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VZW Preorder Question

Take this FWIW, but I was at a corporate store getting screen protectors for my son's Chocolate Touch, and I started playing around with the Eris to get used to what Android has to offer (coming from a BB Storm 1) and I talked to the rep there about the Incredible. He started talking about it and couldn't wait for them to get them in the store.

I told him I was going to preorder it so I wouldn't have to potentially wait in line or run the risk of the store running out if I wasn't there early enough. I know there's speculation due to the lack of advertising to this point that there might not be a huge rush for these until after launch, but I know that if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all.

He then told me that he would put my name down, and he would hold one for me. I thought that was awfully generous of him, but I didn't think he would be able to do that. He said he would check and let me know so if he couldn't I could preorder it (since we have until 4/28 at 2:00 local time to order it for it to be here on 4/29). But, he thought that it shouldn't be a big deal for me to walk in the store and get one that day even if he can't hold one back. Apparently that store didn't do much in the way of sales when the original Droid came out (not nearly as bad as when the Storm launched) so he thinks I can walk in after the store opens and get one without issue. That seems to also be the sentiment of a few members here.

I don't know if he can do that or not, or if anyone else has been offered that, but you might be able to talk to a local rep and get it that way.

Just a thought, and your mileage may vary...
I pre-ordered mine today. A little smooth talking with my girlie and boom I was in. $199w/100 dollar mail in rebate as a debit card. I was also told that they are first come first served online and at the stores. They anticipate a shortage of phones per locations. Beware and get you lil fingers ordering Monday online. Dont bother asking me how I pre ordered mine, I have been sworn to secrecy. Never the less it will show up Thurs 29 APR 10 FEDEX. If anyone knows about bigger batteries available now please let me know. I'll start cycling it now. I will be prepared. Its good to be me for a change! Whoo Hoo!!!
Anyone know if it's OK with verizon to get a new 2 year under one plan and then after the phone arrives, switch to another plan? The plan I want isn't offered online cause it's an el cheapo plan.
Hey guys, I hope this isn't too off topic, but I really didn't know where to put it. My fiance is eligible for an upgrade and she is allowing me to use it while she sticks with her P.O.S. Blackberry Storm(what can I say? She likes it!). Anyway, I was wondering can I order the Incredible under her phone number online, then when the phone comes can I just activate it under my phone number? Has anyone tried this before? I'm pretty sure it will work because I've activated phones before using Verizon's online activation system using the HEX/Serial number under the battery of phones. I just wanted to confirm this before I go pre-ordering it on Monday. Can someone verify this? By the way, we are both on the same plan(obviously).
Hey guys, I hope this isn't too off topic, but I really didn't know where to put it. My fiance is eligible for an upgrade and she is allowing me to use it while she sticks with her P.O.S. Blackberry Storm(what can I say? She likes it!). Anyway, I was wondering can I order the Incredible under her phone number online, then when the phone comes can I just activate it under my phone number? Has anyone tried this before? I'm pretty sure it will work because I've activated phones before using Verizon's online activation system using the HEX/Serial number under the battery of phones. I just wanted to confirm this before I go pre-ordering it on Monday. Can someone verify this? By the way, we are both on the same plan(obviously).

I just asked a verizon rep this same question today because I'm taking my wife's upgrade, and the answer is yes, you can. You order it under her number and when you activate it, it will ask you if you want to activate the Incredible under a different number than the one you bought it under, and you say yes to that option.
Anyone know if there is an immediate online discount when pre-ordering the phone off the website like all other phones on the website?
If you pre order and BUY IT on your contract and then move to your mother in laws family plan, (Assignment of Liability Agreement) not only will that be ok but your two year contract will turn into a 1 year contract. Why Verizon does this is news to me but we do that with our five lines once a year (from me to my wife and then from my wife to me). Shhh, don't tell anyone. ;)

Serious? Why do they do that?

Let me get this straight- I can get my HTC INC with 2 year new customer contract turned onto a one year contract - if I join an active family plan?

I only doubt you because it seems too good to be true, I mean how does that benifit VZW?
So you won't be able to pre-order if you're upgrading without the NE2?

