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Welcome to the new AndroidForums (Round 2)



We have completed "SP1", the first round of bug fixes and improvements made after the launch of our new design. Great work, @Morgan and @James328 ! They completed over 50 tickets/tasks asked of them.

A lot of great work went into this. However, things started to get very tough to track down and keep track of using our original thread, so I am starting a new one for our next round. Few things to note:

1. I am going to keep track of all requests that are on my radar, in this original post, so that too many things don't get mentioned too many times. These are member requested, non staff related items. There are more besides these.

Some will have links, links aren't meant to point to all references, just one or two.

2. If you posted a bug, or concern on the original post that still exists, and you don't see it here and it was not addressed by me on the original announcement, you may mention it again here.

3. I am not tracking feedback for the Androd app of ours, "Forums for Android". This thread is for the web / mobile site. Feedback for the App goes here.


Approved - Queued for work
Pending - Details not hashed out, or need to discuss further
Denied - Not going to do
Done - Completed

Service Pack 2:
Top pagination sometimes too thin: Approved

Resizing bug covers lower soft buttons: Approved

IE Issues: Approved
- Top Right buttons (login, register, profile) hidden by default in IE, must toggle width.
- "browse more" cards in IE are messed up.
- Long forum names do not wrap in favorites cards in IE.

Carriers have both Forums and Channels: Approved

Mouseover thread previews: Approved

Drafts require refresh on delete: Approved

Mark Forum / Mark All Forums Read: Pending

Ability to Sort/Order Favorites: Pending

Emojis: Pending

HTTPS / TLS implementation: Done

Ability to Minimize Favorites: Done

Indicate what page on a thread you are on: Done

Mark Original Poster on subsequent replies: Done

Closed threads need to indicate closed, to staff, via quick reply box. Done

Watched vs Unwatched Icon Inconsistencies: Done

Left Sidebar / Home Page Dropdowns need to remember setting: Done

Conversation button missing when mobile, portrait: Done

Firefox Alignment: Done

Last post timestamp link needs to work for logged out users: Done

Report notification wording to indicate Moderator: Done

Add "Unread" to left homepage dropdown option: Done

Formatting mobile is broken if multiple badges: Done

App not showing notifications: Moved to App Feedback
Approved but, not sure this should go here. Will notify @stevealbright .

Apostrophes / images funky when quoted in App: Moved to App Feedback
Approved but, not sure this should go here. Will notify @stevealbright .

iOS app: Denied

There are no plans for an iOS application.

User Likes/Post Count instead of Trophy Points in posts: Denied

We have recently fixed this. It was broken, but now is well. Your points taken in your post count, as well as likes, as well as a number of other things. Now, instead of just a vague idea of how much someone has posted, we can generate a better indication of your status. It is just as easy to glance at, and like post counts/likes - soon you will be able to scan those numbers and get the same feel for someone as before. It does take some getting used to, but I do believe it will grow on people.

Tapatalk issues: Denied

Tapatalk support is being discontinued:

Dark Theme: Denied

At least for now. Chrome users, check out the "Dark Reader" extension. Pretty nice.
Last edited:
When I tapped on thread titles it took me to the last post. Still does.

What does the green dot do?
Technically, it is bringing you the the first unready, which by coincidence is the last post. If you refresh the homepage and click the title again it will bring you to the first post.
I just discovered your change. If I use the three bars and have the left panel toggled off and I go to a new page ... the left panel is toggled off. Great. Thank you.


I did not find some things in the new summary. Some perhaps should be added and marked as denied. Some that are missing seem to be OBE.

B1. Names of Elements

Current Name Recommended Name Example
Channel Forum Motorola Droid Turbo 2
Forum of Channels Group of Forums Android Devices
... with that change we would always be talking about manipulating forums.

B2. Trophy Points

Instead of ...
Trophy Points
... use ..
Posts • Likes

B3. Favorite Channel

Currently I can mark Android Devices as a favorite and see all new posts in Android Devices. I can mark Motorola Droid Turbo 2 as a favorite but cannot have new posts listed for that channel. Instead I have to list all channels and scan the names manually for the channels I am watching.

B4. Favorites List on Home Page

Listing the Favorites names on the home page instead of in buttons is an advantage to such a small community that it isn't worth doing. The option to just not list the buttons would be an advantage for people with a lot of buttons.

... Thom
B1. Huh?
B2. That will be denied at least for now, I will add it with explanation.
B3. Wait I thought this was fixed. The dropdowns on home page, you should be able to list new in favorites?
B4. I think my plan for this might be denied but, there IS a plan to have a plan. We do see how something needs to happen.
B1. I personally was confused by what a channel was and had to learn it. Maybe I am the only person in the world who was confused.

I think if the various current messages are reviewed you will see some instances where channels is used to refer to a forums or channels and some places where forums is used.

B3. You reported earlier that it was working. I did in depth testing for you with assistance from @Unforgiven and @mikedt reporting that it was not working. I was not told that it was fixed. Was it?

Listing the denied would be advantageous so they would not be repeated.

... Thom
On mobile Chrome, when I press on my avatar, alerts icon or messages icon (upper right corner of most every screen), they don't open unless I press those 3 icons twice in a row. The search button directly next to them works on the first press however.
B5 Home Page Center Panel Dropdown

I had the dropdown in the Home Page Center Panel set to ...
Most Recent / Favorites
I logged off and logged on
When I returned to the home page it was set to ...
Most Recent / All
It ought to remember the setting.

B6 Three Bars in Heading

I had the three bars in the heading set to hide the left panel.
I logged off and logged on
When I returned to any page the left panel was displayed.
It ought to remember the setting.

... Thom
Another minor request for formattiong on the pagination. It can be hard to tell what current page you are on. Just turning the page number green with a little green bottom line is subtle enough that sometimes I miss it.

Screenshot 2017-03-04 at 7.28.45 AM.png

Possibly making the current page number BOLD as well would make it stand out enough?
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