Welcome to the new Android Forums!
The brand new version of AndroidForums.com you’re currently seeing has been in development for almost a year, built side-by-side with our app, and is inspired by Material Design and was built from the ground up with the Android users in mind.
If you haven’t already, download our official Forums for Android app, which works seamlessly with the new website.
Aside from the visual appeal of our new look (beautiful, ain’t it?), we reimagined what a truly helpful, entertaining, and valuable Android Community would include. And then we built it.
The “Devices” and “Apps & Games” section are populated using real data from real devices using the Forums for Android app. Every single device and app therefore have their very own discussion community that the community itself can help mold.
There are various "quick finder" boxes that will autocomplete with topics to help you find exacty what you're looking for, or, if you just want to browse, you can do that too.
Take special note of the “Favorites” section at the top of the homepage (must be logged in) or by clicking “Favorites” in the left menu. After adding some favorites, check out the two filters on the homepage, where you can find new and trending posts from only your favorite forums, helping bubble up the conversations most relevant to you.
It may take some time to get familiar with the new look and feel, but once you have, we're confident you'll love it as much as we do.
What do you think?!?!?! Let us know in the replies!
Your feedback will help us squash bugs, iron out issues we overlooked, and build our feature wishlist to help direct future development.
Edit by Phases: See this!: http://androidforums.com/threads/welcome-to-the-new-android-forums.1121138/page-4#post-7497116
The brand new version of AndroidForums.com you’re currently seeing has been in development for almost a year, built side-by-side with our app, and is inspired by Material Design and was built from the ground up with the Android users in mind.
If you haven’t already, download our official Forums for Android app, which works seamlessly with the new website.
Aside from the visual appeal of our new look (beautiful, ain’t it?), we reimagined what a truly helpful, entertaining, and valuable Android Community would include. And then we built it.
The “Devices” and “Apps & Games” section are populated using real data from real devices using the Forums for Android app. Every single device and app therefore have their very own discussion community that the community itself can help mold.
There are various "quick finder" boxes that will autocomplete with topics to help you find exacty what you're looking for, or, if you just want to browse, you can do that too.
Take special note of the “Favorites” section at the top of the homepage (must be logged in) or by clicking “Favorites” in the left menu. After adding some favorites, check out the two filters on the homepage, where you can find new and trending posts from only your favorite forums, helping bubble up the conversations most relevant to you.
It may take some time to get familiar with the new look and feel, but once you have, we're confident you'll love it as much as we do.
What do you think?!?!?! Let us know in the replies!
Your feedback will help us squash bugs, iron out issues we overlooked, and build our feature wishlist to help direct future development.
Edit by Phases: See this!: http://androidforums.com/threads/welcome-to-the-new-android-forums.1121138/page-4#post-7497116
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