Yea, WTF? This makes no sense?!? I called VZW this morning to chat a little about the pre-order and my NE2 upgrade with the INC and was told my # is the 2nd line in my wife's and I Family Plan. Therefore, I have no NE2?!? F#CK. I guess when we both switched last year from our Individual plans to together on the Family, they put me as the 2nd line.
While I am already eligible for a phone upgrade since my 20months was up this past Jan '10, I can't get the NE2.

I'm going to call and talk to our Corporate rep Monday about straightening this out, but in the meantime, IF I cannot get my NE2, I don't understand why I still can't pre-order on the 19th???
I pre-ordered mine today. A little smooth talking with my girlie and boom I was in. $199w/100 dollar mail in rebate as a debit card. I was also told that they are first come first served online and at the stores. They anticipate a shortage of phones per locations. Beware and get you lil fingers ordering Monday online. Dont bother asking me how I pre ordered mine, I have been sworn to secrecy. Never the less it will show up Thurs 29 APR 10 FEDEX. If anyone knows about bigger batteries available now please let me know. I'll start cycling it now. I will be prepared. Its good to be me for a change! Whoo Hoo!!!

I won't ask you how you did it, but I've got to ask if it was over the phone or in a store... My guess is that since you got the MIR it must've been in a store...
Yea, WTF? This makes no sense?!? I called VZW this morning to chat a little about the pre-order and my NE2 upgrade with the INC and was told my # is the 2nd line in my wife's and I Family Plan. Therefore, I have no NE2?!? F#CK. I guess when we both switched last year from our Individual plans to together on the Family, they put me as the 2nd line.
While I am already eligible for a phone upgrade since my 20months was up this past Jan '10, I can't get the NE2.

I'm going to call and talk to our Corporate rep Monday about straightening this out, but in the meantime, IF I cannot get my NE2, I don't understand why I still can't pre-order on the 19th???

so the catch to going on Fam Plan is that you lose the NE2? Is that because it's considered adding a line?
Yea, WTF? This makes no sense?!? I called VZW this morning to chat a little about the pre-order and my NE2 upgrade with the INC and was told my # is the 2nd line in my wife's and I Family Plan. Therefore, I have no NE2?!? F#CK. I guess when we both switched last year from our Individual plans to together on the Family, they put me as the 2nd line.
While I am already eligible for a phone upgrade since my 20months was up this past Jan '10, I can't get the NE2.

I'm going to call and talk to our Corporate rep Monday about straightening this out, but in the meantime, IF I cannot get my NE2, I don't understand why I still can't pre-order on the 19th???

I put this in another thread, but it definitely bears repeating.

The NE2 (New Every 2) is an additional discount off of the two year price on a phone. It is a plan that any line with an access cost of 34.99 or higher is enrolled in automatically when under a 2 year contract. Since secondary lines for all familyshare plans (except of course the Unlimited) are 9.99 (19.99 for connect and 29.99 for premium, though those plans have been discontinued), they are not eligible for the NE2. Any familyshare primary line, and any single line plan (note this does not include loyalty save or 65 plus plans) will automatically qualify for NE2 on a 2 year contract.

As far as the pre-order is concerned, as far as I know, if you're eligible to upgrade, you should be able to pre-order.
I guess I can rest assured. Sailingmaster I hope you are right. So adding a line consists of a new contract which qualifies for NE2. good to know!
I guess I can rest assured. Sailingmaster I hope you are right. So adding a line consists of a new contract which qualifies for NE2. good to know!

Well, yes and no. Yes, adding a single line or familyshare primary line with a 2 year contract will automatically add the NE2 discount. However, that discount will become available in 20 months, when you're eligible for upgrade, not when you add the line.
I told them that I wanted to order the phone that they had not announced and could not talk about and to send it to me when they could talk about it and sell it to me. I also talked to someone who wanted to get the phone that they could not talk about as soon as they could.

We had an old phone that I used for a temporary phone for the newly added line and had a number that I needed to move from one carrier to Verizon. When they called me back, after the number was changed I might add (I got it changed before my voice mail message was returned) he said he had used the phone and it was INCREDIBLE.

So, when you call and they don't give you what you want, call back a little later. You will get someone who will understand and do as you ask. I also got an older phone added to our family plan on a month to month contract so that when my INC comes, I will start my 2 year contract then. As for the EVO, it will be a great phone, however it will run ON 3G in most of the country until 4G is installed and it might be more than $199 to buy (since it will be the "BEST phone ever and it runs 4G TOO").

