• After 15+ years, we've made a big change: Android Forums is now Early Bird Club. Learn more here.

VOTE: AndroidForums.com Name Change!

We can create some sub-domain shortcuts for our favorite topics that forward elsewhere. For example:
  • tech.daily.net
  • android.daily.net
  • bong.daily.net
  • mlb.daily.net
  • yankees.daily.net
  • cybertruck.daily.net
  • etc...
I'd consider daily.net a premium domain name because of its length and general appeal. I understand the desire to modify it towards something more Android/Tech oriented, but I'd prefer a more radical departure towards something that can sustain interest no matter what your interests are... and then combine novel ideas and AI to customize the "Daily" experience for each user.

I went through some old domains that I own and there are some that could still work, but again, would need incredibly compelling feedback to budge from Daily.net at this point.
  • EarlyBird.Club
  • GoatBoat.Club
  • Neverstill.com (the name of my company)
  • Quickapedia
  • VoteBot.com
I think the most jarring part is the sense of going from "Forums" to what seems like a "Daily News" concept, but "News" can be whatever we want. The purpose is to highlight/feature the best conversations across the forums while also initiating and provoking new and interesting conversations.

I've got my eyes and ears open and will continue brainstorming!
We can create some sub-domain shortcuts for our favorite topics that forward elsewhere. For example:
  • tech.daily.net
  • android.daily.net
  • bong.daily.net
  • mlb.daily.net
  • yankees.daily.net
  • cybertruck.daily.net
  • etc...
I'd consider daily.net a premium domain name because of its length and general appeal. I understand the desire to modify it towards something more Android/Tech oriented, but I'd prefer a more radical departure towards something that can sustain interest no matter what your interests are... and then combine novel ideas and AI to customize the "Daily" experience for each user.

I went through some old domains that I own and there are some that could still work, but again, would need incredibly compelling feedback to budge from Daily.net at this point.
  • EarlyBird.Club
  • GoatBoat.Club
  • Neverstill.com (the name of my company)
  • Quickapedia
  • VoteBot.com
I think the most jarring part is the sense of going from "Forums" to what seems like a "Daily News" concept, but "News" can be whatever we want. The purpose is to highlight/feature the best conversations across the forums while also initiating and provoking new and interesting conversations.

I've got my eyes and ears open and will continue brainstorming!

i like that one........lets name it that. CAN WE? PLEASE?

i like that one........lets name it that. CAN WE? PLEASE?
Honestly, if EVERYONE was absolutely CRAZY about the idea? I probably would. Instead of being an "authority" site it would just be more of a place to hang out and bs. I'm just not sure it would accomplish much more than being funny.

I initially bought it because I thought it was a hilarious play on Bored Ape Yacht Club.

One of those domains I buy on a whim and realize I'll probably never use because I've got too many dumb ideas and not enough time lol
Honestly, what ever you want to change the name to is of no concern to me. All I ask is that I have the ability to have a direct link to the "new" or "unread" topics (however they'll be listed.)
That way I can do, as I do now, weed through the unrelated topics and find relevant information.

Let me be able to bookmark threads directly related to my current devices and I'm a happy camper.

Keep in mind that I, and I assume that many members here, came to AF for the same reason, to find info on Android devices.
While I don't ever plan on going to Apple I know that there are some that love them. I just don't need to have to follow all of it.
My only concern is people willing to (a) find the site; and (b) follow it. IMO the domain name can't be just "something something DAILY something"... it has to be relevant to the CONTENT people find here. If it's not, they'll feel bait-and-switched (rightly so) and never come back. I can understand the vision of branching out past what Android Forums was when I joined in November 2009: okay, we need to update the site and the name. Let's just be cautious in doing so, that's all. My 2 cents and probably not worth that.
I'm with you Chief, I'd love to have the Domain name to be a calling card. However, I found these forums years ago by searching for HTC Droid Incredible information. I had one on order that was weeks from delivery and was just killing time. Android Forums was among the hits and though I'd never been on a forum I thought why not. Naturally, I was instantly hooked.

