X a lot of the time when & had a solid 3G signal in the same locations with VM.

Look at the coverage map & zoom way in!
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After VM's phones I cannot live without CyanogenMod anymore. I need root, or I won't purchase the phone. I'm so afraid that any phone could essentially become the next Triumph. Sad. :(

As much as I liked tinkering with CM and the add-free environment on the MT, I enjoy my stock Nexus 4 even more. It just works really really well and because I use Google Wallet, I'm not tempted to root it either. It's a huge upgrade over the MT. The other huge difference is data speed. I used to get about 300-500 kbps on the MT inside my house, I'm now getting 2.5-3 Mbps inside the house on Straight Talk's AT&T card. Difference is even bigger outside, in the malls, everywhere really. It's also cheaper, as I used to pay $55 on VM and I'm down to $42/mo now (buying 3 month discounted cards).
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I asked a lady from virgin mobile if i could get a different phone for a replacement and I told her I heard that the only way you could get a different phone as a replacement is if the phone is discontinued and she replied with "yes but you can only get a different phone if it is discontinued and we don't have anymore and aren't selling it anymore". So maybe you just have to talk to certain people or maybe they know you can get a different phone but they don't say anything as long as you don't ask??? Idk I have the evo v it's a pretty nice phone and I'm trying to bring ubuntu to it. I plan on waiting for VM next flagship smartphone which I believe will be the S3. but I just thought I'd drop that knowledge off for you guys. Best of luck to every body with the triumph. (I still have mines)
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I asked a lady from virgin mobile if i could get a different phone for a replacement and I told her I heard that the only way you could get a different phone as a replacement is if the phone is discontinued and she replied with "yes but you can only get a different phone if it is discontinued and we don't have anymore and aren't selling it anymore". So maybe you just have to talk to certain people or maybe they know you can get a different phone but they don't say anything as long as you don't ask??? Idk I have the evo v it's a pretty nice phone and I'm trying to bring ubuntu to it. I plan on waiting for VM next flagship smartphone which I believe will be the S3. but I just thought I'd drop that knowledge off for you guys. Best of luck to every body with the triumph. (I still have mines)

I wonder how many MTs they have left?
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