Spiders scare the hell out of me. I'm arachnophobic.
What saddens me most is that there are SO many ignorant people when it comes to homosexuality. It amazes me how misinformed people are... particularly the religious nuts and politicians. One politician's reason on banning the discussion of homosexuality in schools in Tennessee was because it's a "learned behavior". I also find it equally saddening that people believe that being homosexual is simply a choice... yet not one gay person says it's a choice. Ignorance ignorance ignorance.
Right, as if we heterosexuals chose to be the way we are. Nope!
There was a time when I thought girls were icky. Then they grew breasts, and all of a sudden they jumped all the way to the top of the list... right past legos, BMX bikes, bb guns, all the way to the #1 coolest thing on earth! I had no say in the matter. It wasn't like I looked at a girl and a boy and said, "ok, I'll go with the girl I guess". I was just naturally attracted to them.
For those who think it's a choice, or who can't empathize with the life of a homosexual because they think it's disgusting and therefore can't understand why they don't just settle down with a member of the opposite sex and live the way nature intended, it's actually a lot easier to understand than you would think. Whenever I come across someone like that, I give them this scenario...
Say we were born on a planet where homosexuality was the norm, and heterosexuality was the abomination, the target of religious damnation and social disapproval. If we lived on a planet where in nature men were with men and women were with women and I was born the way I am, could I settle down with another man just to escape social ridicule, teasing, hazing, harasement, being disowned by my parents, and having the church tell me that my lifestyle goes against Gods will???
Nah, I'd have to come out of the closet and let everyone know that as disgusting as everyone thinks it is, I'm attracted to other women. And it's not only that I'm attracted to women, but I'm also thoroughly put off by the thought of having intercourse with another male. So in a world where gay is men loving women and women loving men... I'd have to be gay.
Because I didn't make this choice to crave women, it's just the way I'm wired. Beat me up, call me names, kick me out of the church... do anything you want to me, it isn't going to convince me to enter into a relationship with a member of my own sex. It might be a hard life for me, but I really wouldn't have any other choice. Because being with another man would be the worse choice of the two paths to take. I don't even know how some gay men get married and have kids with a woman, and then sneak around with men to fullfill their desires. Because under the stated circumstances, I could not get married to another man and sneak around with women to fullfill my desires. I just couldn't be with another man period.
So to anyone who thinks it's a choice, answer me this... if you were living in a society where heterosexuals like yourself were unnatural, could you 'choose' to be with a member of your own sex just to fit in and not be labeled "GAY"???