I will not have to wait on the line, to order the phone on the 19th. My paperworks states that I have 2 Day FedEx delivery of my phone on order. When I go into My Verizon, it say that I can order a new phone with the line I just added, when I click on the link, it said that I could get one of 3 phone however I already had a phone on order.

So to make a long story short, start now, don't take no for an answer and get your phone ordered. Mine is in a box with a mailing label ready to be mailed. It will get here when it gets here. It is ordered, I don't have to try to get through the lines on the 19th and I won't have to go to the store on the 29th and try to get one when they are already sold out.

And by the way, when FedEx says that my phone is in the truck and on the way to my house, I will be there, no matter if it is the 26th or the 30th, by the door in my jammies...

...waiting patiently for my INCREDIBLE phone to come.
Serious? Why do they do that?

Let me get this straight- I can get my HTC INC with 2 year new customer contract turned onto a one year contract - if I join an active family plan?

I only doubt you because it seems too good to be true, I mean how does that benifit VZW?

Doesn't have to be a family plan, someone just needs to assume liability for your current line. By doing this it will change all lines over 1 year to a year and leave any line under a year unchanged. Trust me on this one, I've been doing it for years. I found out by accident and not sure how this bennifits anyhone other than me. ;)
I put this in another thread, but it definitely bears repeating.

The NE2 (New Every 2) is an additional discount off of the two year price on a phone. It is a plan that any line with an access cost of 34.99 or higher is enrolled in automatically when under a 2 year contract. Since secondary lines for all familyshare plans (except of course the Unlimited) are 9.99 (19.99 for connect and 29.99 for premium, though those plans have been discontinued), they are not eligible for the NE2. Any familyshare primary line, and any single line plan (note this does not include loyalty save or 65 plus plans) will automatically qualify for NE2 on a 2 year contract.

As far as the pre-order is concerned, as far as I know, if you're eligible to upgrade, you should be able to pre-order.

Thanks for the info! I understand how the Family Plan/adding another line works, but when my wife and I were Individual plans (and I was already in a 2yr contract with my then BB Pearl), in January 2009, I was still the primary line and she was added to my plan/billing address as the $9.99 secondary line. I still have the long paper trail receipt from this transaction and it clearly states my wife's phone# as the secondary line. Her 2-yr was up on 7/1/09.
Then on 7/15/09, we went to a different VZW store and changed her dead Razr to an LG and I still have that long paper trail receipt. This is where the F-up happened because now it has my phone# as the secondary and her as the primary?!?

So, last year in July is when the VZW store f-ed up and essentially "took away" my NE2 upgrade of $100. Like I said, I'm going to fight this tooth and nail tomorrow with my Corp rep to get this reversed as I have all the VZW bills and store paper trail receipts to prove this mess up.

Yea, I don't see any reason why I can't be eligible to pre-order even if I don't get my NE2 back, as my phone's 20 months was up this past Jan '10.
Thanks for the info! I understand how the Family Plan/adding another line works, but when my wife and I were Individual plans (and I was already in a 2yr contract with my then BB Pearl), in January 2009, I was still the primary line and she was added to my plan/billing address as the $9.99 secondary line. I still have the long paper trail receipt from this transaction and it clearly states my wife's phone# as the secondary line. Her 2-yr was up on 7/1/09.
Then on 7/15/09, we went to a different VZW store and changed her dead Razr to an LG and I still have that long paper trail receipt. This is where the F-up happened because now it has my phone# as the secondary and her as the primary?!?

So, last year in July is when the VZW store f-ed up and essentially "took away" my NE2 upgrade of $100. Like I said, I'm going to fight this tooth and nail tomorrow with my Corp rep to get this reversed as I have all the VZW bills and store paper trail receipts to prove this mess up.

Yea, I don't see any reason why I can't be eligible to pre-order even if I don't get my NE2 back, as my phone's 20 months was up this past Jan '10.

The NE2 phone you get can be switched between lines. If your primary line is eligible to upgrade with the NE2 discount, you can switch the upgrade/NE2 to your secondary line if you choose to do so (called an alternate upgrade). The upgrade extends the contract of the originally eligible number I believe.
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