Out of curiosity, I just did a similar general search for the Samsung S23.. debatably the hottest Android phone. No AF. I then added discuss to the search. No AF. XDA has 37 pages of s23 threads and was included in both searches. Android is still a thing... we just lost our following.

Whatever we morph into, we need an attraction and a slam dunk Domain would be a great start. Then it is up to us to keep the members happy and active.
I remember when a customer of mine got his son one of the first Androids when they came out. The kid picked the "droid" sound for a ring tone and the guys father, who was near computer illiterate, thought that was greater than the invention of white bread.

LOL, I was still using a slide keyboard phone ... got on the droid train long ago and like PitCarver, not gonna look back. (I am on "droid" # 8 or so now)
Love these last few posts.

You're absolutely right: we fell off big time and that's largely on me.

The HTC Droid Incredible days were legendary! I don't think that same excitement exists for smartphones now. It is impossible to recreate that revolutionary period where mobile ascended into our daily lives. Android is still a thing... but the energy is different.

What's up next? What new tech and topics has people excited? Crypto and AI seem to be the two biggest topics. The Cybertruck is pretty hot. Even with Apple's new headset, VR seems to be waiting in pergatory. TV tech is impressive but most of the updates are pretty incremental.

I'd love for the next iteration of AF to capture the magic of the "early adopter", which is why AF became such a juggernaut in the early 2010s (and why Early Bird Club appealed to me). A name that is intentionally generic will position us to steer the conversation wherever we want. The term "daily" denotes a place you go regularly for updates. In some ways it does seem TOO generic, but if done properly, could feel authoritative.

I think we're still probably at least a month or two from pulling the trigger on a change, so plenty of time to change our minds in all directions. Until then, I'll be mostly tinkering and playing and asking for feedback :)
I'm still confused as to why "Daily"?
Forums definitely need to grow and to that end new members need to be able to find us by using an internet search. ( I found it by looking up my old Motorola)
I've stayed here by being able to find topics related to all of my new devices as well as my wife's.

I, for one, am concerned that the ease of use here will be lost.
I'm still confused as to why "Daily"?
A few reasons:
  • It's a premium domain that I already own
  • It's not named after anything specific (flexible)
  • It suggests that it's updated frequently and worth coming back
I share your concern about "finding things", and right now - with the loss of channels - it couldn't be much worse.

If we're going to re-organize, why not rethink EVERYTHING from the ground up?

Most of AF falls under the content hierarchy of:
Technology > Mobile > Android > Phone Name Here

But we also have conversations about other things, like Baseball:

We can discuss anything/everything we want while putting special focus on whatever we choose. Given the cluster-f that is news today, I think it would be fun to rethink our forum as a community-based news resource. A step towards "Reddit" but with more strict organization of the main topics.

As you can see at the top of Daily.net now:
  • Tech
  • Sports
  • Games
  • Entertainment
  • Business
  • Politics
  • Forums
So we'd have forum categories for each of those.

We can organize it however we want, using a combination of Categories, Forums, Sub-Forums, Prefixes, and Tags. We can also try add-ons that improve/allow Custom Fields.

So how would we ideally organize our CURRENT content?

Tech (Category) > Mobile (Category) > Android (Forum) > Product Name (Tag)

So basically, all of our "Android" related threads would get dumped into the "Android" forum and would be tagged with a product name when possible.

You'll be able to follow tags to customize your experience based on your interests.

I wish there were more fruitful ways to share links as threads here, so we could submit "news" to discuss various topics without jumping through a bunch of hoops. And I'd love to explore how we could use AI to analyze our collective opinions about topics to give added context to news stories (if that makes any sense).

Sorry for rambling!
A major portion of newbie Android questions don't get answered correctly or at all, because there's almost no one committed to answering them all and receiving help from others. It's been like that for a few years. Questions have decreased, as on other sites.

On the other hand, it would a major loss and a disservice to all the regular members on here to lose the social postings on favourite threads, often unrelated to Android.

They have input an enormous amount of time, energy, research, enthusiasm, encouragement, help, camaraderie, mutual support and amusement.

Android Central still is the best for new questions as many there are still committed to solving them, (I've no experience of other forums.) but a whole lot of effort is wasted there by allowing unregistered user questions by people who never follow up or reply.

