Strung up and lynched isn't good enough huh? I'm wondering though how about all those people that go out and kill deer and other beautiful wild animals? Or heaven forbid all the people in other countries that eat dog.
What Michael Vic did is sick. No excuses accepted. PERIOD.
What's worse is the number of people that see it any other way.
VERY sad obituary to our society.
Most people I know who hunt are egotistical and self-centered. To get a thrill out of taking ANY life speaks for itself. As humans we should lead the way in recognizing that creatures other than our species can feel pain and suffering. It takes intelligence to recognize this. Apparently, a large segment of the human race is lacking. Looking at the USA, this is glaringly apparent. What mentality drives one to mutilate others pets or enjoy watching an animal die a painful death by arrow or gunshot? A VERY large segment of the human race is sick.
People in other countries stone young girls for leaving their violent, abusive husbands also. So it's ok since people in other countries do it?
Pain and suffering is a fact of life on this planet. But that doesn't mean we have to embrace or enjoy inflicting it on another living being. That doesn't raise us above wild animal intellect, it makes us on par with them.
I would settle for a quiet lethal injection for MV as long as he and his genetics were eradicated quickly and completely. That our society is welcoming him back into it and even rewarding him (NIKE) is disgusting.
Humans have a tendency to be vile. Rome was full of bloodlust.
It fell and so will all societies lacking real intellect. Notice anything going on around you?
Neanderthal man could kill. But he couldn't repair a newborn's bad heart valve or figure out how to build flying machines. The difference is intellect.