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[WARNING] Car chargers

I've tried that, leaving it on the charger for a while then trying to power up, powering with the cable in USB with and without battery and SIM, and every other thing I could think of. I really didn't want to accept its untimely demise.

He's dead, Jim.

My phone did this, too. It ran itself flat dead and I hadn't noticed for hours. I plugged it in to my Nexus 7 charger, and it did exactly what you described.

Only when I plugged it in to my LG charger with the LG cable did it come back to life.

My phone did this, too. It ran itself flat dead and I hadn't noticed for hours. I plugged it in to my Nexus 7 charger, and it did exactly what you described.

Only when I plugged it in to my LG charger with the LG cable did it come back to life.


I got a new one now =D. Best believe I won't be using anything other than the cord and brick it came with lol.
ok i read a lot of these posts in this thread and i just have to chime in. first off to all whos phones got fried, im sorry to hear that. second, as an auto tech with 20+ years ase experience you all need to understand that electronics are delicate ok? if the car chargers in question truely shorted out, i.e. power going directly to ground, it would have blown the fuse if its key word here, properly fused. what probably happened is when the short occured the phones own battery killed the phone. a short circuit allows unregulated current flow on circuits that are meant to be regulated. best advice i can give is dont use something thats condition is questionable, and if you knew the charger was janky then the big problem lies with you. ive used everything from the factory charges to the cheap ones you buy at flea markets where you pick thru a table full of them to find yours then pay the guy 5 bucks for it. the long and short of it is they are all made in the same places, china, tiawan, etc take the back off your motion and look real hard in the lower left hand corner of the cover. says made in korea. my motion is only 2 months old and the camera flash went out in less than a monyh and i barely used the camera. shrug it is what it is. bad luck.
my motion is only 2 months old and the camera flash went out in less than a monyh and i barely used the camera. shrug it is what it is. bad luck.

If your motion is still activated, you can get it replaced for $15...not a bad deal, just gotta wait a few days. Oh and you gotta go to a corp store :)

I replaced my motion 4-5 times now :D
First month they'll do it for free, after that, it's $15 if you're willing to wait a few days, $30 for instant replacement if they have it in stock.
I don't think it's just the car chargers, I believe something is wrong with this phone from the factory. I don't use a car charger and my phone came with an LG charger, but it still died on me.
You really don't want to believe that it could be the phone do ya? haha joking. Well, I got a replacement, and guess what? New charger, new phone, and it did the same thing! :( Very unsatisfied customer here. I even moved so it couldn't be the wall outlet. I just wish these phones didn't have the problems that they do, because when it works, this phone is very nice. It's just ashame I get to use them as target practice now. :)
You really don't want to believe that it could be the phone do ya? haha joking. Well, I got a replacement, and guess what? New charger, new phone, and it did the same thing! :( Very unsatisfied customer here. I even moved so it couldn't be the wall outlet. I just wish these phones didn't have the problems that they do, because when it works, this phone is very nice. It's just ashame I get to use them as target practice now. :)

I only had the car charger problem once. But I did replace my phone 4 times, 3 of them because of tests gone bad, the other was the car charger.
Found this forum trying to figure out what happened to my motion. It sounds exactly like what is being described here except it wasn't plugged into a car charger, but the original wall charger from the box. I have no idea what happened, just woke up one morning and it was dead. Really dead. I ordered a replacement, but after reading this forum, I'm probably getting a different phone soon. I don't have the patience to swap them out ever couple months. I read some people are on their 7th replacement. How has LG not worked this problem out? Certainly won't be buying their brand anymore.
Found this forum trying to figure out what happened to my motion. It sounds exactly like what is being described here except it wasn't plugged into a car charger, but the original wall charger from the box. I have no idea what happened, just woke up one morning and it was dead. Really dead. I ordered a replacement, but after reading this forum, I'm probably getting a different phone soon. I don't have the patience to swap them out ever couple months. I read some people are on their 7th replacement. How has LG not worked this problem out? Certainly won't be buying their brand anymore.

Your problem is not a dead phone. Plug the phone into a PC, for like an hour. It should start charging. When the battery is at a true 0%, plugging into a wall doesn't seem to charge it for some reason.
oh my phone wasn't completely dead when I plugged it into the charger, though it has been before and it did just fine. It had like maybe 5% left when I plugged it in that night and I put it on my nightstand, woke up the next morning and it was still plugged in, but wouldn't work. The charger works fine for my boyfriends samsung admire, so it isn't the charger. I haven't tried plugging it into my laptop though. I'll try that. I mean anything is worth a try at this point.
oh my phone wasn't completely dead when I plugged it into the charger, though it has been before and it did just fine. It had like maybe 5% left when I plugged it in that night and I put it on my nightstand, woke up the next morning and it was still plugged in, but wouldn't work. The charger works fine for my boyfriends samsung admire, so it isn't the charger. I haven't tried plugging it into my laptop though. I'll try that. I mean anything is worth a try at this point.