This though has been the best forum site for off topic and general discussions, and fun threads by amazing contributors.

I do think that will all now be lost, and this will amount to another tech news site. People won't spend time contributing their thoughts on items they have no interest in.

I don't blame anyone, but it's such a waste and a crying shame.

I would be delighted for others to be proven wrong.

I won't add any more to this thread.
On the other hand, it would a major loss and a disservice to all the regular members on here to lose the social postings on favourite threads, often unrelated to Android.
None of this would be lost. Just reorganized.
I'm quite digging the new icon (instead of a generic 'Xenforo' logo on the dark theme) it's got that early Material design look going on drop shadow and all. I remember that era of M.D. I had high hopes it'd reboot skeuomorphism again but sadly that never happened.
Now I'm leaning towards:

It DID get the majority of votes and makes perfect sense. It's actually what Xenforo (our software) uses on their own site:

I preferred something shorter (ex: "club"), but community seems more genuine and authentic than the alternatives.

The saga continues...
My only concern is people willing to (a) find the site; and (b) follow it. IMO the domain name can't be just "something something DAILY something"... it has to be relevant to the CONTENT people find here.

Strongly considering BigScreens.com instead of Daily.net.

It's still a big shift but keeps "tech" as the focus. It's brandable, irrespective of platform and manufacturer. Initial thought is probably "TVs" but smartphones and tablets aren't a reach.

Perhaps most of all it just SOUNDS like a brand that we could grow into over the course of the next 5 to 10 years without fear of technology moving past us.

I still like the underlying idea/concept of Daily.net but I do feel the weight of criticism and concern that the name is too vague and trying to be everything to everyone. There are definitely some HUGE benefits to going generic -- for example Daily.net can evolve and change into any type of content over time - but the targeted nature of BigScreens.com is starting to speak to me a bit more.

I know others have suggested some general tech names in this thread but none of them JUMP out to me like BigScreens.com, which happens to be a domain that I already own.

Thinking out loud here and keeping our most loyal members in tune with where the wind is blowing me. This would position us REALLY well for a much more fun switch on Black Friday. Sharing with you all to get initial thoughts and feedback!

Do we need another poll? I guess my personal faves (in rank order) are currently:
-- bigscreens.com/community/ (wordpress at bigscreens.com)
-- daily.net (wordpress at the.daily.net)
-- daily.net/community (wordpress at daily.net)
-- earlybird.club

One thing I prefer about BigScreens.com to both "Daily" and "EarlyBird" is that you're not insinuating you'll be posting news quick or fast or everyday which is one of the most stressful things about running any tech/news site imo.

PS: you're amazing if you've actually read this far and I appreciate you!
www.newdaily.tech is available

It not only captures that "early adopter" feel, but it also assures new users that they can get friendly help learning their devices. And just for you, @Rob it has "daily" in it!


EDIT: my initial name was newtechdaily.com which was available... for $2500! Pretty much the same thing, just a different TLD for $35
You like newdaily.tech and newdailytech.com more than BigScreens.com?

I feel like "Big Screens" is such established lingo that it's almost a prepacked brand ready to hit the ground running. It captures an exact concept/feeling whereas the general "tech" and "daily" names blend in with thousands of competitors.

The main reasons I liked Daily.net is because it's (1) Short, (2) Premium, (3) Already owned, (4) Sounds like a traditional/established news brand to give it some sense of authority. I don't feel like the the other names mentioned quite capture that "premium" feel.

Thanks for the quick response!
I don't dislike Daily.net - it just seems like a very broad term to me. A person may come to daily.net for the latest general news... in which we'd need a latest news aggregate page. A weather page (with location cookie for the user's location). Tech page, which is split to smart home, mobile devices, audio/video, etc. In the mobile section, it again breaks into fruit devices and Android. A computer page could split off to Windows, Mac, Linux. That would be the bomb-diggity of a site... and very high maintenance!
If I may chime in? I want to encourage you in this move, Rob. Broadening the reach of the community will open it up to new members with varying interests. Bravo. Well done.
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