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Warner Bros. and Ezra Miller

Being identified as "them" isn't an issue. If someone isn't comfortable with conventional gender roles prescribed by others then why shouldn't they be allowed to do their own thing? Who does that harm?

As for the rest, it will be the usual answer: money and connections protect a lot of people from the consequences of all sorts of shitty behaviour.
Sadly our current society is focused more on accumulating wealth as a priority so as far as Warner Brothers is concerned, they're just following what's now considered to be a good business model.They're not a social services company, and as long as they're not violating any laws they are under no obligation to do anything that might be what's considered to be ethically moral.
If Warner Brothers wants to keep hosting content tied to Miller, as long as it's financially beneficial that's not going to change. If enough backlash does gain traction with the public and that does get deservedly directed to WB to the point were it sees a drop in market share numbers,then it will act accordingly. But streaming online content is a very, very lucrative service now so a little dip in market share isn't a great motivator, the profit margins are just too bloated. Plus the public in general has a pretty pathetic attention span. Most of us get all hyped about some issue for a few days and then the next shiny news item draws us away.
the nonbinary thing is not the issue with me with this guy. it is the fact that he put a woman in a chokehold among other weird and crazy stories. this guy is definitely unhinged.

and yeah it is a money thing as @svim suggested. they put $200 million into the up coming film "the Flash". if it bombs, then i'll bet you that this guy will be done for awhile. i certainly will not be watching the film. they should have used Grant Gustlin who was the original Flash on CW's the Flash tv series. i thought it was wrong that they used another guy. it just shows how terrible DC is with connecting with their fans. it was one reason why i never watched the DC's Justice League where the douche bag first appeared. i heard is a terrible movie anyways.

maybe that might be a solution going forward after the movie comes out.

but i do not think this guy is untouchable. i think you will see this guy get less and less roles on the big screen or on tv.
So here's an update...
CBR - Comic Book Resources: The Flash Reportedly Enabled Ezra Miller's Messiah Complex.
i doubt we will see a flash movie at this point.

what i got out of the article is that DC is trying to copy Marvel's success with Spiderman: No way Home by also having a multiverse with multiple Batman's with Keaton and Afleck making appearances. it is why i am a huge MCU fan and not much of a DCEU fan......especially with Afleck as fat Batman......lol
Being identified as "them" isn't an issue. If someone isn't comfortable with conventional gender roles prescribed by others then why shouldn't they be allowed to do their own thing? Who does that harm?

There are dummies out there who care way too much about gender! They think gender is the single most important thing about a person, and they're wrong. We should all be uncomfortable when those people try to pressure all men to behave in a certain way, and all women to behave in another way! It's one thing to promote gender roles as loose guidelines (which can not and do not apply to every single individual), and another to promote them as strict rules.

That said: I'm not going to call myself "them" or "non-binary"! You can refuse to wrap your whole identity in gender, without ignoring biological reality and pretending that you don't have a gender. If someone calls himself "them" or "non-binary": He's either being trendy, or he's obsessed with gender.
I don't know, it looks kind of meh to me. It's not that great of a trailer. Plus Fatman is in it. They should have put in the Robert Patterson batman. I can't stand Affleck's lack of acting. Keaton's batman should be interesting though.

I'm gonna sit this one out. And maybe wait for it to be on HBO or netflix.....lol
I don't know, it looks kind of meh to me. It's not that great of a trailer. Plus Fatman is in it. They should have put in the Robert Patterson batman. I can't stand Affleck's lack of acting. Keaton's batman should be interesting though.

I'm gonna sit this one out. And maybe wait for it to be on HBO or netflix.....lol

Batman wouldn't be as popular as it is now if it weren't for Michael Keaton's roll as Batman, He's still my Favorite Batman.
Batman wouldn't be as popular as it is now if it weren't for Michael Keaton's roll as Batman, He's still my Favorite Batman.
But would those films have existed without Adam West's role? ;)

Alternatively one could argue that the cultural profile of comic books was already changing before the Burton films were made. A few years before those films were released I was finding articles in serious newspapers about books like Watchmen or The Dark Knight Returns (both of which have recently received tone-deaf adaptations by Snyder, with parts of the latter being inserted into the clunky Batman vs Superman movie), and I suspect it might not be coincidence that Burton's movies would have entered development around that time - though Burton's films were tonally different (more gothic and more camp than The Dark Knight Returns).

Personally I prefer Bale's Batman to Keaton's. I think I see Keaton's as a transitional portrayal between the pure camp of the 60s and the later versions. I've not seen Pattinson's take on the character, so can't express an opinion on him. So for me I guess it's between Bale and the Lego Batman ;).
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