The battery meter is sometimes really glitchy. One time my phone said 50% next minute, battery dead completely and I had to plug into my laptop to get it to light up at all. Reboot once every 2-3 days and it won't glitch out like that :)
I've been reading through a lot of these post and I must say the people who have had problems with there phones getting bricked while charging them using a charger for another phone or piece of hardware just had bad luck with the phones they purchased. I've had my MS770 now for just over a year and I have used at least 50 different cords and chargers made for picture frames, Samsung phones to Kindle fire and I have had no problem charging my MS770. Say you do have a short in the power pack while charging, in a perfect world the most that would happen is the 15 amp breaker it is plugged into would trip before any damage could happen to the phone. In an imperfect world you plugged your charger into a 20 amp outlet you no the one your frig and dishwasher are on plugged into and the short can't go to ground because there is NO ground on that two pronged charger you have plugged in to the wall and there is no way in hell you are every going to go over the 20 amps not with that little 3 volt DC charger so what happens is the fuse in the battery does not blows and your phone is toast. Back in the perfect world the fuse in the battery blows and the only damage done is to the battery which can be replaced with a new one for $3.00 on EBay. :smokingsomb:
All I can tell you is that my phone was plugged in to a lamp that has an outlet on it and I've never really had problems with it before, however that night my phone just died somehow and the battery is perfectly fine. By that I mean I took it to the store to be replaced and they popped the battery out of the dead phone put it in the new phone and it turned on no problem. The phone was fried not the battery. I don't know how that happened, but it did.
I've been reading through a lot of these post and I must say the people who have had problems with there phones getting bricked while charging them using a charger for another phone or piece of hardware just had bad luck with the phones they purchased. I've had my MS770 now for just over a year and I have used at least 50 different cords and chargers made for picture frames, Samsung phones to Kindle fire and I have had no problem charging my MS770. Say you do have a short in the power pack while charging, in a perfect world the most that would happen is the 15 amp breaker it is plugged into would trip before any damage could happen to the phone. In an imperfect world you plugged your charger into a 20 amp outlet you no the one your frig and dishwasher are on plugged into and the short can't go to ground because there is NO ground on that two pronged charger you have plugged in to the wall and there is no way in hell you are every going to go over the 20 amps not with that little 3 volt DC charger so what happens is the fuse in the battery does not blows and your phone is toast. Back in the perfect world the fuse in the battery blows and the only damage done is to the battery which can be replaced with a new one for $3.00 on EBay. :smokingsomb:

This phone must have bad battery fuses then....this IS an imperfect world ;)
So I have always used AF for any problems with my phones and finally decided to join when I saw this thread, though I know its a little old.
I have have had my current Motion since Sept '13 (i lost my first one from Nov '12) and had honestly put it through much abuse. The first week it was dunked in the toilet and sink. But I've always been able to save it. In Jan though I feel asleep listening to Pandora on my wifi and woke up to a completely dead/fried phone. I tried everything from safe mode to a reset (pwr button hold) to battery pull to diff chargers. Nothing. The battery wasn't registering. The odd thing is, that same night the PS3 WAS UPDATED with the notorious Data Bomb that ruined countless consuls for Ps3 users (look it up, its shocking) and so my ps3 was dead and ON TOP OF THAT our internet/wifi wasnt connecting or registering at all. Everything had to be reset/cycled/factory reset more then 5 times before they started reading again. Except my phone. Over the course of 1 month I called Metro (no help), their insurance comp (said i would need to file, then reinstate my dead phone first), factory reset my phone 10+ times thought it would never go through and needed to be plugged in and almost gave up. I do have a sprint car charger that i believe might have been the culprit BUT I also believe that the corrupted update for the PS3 that knocked out our entire networking systems was responsible. So any way to end this NOVEL, I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK!!!!!! I have the insurance comp one last call and they told me to do all the above procedures (resets) and nada. The one diff thing I did was while plugged in, with the battery out, i held down pwr+ vol dwn for about 30 sec. It didn't vibrate or anything though.(So I was told to just get a replacement) BUUUUUT... I decided to put the Sim and battery back and just leave it charging while I got some other things done. The next day (it charged for prob 3 hrs) i tried another hard reset and.....viola it turned on!! The screen wasn't responsive at first so I did it again and it finally went ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!! Now the Phone guy has said the official reset that really works is the one that you do through settings with the phone ON. The other hard reset (phone off) doesn't always work.
So if you're still reading, I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK AGAIN, through my stubbornness and no replacement needed. I was using diff chargers for my phone, i never opened my new one, i was saving it as a spare.
SIDE NOTE: my phone information changed ,i realized, though it might be because of the reset. On all of my accounts i now have 2 lgs registered with different MEIDS and some other stuff, so it isn't recognized as the same phone. Also if my phone fully dies i have to hold the pwr down(soft soft reset) to have the battery register, even though my battery is good. Lastly, if my phone is off and I power it on, it knocks out the internet sig temporarily, but it comes right back. On my Ps3 however it needs to be restarted every time. WEIRD RIGHT???
Well yes, this is my story, feel free to give me your take on things.=)
So I have always used AF for any problems with my phones and finally decided to join when I saw this thread, though I know its a little old.
I have have had my current Motion since Sept '13 (i lost my first one from Nov '12) and had honestly put it through much abuse. The first week it was dunked in the toilet and sink. But I've always been able to save it. In Jan though I feel asleep listening to Pandora on my wifi and woke up to a completely dead/fried phone. I tried everything from safe mode to a reset (pwr button hold) to battery pull to diff chargers. Nothing. The battery wasn't registering. The odd thing is, that same night the PS3 WAS UPDATED with the notorious Data Bomb that ruined countless consuls for Ps3 users (look it up, its shocking) and so my ps3 was dead and ON TOP OF THAT our internet/wifi wasnt connecting or registering at all. Everything had to be reset/cycled/factory reset more then 5 times before they started reading again. Except my phone. Over the course of 1 month I called Metro (no help), their insurance comp (said i would need to file, then reinstate my dead phone first), factory reset my phone 10+ times thought it would never go through and needed to be plugged in and almost gave up. I do have a sprint car charger that i believe might have been the culprit BUT I also believe that the corrupted update for the PS3 that knocked out our entire networking systems was responsible. So any way to end this NOVEL, I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK!!!!!! I have the insurance comp one last call and they told me to do all the above procedures (resets) and nada. The one diff thing I did was while plugged in, with the battery out, i held down pwr+ vol dwn for about 30 sec. It didn't vibrate or anything though.(So I was told to just get a replacement) BUUUUUT... I decided to put the Sim and battery back and just leave it charging while I got some other things done. The next day (it charged for prob 3 hrs) i tried another hard reset and.....viola it turned on!! The screen wasn't responsive at first so I did it again and it finally went ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!! Now the Phone guy has said the official reset that really works is the one that you do through settings with the phone ON. The other hard reset (phone off) doesn't always work.
So if you're still reading, I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK AGAIN, through my stubbornness and no replacement needed. I was using diff chargers for my phone, i never opened my new one, i was saving it as a spare.
SIDE NOTE: my phone information changed ,i realized, though it might be because of the reset. On all of my accounts i now have 2 lgs registered with different MEIDS and some other stuff, so it isn't recognized as the same phone. Also if my phone fully dies i have to hold the pwr down(soft soft reset) to have the battery register, even though my battery is good. Lastly, if my phone is off and I power it on, it knocks out the internet sig temporarily, but it comes right back. On my Ps3 however it needs to be restarted every time. WEIRD RIGHT???
Well yes, this is my story, feel free to give me your take on things.=)

Your WiFi sounds like it's just old or very cheap. Try a new router, I have a friend who has this weird WiFi router that every time if I connected with my Motion and I let it just fall asleep (screen turns off after a certain amount of time) the WiFi would be knocked out, and yes I had it set to not disconnect from WiFi when it goes to sleep. If you have one of those All-In-One routers provided from your ISP (modem and WiFi router in one), get your own WiFi router, get your own modem, return your AIO router to your ISP so they will stop charging you that extra $5-10/month for lease.

I once was able to revive a completely dead motion by charging the battery itself without going through the usb charger on the motion.

When the Motion is completely dead like that, usually charging it through a computer outlet/PS3 outlet will revive it faster than a wall charger. I think it just happens to be a coincidence that your battery completely died the same day that the PS3's were all handed fake updates.
Better to avoid car chargers as much as possible. Unlike wall outlets which have very stable steady power, car cigarette lighters voltage and amps are all over the place. I keep a car charger in my cars, but only for extreme emergencies.
However... using usb on a computer to charge a phone is just as bad as a car charger. And worse for the computer unless your usb port is powered by its own power source. Fyi
However... using usb on a computer to charge a phone is just as bad as a car charger. And worse for the computer unless your usb port is powered by its own power source. Fyi

Myths. Not true.

A usb port is completely safe for both devices.

Safer if the computer is on a surge suppressor.
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